Effective Health Promotion Programs that Increase Medication Adherence Within the Hispanic Population: An Integrative Literature Review Yaquilin Rubio DePaul University Introduction Theoretical Framework Review of Literature As of 2016, the Hispanic population makes up 17.6% of the total US population. Hispanic Population is said to triple in size by 2050. The Hispanic population has a very low diabetes awareness, diabetes control, and lack insurance. This Integrative literature review encompasses the Hispanic population as aa whole integrating Mexican, Puerto Rican, Salvadorian, Guatemalan, Honduran, Cuban, and Dominican Republic. There are different beliefs as to how diabetes is diagnosed throughout this population. The mortality rate among Mexican and Puerto Rican is twice as higher than non-whites. Understanding of how Diabetes Type II is acquired varies among different cultures. Guatemalans and Mexican believe that is is heredity but that it can also be caused due to strong emotions and by eating too many sweets. This population also believes that cactus juice can be effective in the treatment of their disease. The Hispanic population with Type II Diabetes Mellitus tends to have more systematic problems such as end stage renal failure. Conceptual Framework guiding this review of literature is the Theory of Reasoned Action and Planned Behavior. This framework helps analyze the patients responses to their behavior and actions. Focuses on the patients motivation factors and their like hood to change their behavior based on their attitude and motivation. This framework best suited for this integrative literature review as it focused on the individuals actions developed through their intended behavior. Analyze intervention programs and patient behavior to understand noncompliance of medication and how nurses can help improve medication adherence. Databases Used CINAHL complete PsychInfo ProQuest Nursing and Allied Health Google Scholar Terms Used Hispanic and/or Latino Immigrant Type II Diabetes Mellitus Health knowledge Compliance beliefs Eligibility search criteria Specific to Hispanic/Latino population Adult subject studies only No children studies Type II Diabetes Mellitus studies only Five articles matched the inclusive search criteria. Data Matrix was completed; author, year, tittle, purpose, type of study, sample, measurement, treatment, results, and findings. Different themes were found through the analyzation of the articles, such as; physical activity, motivation, and self-management. Purpose Conclusion Nutrition The Idaho Plate method where the participants had to shade in their vegetable and fruit consumption. Motivation Pedometer motivated them to increase their physical exercise. Primary intervention is needed for the Hispanic Population who is at high-risk for developing Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Group Lifestyle Balance Program reduced the prevalence of diabetes mellitus in an underserved community primarily Latino. Studies showed that one of the primary factors of not being able to manage their disease was because of the lack of education surrounding the disease and motivation to change their lifestyle. To examine health promotion programs that have helped enhance medication adherence within the Hispanic population with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Nurses will then be able to apply these techniques to patients and therefore increase medication adherence. Methodology Integrative literature review was completed to analyze and synthesize different articles that discuss cultural beliefs and health promotion programs. Integrative literature review consists of reading scientific material to evaluate the purpose of the studies to answer the research question. This integrative review of literature focuses only on adults. There is no specific age-range within the articles but none are child specific. An integrative literature review is the design best suited for the question formulated because it analyzed different articles that discussed cultural health beliefs and health promotion programs and generating a different perspective on this topic so that it can be used to help nurses during patient education. Research Question How have health promotion programs enhanced disease management for the Hispanic population diagnosed with Diabetes Mellitus Type II?