Plants By: Aaryan Mohindru
The parts of a plant The main parts of a plant are the roots, flower, stem, and leaves.
Leaves A compound leaf is a leaf with multiple tiny leaves within it. A simple leaf is unlike the compound leaf. There is only on big leaf instead of tons of tiny leaves.
Stem In the stem there are two tissues. Xylem and Phloem. The stem also holds the plant up and off the ground.
Mid rib The mid rib is the line you usually see that goes straight down the middle of the leaf. It makes the shape of the leaf and holds it together.
Xylem The xylem is a tissue that resides in the stem. The xylem carries water up the plant to the other parts of a plant.
Phloem Like the xylem, the phloem resides in the stem. The phloem brings food down the plant.
Tap roots/Fibrous roots Tap roots are roots that go straight into the ground and are easy to pull out of the ground. Fibrous roots spread out underground and are hard to pull out of the ground. Fibrous root
The process of photosynthesis The process of photosynthesis includes light, carbon dioxide, oxygen, water, and chlorophyll. The leaves absorb the water and light and breath in co2 from tiny holes in the leaves. That creates glucose (sugar). The plant breathes out oxygen that helps us live.
Light Light is important to a plant in the process of photosynthesis. It helps plant live and helps make food.
Carbon dioxide Like us, plants need to breath. Plant breath in carbon dioxide ( co2 for short) instead of oxygen which is why carbon dioxide is important to plants.
Water Also like us plants need water to drink to live. So do NOT think that plants are totally different then us.
Oxygen We breath in oxygen and breath out carbon dioxide. Plants breath in carbon dioxide and breath out oxygen. So we need each other to live. If plants went extinct we would. If we went extinct it so would plants.
Chlorophyll Chlorophyll is the pigment in plants that makes them green. In the fall leaves die and lose their chlorophyll which is why they change color.
The Process of pollination Pollination begins with pollen gathering on a plant. A pollinator (usually an animal like a bee ) drinks the nectar off a plant not realizing that pollen gathers on their fur. The animal goes to another plant to drink nectar and the pollen rubs off on that plant. That’s pollination which is a never ending process.
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