Excellence in Inclusive Growth ( 250 Marks ) ACMA Awards Year of Inception: 1966 ACMA Awards Excellence in Inclusive Growth ( 250 Marks ) – A make in India Drive Company Name : Plant Location : Award Category: Tick mark in appropriate box as per your ‘Company Group Turnover for 2018-19’. Small < 50 Cr Medium > INR 50 to 150 Cr Large > INR 150 to 500 Cr (NA) Very Large > INR 500 Cr ( NA) Tick mark in appropriate box: ACMA Member Past & Present ACT Cluster/ ACMA UNIDO Cluster Companies are eligible without becoming ACMA member 2018-19
Company / Plant Information Use this slide to brief about your company / Plant. It includes Product names / photos , Plant facility photographs.
ACMA – Skilling and Mentoring For Administrative Queries: Ms. Sakshi Karkamkar Email – sakshi.karkamkar@acma.in Mobile – 7387002181 Ms. Smita Kulkarni Email – smita.kulkarni@acma.in Mobile –9922922500 Mr. Sanket Jadhav Email- sanket.jadhav@acma.in Mobile- 7768046868 Ms. Surekha Deshmukh Email- S.DESHMUKH@unido.org Mobile- 9552599463 For Technical Queries: Mr. Arun Bage Email – arun.bage@acma.in Mobile – 9552532184 Mr. Atul Gupta Email – atul.gupta@acma.in Mobile – 9971888751 Mr. Vishal Saxena Email – vishal.saxena@acma.in Mobile – 9650988154 Ms. Tanu Ahuja Email – tanu.ahuja@acma.in Mobile – 09899237770 ACMA – Skilling and Mentoring Godrej Eternia-C, ‘B’ Wing, '10th Floor, Office No.- C, Old Mumbai Pune Highway Wakdewadi, Shivaji Nagar , Pune – 411005, India, Desk phone – 020 66061219 act@acma.in www.acma.in , www.digitalact.in
Company History with ACMA Awards (last 3 years) Letter for Submission of Award application Company letterhead details ( Logo , Address ) To , The Secretariat (ACMA Awards) , ACMA – Skilling and Mentoring Godrej Eternia, ”B” Wing ,, 10th Floor, Office No. C, ,Old Mumbai –Pune Highway, Wakdewadi , Shivaji Nagar Pune – 411005, India We are pleased to submit the application for ACMA Award 2018-19 for Excellence in Inclusive Growth – a Make in India Drive Small / Medium/ Category. All data submitted is duly verified and true to the best of our knowledge. With regards ( Name & Designation of the Plant CEO ) Company History with ACMA Awards (last 3 years) Sr. No. Financial Year (April to March) ACMA Awards Category- Applied Award / Certificate Won 1 2015-16 2 2016-17 3 2017-18 Note – 1) If you have applied & won multiple awards in one year, please mention accordingly. 2) If a plant has won Gold trophy in the year 2016-17 or 2017-18 in any of the above categories, then that particular plant will not be eligible to apply in the same category. But they can apply for any other categories.
