Water Treatment Project Design a water treatment filtration system to purify polluted water
Next Week Day 1: Research Day 2: Design Day 3: Build Day 4: Test
FriDAY Day 1 In Lab 207 Collaborate with group members to answer research questions Surface water and groundwater Local watershed Pollution of water Treatment of water
MonDAY - Day 2 In Lab Use Google Draw to design your water treatment plant You will use a plastic water bottle and available supplies to create a filtration system that will purify polluted water Supplies available: Pebbles, Clay gravel, Sand, Cotton Balls, Coffee Filters, Gauze
Clay gravel (small cup) Supply List Item Cost Pebbles (medium cup) $50 Clay gravel (small cup) Sand (small cup) Cotton Balls (5) $100 Coffee filter (1) Gauze (3) Plastic bottle Your budget: $500
TueSDAY - Day 3 Bring your own plastic water bottle Decide how much of each supply item to purchase You will have a budget of $500- Choose wisely Build Water Treatment Plant
WednesDAY - Day 4 Each group will get a specific amount of polluted water You will pour the polluted water into your bottle and it will flow through the treatment plant How clean will the water be? Turbidity Odor Colorless Volume reclaimed Percent reclaimed
Logistics Groups of 3 Plus CEO (Responsible for all Employees) Each person will have a job Research manager Design manageR Building manager CEO Rubric (see handout) Includes vocabulary on back All steps will be complete by the end of class on ?