Curriculum Overview for Class 5 – Term 3 English FictionText: Ice Palace Consider how authors develop characterisation and setting and use language for dramatic effect Recognise and use figurative language Use techniques to develop setting and characterisation including dialogue Recognise and use techniques to develop tension and suspense Write an information text about a planet Skills: Adverbials of time, manner, place, reason, duration and direction; Modal verbs; Relative clauses; Direct and indirect speech Measure & calculate perimeter & find unknown lengths Find area of rectangles and compound shapes Estimate & approximate area Multiply 4-digits by 1-digit Multiply 2-digits (area model) Multiply 2-digits by 2-digits Multiply 3-digits by 2-digits Multiply 4-digits by 2-digits Divide 4-digits by 1-digit Divide with remainders Art & Design Create pastel and chalk pictures of the solar system. Geography Understand the different geographical regions of The Americas Compare the physical geography of The Americas and the UK Compare the climate of The Americas and the UK Understand the position and significance of longitude and latitude including time zones Compare the human geography of an area in The Americas and the UK Physical Education Dodgeball, throwing, catching, ball evasion, Team Relays Badminton, control, movement around court, passing, serving, smashing Design & Technology Making ‘cosmic’ cookies Mathematics History Geography focus this term Computing Use text, photo, sound and video editing I can refine and improve a programme I can debug a programme and design an algorithm I can collect, record and present data I can stay safe when using the internet I can research information . Modern Languages Numbers Time Age Using a bilingual dictionary Science Create a scaled solar system model Describe the movement of the Earth, and other planets, relative to the Sun in the solar system Use the idea of the Earth’s rotation to explain day and night & the apparent movement of the sun across the sky Describe the movement of the Moon relative to the Earth Music Respond to and analyse the mood of Mars from The Planets by Gustav Holst. Compose and perform music, including an ostinato pattern, adding dynamic through the use of crescendos and diminuendos. Religious Education Are Sikh stories important today? PSHE Dreams and goals