CONFIDENTIALITY STATEMENT Automotive Component Manufacturers Association of India 6th Floor, The Capital Court Olof Palme Marg, Munirka New Delhi - 110 067, India To, Applicant Company CONFIDENTIALITY STATEMENT As a part of the ACMA Awards Process, applicant companies provide business, market, technical, financial information/documents and top customers details in the application. Such information could also be related to intellectual property i. e. patents, product development etc. ACMA take reasonable care to keep the above information confidential and shall not divulge it to third party and/or not use it for their own purpose, any part of this information in the course of assessment and thereafter. I agree. On behalf of ACMA Sd/- Director General
ACMA Awards 2018-19 : Excellence in Supplier Development PM_44_F41, Rev No 00 Company’s Details Name of the corporate group (if company is part of a corporate group): - ( Underline the plant for which application is sent ) 2. Plant Address : 3. Invoicing Details (Applicable only for shortlisted companies for site diagnosis): a) GST Number- b) Invoicing Address (write complete address with pin code)- 4. Chief Executive Officer details : Name : Designation : Mobile : E-mail : Website: 5. Plant Head details : Name : Designation : 6. HR Head details :
Company’s Details Sr No Core Processes % Contribution in your business 7. Company Group Annual Sales Turnover (in INR Cr.) for Year 2018-19: 8. Plant ( for which application is submitted) turnover ( in INR Cr.) for Year 2018-19 : 9. Year of Establishment : Group Company _______ , Plant ___________ 10. Total Employees : Group Company ___________ , Plant _____________ 11. Do you have a Joint Venture for the plant applied: ( If Yes , Mention the partner name ) 12. Plant’s Key products : 13. Plant’s major manufacturing processes : 14. Plant’s Key competitors : 15. Plant’s Major Certifications : Sr No Core Processes % Contribution in your business 1 Foundry 80 2 Machining 10 3 Others
Route Map to reach your plant Company’s Details 16. Contact Person 1 Information : ( Need to contact thru out the process of ACMA Award ) Name : Designation : E-Mail : Mobile : 17. Contact Person 2 Information : ( Need to Contact if above person is not reachable) Route Map to reach your plant Provide here route map to your company for site diagnosis (Site diagnosis is carried out if your application is shortlisted)
Details of contact person ACMA Awards 2018-19 : Excellence in Supplier Development PM_44_F41, Rev No 00 Customer Details Mandatory requirement Kindly provide details of your top 3 business customers in below table. ACMA Award online application software automatically sends a link to all above email addresses to get feedback about your plant. Kindly inform above persons from your side to respond ASAP & ensure that we receive this before you submit the application online.( Your application will not processed without these feedback). S. No Customer Name Location % Business share (for the plant ) Details of contact person Mobile Number & E mail 1 Name 1– Designation – Name 2– Designation 2 3 Note: These feedbacks will be considered by Jury for evaluation & the same will be provided to you as a part of feedback report.
Details of contact person ACMA Awards 2018-19 : Excellence in Supplier Development PM_44_F41, Rev No 00 Supplier Details Mandatory requirement (Applicable only for Excellence in Supplier Development & Inclusive growth category) Kindly provide details of your top 3 business suppliers in below table. ACMA Award online application software automatically sends a link to all above email addresses to get feedback about your plant. Kindly inform above persons from your side to respond ASAP & ensure that we receive this before you submit the application online.( Your application will not processed without these feedback). S. No Supplier Name Location % Incoming Purchase share (for the plant ) Details of contact person Mobile Number & E mail 1 Name 1– Designation – Name 2– Designation 2 3 Note: These feedbacks will be considered by Jury for evaluation & the same will be provided to you as a part of feedback report. Visit to be organized at one of your supplier’s premises for the assessment of the points mentioned in application. If it is not possible due to logistics reasons, Top management representatives of one / two of your suppliers can be invited at your site for the same during site diagnosis.
(Not applicable- for 1st time applicants) Status of actions taken by your company based on previous ACMA Awards feedback report. (Mention top 5 only) (Not applicable- for 1st time applicants) S.N. Area of Improvement Action taken Result / Outcome 1 2 3 4 5
