Top 10 Misunderstood Rules Courtesy of Softball Ontario
Top 10 Misunderstood Rules 1 - Left Hand Turn from First Base 2 - Check Swing 3 - Award of Bases on an Overthrow 4 - Batted Ball Hitting Home Plate or a Base 5 - Batter Stepping on Home Plate or on Mat Directly in Front of Home Plate or Mat
Top 10 Misunderstood Rules 6 - Fair Ball Bouncing Out of Play or Off a Defensive Player 7 - Infield Fly 8 - Lead-Off (Pitcher’s Circle) – Fastpitch only 9 - Difference Between Interference and Obstruction 1 0 - Double Base
1 Top 10 Misunderstood Rules LEFT HAND TURN FROM FIRST BASE A runner forfeits his/her exemption from liability to be put out if, after overrunning first base, he/she makes an attempt to run to second base. P There must be an attempt to 2nd base P If no attempt to 2nd base, it does not matter which direction the batter-runner turns to return to 1st base
Top 10 Misunderstood Rules 2 CHECK SWING If the plate umpire’s judgement that the batter made an attempt to swing at the ball (but not a full swing): P The pitched ball is called a strike. P This call is NOT to be appealed to the base umpire
Top 10 Misunderstood Rules 2 CHECK SWING (page 2 of 4) If the batter attempted to swing at the ball but the plate umpire did not see the attempt: P Then a BALL will be called The plate umpire may check with the base umpire: P On his/her own (without being asked) P After a request from the defensive team (catcher)
Top 10 Misunderstood Rules 2 CHECK SWING (page 3 of 4) The base umpire shall only answer a check swing request made by the plate umpire The base umpire shall not respond to a check swing request made by a defensive player The plate umpire will step out from behind the catcher, point to the base umpire, call his/her name and ask “Swing”
Top 10 Misunderstood Rules 2 CHECK SWING (page 4 of 4) If the base umpires saw the attempt: P Verbalize “Yes” and give the “Strike” signal P Call will be changed from Ball to Strike P If third strike, sell the call If the base umpire did not think it was a swing: P Verbalize “No” and give the “Safe” signal P Call will remain as Ball
3 Top 10 Misunderstood Rules AWARD OF BASES ON AN OVERTHROW When a thrown ball goes out of play: All runners are awarded two bases From the last base legally touched Based on the time the ball left the fielder’s hand If there are two runners between the same bases, the award is based on the position of the lead runner.
3 Top 10 Misunderstood Rules AWARD OF BASES ON AN OVERTHROW (page 2 of 2) Keys to Remember with this rule: Runners position at time of the throw Not from the time ball went out of play Watch for the long throw from the outfield P If a runner is returning to 1st base to tag up on a fly ball, they will still be awarded two bases (2nd and 3rd)
4 Top 10 Misunderstood Rules BATTED BALL HITTING HOME PLATE OR A BASE P A batted ball striking home plate is live and in play A batted ball resting on home plate is a FAIR ball P Home plate is completely in fair territory (fair/foul lines come to the back point of home plate)
4 Top 10 Misunderstood Rules BATTED BALL HITTING HOME PLATE OR A BASE (page 2 of 2) First or Third Base: P 1st and 3rd base are positioned completely in fair territory. (* see #10 – Double base) A batted ball striking 1st or 3rd base before being touched by a player is a FAIR ball The ball simply contacting 1st or 3rd base makes it a fair ball Plate umpire should signal fair ball immediately on contact
5 Top 10 Misunderstood Rules BATTER STEPPING ON HOME PLATE OR MAT DIRECTLY IN FRONT OF HOME PLATE Stepping on Home Plate or Mat: The batter is out if: Any part of their foot is touching home plate or the mat When the bat contacts the ball The ball is dead and runners may not advance
Top 10 Misunderstood Rules BATTER STEPPING ON HOME PLATE OR MAT DIRECTLY IN FRONT OF HOME PLATE (page 2 of 3) 5 Stepping Directly in Front or Behind Home Plate or Mat: The batter is out if: P Their foot is completely outside the lines of the batter’s box (in front or behind home plate or the mat) P And touching the ground when the bat contacts the ball The ball is dead and runners may not advance on the play
Top 10 Misunderstood Rules BATTER STEPPING ON HOME PLATE OR MAT DIRECTLY IN FRONT OF HOME PLATE (page 3 of 3) 5 P There is no penalty unless the contact made with the ball Position of the foot at time the bat makes contact with the ball – if the foot is in the air and then comes down on the ground after the ball is hit, there is no penalty Touching the lines is considered in the box except if stepping on home plate or the mat Same penalty if batted ball is FAIR or FOUL – Dead Ball, Out
6 Top 10 Misunderstood Rules FAIR BALL BOUNCING OUT OF PLAY OR OFF A DEFENSIVE PLAYER A fair ball bounces or deflects off a defensive player out of play: The umpire immediately declares “Dead Ball” All runners shall be awarded two bases Award is based on their position at the time of the PITCH Award is same regardless of where ball goes out of play Award may cause runners to move backwards (e.g. back to 2nd or 3rd, depending where they were at the start of the play.
