MacArthur High School Policies and Procedures 2016-2017
Cell Phone Policy Cell Phones may be used anywhere on campus EXCEPT in classrooms. Put all cell phones/electronics away upon entering classrooms. Put all ringers on SILENT. Teachers may allow students to use cell phones for educational purposes only. TEACHER WILL DIRECTLY GIVE INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE. Student cell phones may be confiscated due to policy violation.
ID Policy To promote safety, everyone must have their ID card on their person. You are NOT required to wear it on a lanyard. You must be able to produce your ID card when asked by any faculty or staff member. ID replacements - $5.00
Start on Time (Tardy Policy) When tardy, a faculty/staff member will ‘sweep’ you into a tardy log location. When released, GO DIRECTLY TO CLASS. Consequences will be issued after certain number of tardies are accumulated.
Start on Time (cont’d) 3rd tardy – verbal warning by sweeper 7th tardy – Non-social lunch (lunch detention), counseling 14th tardy – Non-social lunch 21st tardy – Non-social lunch 27th tardy – Overnight Suspension/Administrative Conference with Student and Parent/Guardian 28th+ tardy – Administrative Referral/In-School Suspension
IMPORTANT TO REMEMBER: Start on Time (cont’d) IMPORTANT TO REMEMBER: If you are more than 5 minutes late to a class, you are considered ABSENT. The absence will count towards the 90% attendance policy for credit hours.
Hall Pass Policy You must have a pass to leave a classroom. You may not leave the classroom the first 10 minutes and last 5 minutes of class. Lanyard with Room #: Restroom/Water pass ONLY. Pink Pass: for other destinations Nurse Pass: required to visit Clinic Library passes are required to enter library during classes or lunch period.
Discipline Step Process 1st Incident – Teacher redirection/conference with student 2nd Incident – Teacher redirection and parent contact and detention 3rd Incident – Teacher referral to counselor. 4th Incident – AP office referral 5th Incident – AP office referral 6th Incident – AP office referral
Eligibility Dates These dates apply to any UIL governed events – SPORTS, ACADEMIC UIL, ETC. Check with coaches/sponsors for individual copies. DO NOT WAIT UNTIL THE LAST MINUTE TO WORRY ABOUT ELIGIBILITY.
Hazing Hazing is ANY intentional, knowing or reckless act directed against a student for the purpose of pledging, initiation, affiliating with or holding office in an organization. All types of hazing is a violation of the NEISD Student Code of Conduct. Hazing can mean endangering the mental or physical health or safety of a student. Hazing can occur on or off campus.
Lockdown Procedure When soft or hard lockdown is announced: Remain in your seat. NO CELL PHONE USE Continue with current activity, unless otherwise directed.
Duck and Cover When a duck and cover is announced wait for teacher to dismiss you and line up outside the classroom against the lockers. Sit on the floor and wait for further instructions. STAY WITH YOUR CLASS. DO NOT GO FIND FRIENDS, ROAM THE CAMPUS, OR GO TO THE BATHROOM/GET WATER.
Fire Drill Procedure When fire drill is sounded, wait for teacher to dismiss you and line up outside the classroom towards the auditorium. Quietly walk down the stairs and out the building towards the faculty parking lot. STAY WITH YOUR CLASS. DO NOT GO FIND FRIENDS, ROAM THE CAMPUS, OR GO TO THE BATHROOM/GET WATER. When cleared, return with your class to the classroom.