Summary of Achievements ACMA Awards 2018-19 : Excellence in Supplier Development PM_44_F41, Rev No 00 Summary of Achievements for the year 2018-19 1. Did you receive any awards other than Customers? 2. What are your biggest achievements in the last year? 3. What are challenges for you in the future and how are you preparing for it? Example Industry 4.0 , IOT (Internet of things) etc
Company performance at a glance ( Following radar chart shows the scores for each main area as per questionnaire, scores are converted to % ) RADAR Chart OFFICE USE ONLY S. N. Section Total Marks Actual Marks ( for Office Use only ) % 1 Hygiene Factors 60 2 Inclusive Growth Strategy 50 3 Journey on Growth Front 40 4 Inclusive Growth Deployment actions 5 Business Results Total 250
OFFICE USE ONLY 30 10 5 Sr No. 1A 5S & Plant Upkeep 1B ACMA Awards 2018-19 : Excellence in Supplier Development PM_44_F41, Rev No 00 OFFICE USE ONLY Section 1 Hygiene Factors Total marks = 60 Sr No. Topic Total Marks Marks Obtained % 1A 5S & Plant Upkeep 30 1B Leadership Focus 10 1C Safety 5 1D Poka-yoke / KAIZEN 1E Contribution towards Society & Nation Total 60 marks redistributed
1. Hygiene Factors (1.A) 5S & Plant Upkeep ACMA Awards 2018-19 : Excellence in Supplier Development PM_44_F41, Rev No 00 1. Hygiene Factors (1.A) 5S & Plant Upkeep Total = 30 Mention in following chart status of Must be Facilities. (25 ) Questions are applicable for plant for which you have applied for ACMA Awards. In Status kindly mention % . E.g You have jogging track for 50 % areas , then write 50 % Must be facilities S. No. Description Status 1 Jogging track inside shop floor, along walls 2 Trees in plant campus (86 Trees/ Acre) 3 No earth should be visible in entire company area. There should be concrete, tar roads or green lawns 4 No truck / fork-lift inside shop floor 5 Clean toilet blocks inside shop floor, dry & smell free 6 No nails to be used anywhere in the factory premises 7 All employees to wear uniform, shoes and necessary safety gadgets 8 Noise free DG sets & compressor 9 Clean wash room / change room and rest room facilities 10 Hygienic kitchen, drinking water & dinning hall 11 Good recreational facilities 12 Appropriate fire fighting equipment's should be placed at accessible locations 13 Drive Forward Digitization - Team in place 14 Shop floor- Well Ventilated 15 Shop floor- Illumination (natural lighting) 16 Nothing directly on floor across company 17 Accessibility for differently abled persons (If Applicable) 18 Mock Drill - conducted as per frequency 19 ETP & STP in Well maintained condition 20 Training & Learning Facility 21 Logistics Centre 22 Research Centre 23 Resource Optimization - - Drive Team in Place 24 Is your plant outside surroundings are clean 25 Use of Non-conventional energy mark distribution changed and new questions added
1. Hygiene Factors (1.A) 5S & Plant Upkeep ACMA Awards 2018-19 : Excellence in Supplier Development PM_44_F41, Rev No 00 1. Hygiene Factors (1.A) 5S & Plant Upkeep Total = 30 (ii) How you drive 5S Process Explain whether sub areas formed, Sub-Area Owners identified, 5S Audit schedule & mechanism, NC clearance, Award for Best, Cross Audits or any other activities done. ( You may use Photos / Images to support this ) ( 3) mark distribution changed and new questions added
1. Hygiene Factors (1.A) 5S & Plant Upkeep ACMA Awards 2018-19 : Excellence in Supplier Development PM_44_F41, Rev No 00 1. Hygiene Factors (1.A) 5S & Plant Upkeep Total = 30 (iii) Shining examples of 5S Improvements Show 4 Photographs, Assessor may interview few operators for checking effectiveness ( 2 ) mark distribution changed and new questions added
1. Hygiene Factors (1.B) Leadership Focus ACMA Awards 2018-19 : Excellence in Supplier Development PM_44_F41, Rev No 00 1. Hygiene Factors (1.B) Leadership Focus Total = 10 (i) When was your VMV ( Vision , Mission & Values ) Statement was formed ? Have you revisited it afterwards ? When? (2) mark distribution changed and new questions added (ii) How you Communicate VMV to your Stakeholders like Suppliers, Employees etc. (3)
( Assessor may verify with few employees about such meetings) ACMA Awards 2018-19 : Excellence in Supplier Development PM_44_F41, Rev No 00 1. Hygiene Factors (1.B ) Leadership Focus Total = 10 (iii) Please give information about all types of communication meetings taking place in your organization indicating frequency, major participants and major issues during these meetings (5 ) ( Assessor may verify with few employees about such meetings) mark distribution changed and new questions added