Top 10 Misunderstood Rules 7 INFIELD FLY Requirements for an Infield Fly: Runners on: 1st & 2nd OR 1st , 2nd & 3rd base, Less than 2 out, Not a bunt NOR a line drive, Can be caught by an infielder with ordinary effort, or any outfielder positioned in the infield
Top 10 Misunderstood Rules 7 INFIELD FLY (page 2 of 2) Once an Infield Fly has been Declared: If it becomes a FOUL ball, no penalty – treat like any foul ball If it remains a FAIR ball: - Batter is out regardless of whether the ball is caught or not - The ball remains alive - Runners may advance at their own risk - If the ball is caught, runners must tag up - If the ball is not caught, since the batter is out, there is no forced play on any of the base runners (advance at own risk)
8 Top 10 Misunderstood Rules LEAD OFF (PITCHER’S CIRCLE) – FP ONLY The Pitcher’s Circle is the area within a 8’ radius of the pitcher’s plate – the lines are considered within the circle Even though the ball may be in the pitcher’s possession in the pitcher’s circle, the batter-runner may: Continue past first base Is entitled to continue on to second base as long as he/she does not stop at first base
8 Top 10 Misunderstood Rules LEAD OFF (PITCHER’S CIRCLE) – FP ONLY (page 2 of 3) Once the batter-runner stops: He/she must immediately proceed to the next base, OR Return to his/her base UNLESS the pitcher makes a play (including a fake throw) on the runner or another runner.
8 Top 10 Misunderstood Rules LEAD OFF (PITCHER’S CIRCLE) – FP ONLY (page 3 of 3) If the runner stops and simply stands there off the base: “DEAD BALL - RUNNER IS OUT - LEAD-OFF” If the runner stops and then makes a move in more than one direction immediately after the stop: “DEAD BALL - RUNNER IS OUT - LEAD OFF” - The pitcher cannot force the runner to stop just by having the ball - Once a runner stops, they must decide to advance or return - A play on the runner (including a fake throw) allows runner to make another stop
9 Top 10 Misunderstood Rules DIFFERENCE BETWEEN INTERFERENCE AND OBSTRUCTION Interference is: Typically an act by an offensive player Possible to have umpire or spectator interference Results in ”Dead Ball” - Exception – umpire interference – then Delayed Dead Ball Results in an out if by an offensive player
9 Top 10 Misunderstood Rules DIFFERENCE BETWEEN INTERFERENCE AND OBSTRUCTION (page 2 of 3) Obstruction is: An act by a defensive player Results in a delayed dead ball Award is determined at the end of the play Exception – play ends once the obstructed player is called out An obstruction call does not entitle the obstructed runner to keep attempting to advance until played upon
9 Top 10 Misunderstood Rules DIFFERENCE BETWEEN INTERFERENCE AND OBSTRUCTION (page 3 of 3) Contact does not always mean interference or obstruction When more than one fielder is attempting to field a batted ball, and the runner comes into contact with the fielder who the umpire judges as not entitled to field the ball, then it is not interference
10 Top 10 Misunderstood Rules DOUBLE BASE (FIRST BASE) The Double Base is used at first base with the orange portion in foul territory and the white portion in fair territory A batted ball striking: P the white/fair portion FAIR ball P the orange/foul portion FOUL ball P the centre of the double base FAIR ball
10 Top 10 Misunderstood Rules DOUBLE BASE (FIRST BASE) (page 2 of 4) Defensive player must use only the white/fair portion Offensive player must use only the orange/foul portion when a play is being made on him/her If there is no play being made at first, the runner can use the white/fair portion
10 Top 10 Misunderstood Rules DOUBLE BASE (FIRST BASE) (page 3 of 4) Exception (new in 2013): On any live ball play made from first base foul territory, the batter-runner and the defensive player may use either base. The “double base” becomes one large base, and the entire base can be used by both the defensive player and the batter-runner. When the defensive player uses the foul portion of the double base, the batter-runner can run in fair territory and if hit by a thrown ball from the foul side of first base, it would not be interference.
10 Top 10 Misunderstood Rules DOUBLE BASE (FIRST BASE) (page 4 of 4) Once an offensive player has touched the orange/foul portion of the base on his/her first attempt at first base, he/she must then use the white/fair portion of the base: When returning to the base after overrunning first base When taking his/her position prior to the next pitch When tagging up on a fly ball
Top 10 Misunderstood Rules Questions / Comments Thanks to Softball Ontario and the “Respect My Game” campaign for putting this information together, and to the Calgary Softball Umpires Association for taking that information and putting it into a presentation.