Harold Wood Primary School Working Together at Harold Wood Primary School ‘Homework’
Objectives Of This Meeting Why do homework? How can home and school forge the best partnerships in supporting the child? Exploring the structure of homework at Harold Wood Primary School How to motivate your child How to challenge your child at home.
Why Do Homework? Assign purposeful homework Research provides strong evidence that, when used appropriately, homework benefits student achievement. To make sure that homework is appropriate, teachers should follow these guidelines: Assign purposeful homework Design homework to maximize the chances that students will complete it Involve parents in appropriate ways Carefully monitor the amount of homework assigned http://www.ascd.org/publications/educational-leadership/mar07/vol64/num06/The-Case-For-and-Against-Homework.aspx
Why Do Homework?
Why Do Homework?
Why Do Homework? Parental involvement in children’s education from an early age has a significant effect on educational achievement, and continues to do so into adolescence and adulthood. The attitudes and aspirations of parents and of children themselves predict later educational achievement. International evidence suggests that parents with high aspirations are also more involved in their children’s education.
Why Do WE Do Homework? To reinforce learning, develop skills and increase self confidence/self esteem To give parents an opportunity to engage with their child’s learning, provide support and have realistic and ambitious expectations To encourage children to become independent learners for life
The Structure Of Homework at Harold Wood Primary School What do we do and why
Homework Leaflets Clearly show the expectations for each Year Group. Provides an overview across the school. Offers extended activities. Provides support.
Reading Reading with your child is extremely important. Whilst we request a minimum of 3 times per week, the more the better. Modelling to your children is an excellent support. Deducing and inferring information is key to success in reading comprehension.
Some Example Questions During the reading of the book: • Tell me what is happening in the pictures. • What has happened so far? Is it what you expected to happen? • What might happen next? How do you think the story might end? What sort of character is….? Is he/she friendly/ mean/nice…? At the end of the book: • What was the most interesting/ exciting part of the book? Can you find it? • What sort of character is….? • Why did that character do … ? (give a situation/ event from the story) • Who are the main characters in the story? What character would you like to be? • Did you like this book? Why? (Encourage children to develop their opinion about books by encouraging them to explain their reasons)
Reading to Your Child Children need to be exposed to as many different genres of text as possible. Please read the following types of texts as much as you can in addition to the school reading scheme. Library books Non-fiction books Poems Newspapers Comics Picture books It is also very beneficial if you read to your child, perhaps at bedtime, as this allows them to access texts that they would not be able to read alone.
Reading Diaries Please use the diary to record all reading that your child undertakes, including reading library books, poems, comics etc. Please try and write a comment about what you have discussed with your child so that the teacher can build upon this. Please sign your child’s diary when they have read to you, we are finding some children signing themselves and then do not know whether they have read to an adult or not.
Spellings Spelling has greater weighting with the new curriculum – particularly in Year 2. Spelling links have been added to the website – Literacy/Spelling and Y5/Y6 pages. Importance of correcting spelling and learning spelling rules. High Frequency words are key.
Mathletics Homework The aims: For the children to feel more confident with their Maths ability in solving problems To be able to consolidate their Maths strategies and identify any gaps in learning To become more familiar with the test questions and conditions For parents to be able to ‘engage’ with their child’s maths learning
Motivating Your Child Tired of arguing, nagging and struggling with your child to get them to do homework? New structure provides opportunity for creation, discussion, visits and working together at home.
Tips for Assisting with Homework Eliminate the word homework from your vocabulary. Replace it with the word study.
Tips for Assisting with Homework Establish a study routine. This needs to be the same time every day.
Tips for Assisting with Homework Be realistic about the length of study time.
Tips for Assisting with Homework Keep the routine predictable and simple.
Tips for Assisting with Homework Help without over-functioning. Only help if your child asks for it. Do not do problems or projects for children.
Tips for Assisting with Homework Turn your child's activity into a game.
Tips for Assisting with Homework Always praise the process of learning, not the end result. http://www.highlightsparents.com/parenting_perspectives/interview_with_dr_carol_dweck_developing_a_growth_mindset
‘As Educators we have a huge responsibility to support our students in developing a growth mindset which engenders a lifelong love of learning, not a short-term obsession with performance.’ Carol Dweck
Creative Thinking generating questions, ideas and outcomes using imagination being original experimenting with alternatives expanding on what you know or say exercising your judgement
Additional Help/Reading http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/parents/
Additional Help/Reading A full list of websites can be seen in the Homework Guides although there are also some excellent resources available through our school website. Children – Kid’s Zone
Thank you all for attending our evening and supporting learning at Harold Wood Primary School.