1. Hygiene Factors (1.C) Safety ACMA Awards 2018-19 : Excellence in Supplier Development PM_44_F41, Rev No 00 1. Hygiene Factors (1.C) Safety Total = 5 Give details of One Accident Investigation analysis and corrective actions (3) If there are no accidents , mention as ZERO Accidents ) mark distribution changed and new questions added (ii) Give details of One Near Miss Accident and corrective actions (2)
(1. D ) Poka-yoke / KAIZEN 1. Hygiene Factors ACMA Awards 2018-19 : Excellence in Supplier Development PM_44_F41, Rev No 00 1. Hygiene Factors (1. D ) Poka-yoke / KAIZEN Total = 5 What % of CTQs (Critical to Quality) are being addressed through poka- yoke ? (3) Show some recent customer complaints, which are addressed through poka-yoke (2) mark distribution changed and new questions added
ACMA Awards 2018-19 : Excellence in Supplier Development PM_44_F41, Rev No 00 1. Hygiene Factors (1 E) Contribution towards Society & Nation Building Total = 10 i How you develop ownership of the cleanliness of the neighborhood , improving the aesthetics around the company premises ( outside ) 1 ii Percentage of women employees & how this has increased over the years . Do you have a committee for implementation of policy of POSH (Prevention of Sexual Harassment at Work) Act, 2013? iii Any specific CSR activity you have done in year 2018-19. If Yes, describe iv Mention steps taken by the Company to reduce the usage of plastic in manufacturing and non manufacturing areas. v National Solar & Water Mission - Have you installed Roof Top Solar energy collectors and have earned through net metering. Adoption of Rainwater harvesting? mark distribution changed and new questions added
ACMA Awards 2018-19 : Excellence in Supplier Development PM_44_F41, Rev No 00 1. Hygiene Factors (1 E) Contribution towards Society & Nation Building Total = 10 vi Please describe how your company encourages family participation ? 1 vii Mention here how company is prepared for disaster support management for affected elements in society ? E.g. support in flood relief , earthquake etc. viii Any Social Awards ix Have you supported any differently abled persons - % age employment provided and accessibility arrangements for differently abled persons x How do you support Make in India drive & skill development. (Import substitution , Entrepreneurship development , Tie ups with skill centers) mark distribution changed and new questions added
Inclusive Growth Strategy OFFICE USE ONLY Section 2 Inclusive Growth Strategy Total marks = 50 S. No. Sub Topic Total Marks Marks Obtained % 2.A VM Linkage for Inclusive Growth 15 2.B Road map for Inclusive Growth 10 2.C Key Initiatives for Inclusive Growth 2.D. Top Mgt Reviews Total 50 total marks reduced for this section to 200 accordingly marks reduced for HR structure and respect for leadership
2. Inclusive Growth Strategy (2.A) VM Linkage for Inclusive Growth Total Marks =15 ( i) Please enclose your Statements of vision & mission. When it was revised last? And mention the glaring changes done? Show the linkage between VM Statement and "Inclusive Growth"(5 ) questions modified and marks redistributed
2. Inclusive Growth Strategy (2.A) VM Linkage for Inclusive Growth Total Marks =30 (ii) How do you define "Inclusive Growth" in your organization ? Which are the important factors, you will be focusing for achieving Inclusive Growth (10) (Talk about Business Growth, Make In India drive , New Employment generation (including Women & Disabled Persons), Environment protection, Skill & Capability building outside company, Community Projects for Rural India to improve standard of living outside company, motivating employees to work for Inclusive Growth, Affirmative Actions Plan Equal distribution of Income ) questions modified and marks redistributed
2. Inclusive Growth Strategy (2.B) Road Map for Inclusive Growth Total Marks =10 (i) Do you have structured process with road maps & targets to drive the "Inclusive Growth" through "Make In India drive " (10) questions modified and marks redistributed
2. Inclusive Growth Strategy (2.C) Key Initiatives for Inclusive Growth Total Marks =10 ( i) What are the key Initiatives for "Inclusive Growth"? Do you have separate team for this area? If No then what are your Plans Explain the methodology in Brief (10) questions modified and marks redistributed
2. Inclusive Growth Strategy (2.D) Top Mgt Reviews Total Marks =15 Which are the Forums, where "Inclusive Growth" Progress is reviewed by Top Management. What is the set frequency of these Review meetings? Share Recent Review findings and action Plans (15) questions modified and marks redistributed
