Distribution of NE- and KCl-responsive precursor cells along the septotemporal axis of the hippocampus. Distribution of NE- and KCl-responsive precursor cells along the septotemporal axis of the hippocampus. A, A schematic representing an equal division of the isolated hippocampus into septal (S), middle (M), and temporal (T) regions, and the total number of neurospheres generated from these regions in each of the conditions. Note that a significant increase in the number of neurospheres obtained in NE and KCl was observed from the middle and temporal regions but not from the septal region of the hippocampus when compared with either treatment alone (n = 3 experiments, two-way ANOVA for treatments, F(2,4) = 10.49, p < 0.05). B, Quantification of the proportion of the total NE- or KCl-activated neurospheres across the septal, middle, and temporal regions of the hippocampus revealed a significantly higher proportion of NE-activated neurospheres from the septal versus the temporal hippocampus (two-way ANOVA: F(2,12) = 7.4, p < 0.01). Notably, the temporal hippocampus produced significantly more KCl-activated than NE-activated neurospheres. Values are represented as the mean ± SEM: *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01. Dhanisha J. Jhaveri et al. J. Neurosci. 2015;35:8132-8144 ©2015 by Society for Neuroscience