Journey on Growth front OFFICE USE ONLY Section 3 Journey on Growth front Total marks = 40 total marks increased to 200 with changes in marks for PMS ,R & R ,ESS, and Learning and Development S. N. Sub Topic Total Marks Marks Obtained % 3.A Business Growth Drivers 10 3. B Capacity and Capability enhancement 3.C Royalty Vs Imports 3.D New plants and Localization Total 40
3. Journey on Growth Front (3.A) Business Growth Drivers Total Marks = 10 (i) How company is ensuring continuous growth? E.g. by adding new customers, i new products and or services, new markets (domestic / export), acquisitions and mergers, product diversification, “Make in India” by expanding present customer’s products, etc.(5) no change (ii) How you develop people for driving growth ? Mention in brief with 2 examples ( 5 )
3. Journey on Growth Front Total Marks = 10 (3.B) Planning for Future (i) What are your projections and Business plans for next 3 years ? ( 5) Mention in INR Cr. no change (ii) How you arrive at projections ? What kind of tools / software's do you use ? Share one case study in short (5)
3. Journey on Growth Front Total Marks = 10 (3.C) Royalty Vs Imports (i) Show trend for last 3 years Royalty paid and Imports (5) no change (ii) What actions initiated for reducing Royalty Payments and for reducing Imports ? (5 ) Share 2 appealing examples
3. Journey on Growth Front Total Marks = 10 (3.D) New Plants & Localization (i) Do you have Plans for starting New Plants ? What criteria's have been decided for selection of Plant locations ? ( 5) (ii) How many Local Vendors have been added in last 3 years. Give details in terms of Business Volume , No. of Employees at Vendor side (5) no change
Inclusive Growth Deployment OFFICE USE ONLY Section 4 Inclusive Growth Deployment Total marks = 50 S. N. Sub Topic Total Marks Actual Marks % 4.A Employment Generation 10 4.B Skill Development & Capability Building of Rural Youth 4.C CSR Project for improving Standard of Living – outside company 4.D Environment Protection 5 4.E Sensitization of Employees towards Inclusive Growth 4.F Affirmative actions Total 50
4. Inclusive Growth Deployment actions (4.A) Employment Generation Total Marks = 10 Give details of Manpower employed in your company for last 3 year ( 5 ) Mention Total Employees , Staff and Associates for last 3 years ) (ii) Give details such as % of total Employees for - Women , Differently abled employees for last 3 years ( 5 ) question rewritten
4. Inclusive Growth Deployment actions (4.B) Skill Development & Capability Building for Rural Youth Total Marks = 10 (i) Give details of any Skills / Employability Skills / Capability Building Projects undertaken / Sponsored by your Company (Not for your employees) ( 10 ) question rewritten
4. Inclusive Growth Deployment actions (4.C) CSR Projects for improving Standard of Living - Community outside to company Total Marks = 10 (i) Mention your Strategy for CSR Projects. Who drives this activity? what are the KPI for the person / team ? How the projects are executed ( monitored & reviewed ) ? (5) question rewritten
4. Inclusive Growth Deployment actions (4.C) CSR Projects for improving Standard of Living - Community outside to company Total Marks = 10 (ii) Which are the Focus areas for CSR Projects ? Give details of Projects in following categories a) Wash Rooms & Water / Sanitation Projects b) Happy School / Anganwadi's c) Preventing & Fighting Diseases d) Growing Local Economies / Vocational Training / New Methods of Agriculture e) Women Self Help Groups f) Education / Teacher's Training g) Infrastructure Building at Rural India. h) Swachhata Abhiyan If any other categories you are working , then add (5) question rewritten
4. Inclusive Growth Deployment actions (4.D) Environment Protection Total Marks = 5 (i) Has organization defined its Environment Policy, Does it include commitment for continuous improvement, compliance under applicable legal and other requirements which relates to Environmental aspects and a framework for setting and reviewing Environmental objectives and targets periodically? (5) question rewritten
4. Inclusive Growth Deployment actions (4.E) Sensitizing employees towards Inclusive Growth Total Marks = 10 (i) How to you encourage your employees to participate in CSR activities of the Organization. Give examples of significant roles executed by your employees other than from CSR Department (5) question rewritten (ii) What % of employees, have regular participation in CSR activities (5)
4. Inclusive Growth Deployment actions (4.F) Affirmative Actions Total Marks = 5 (i) How do you support Marginalized communities (in terms of Purchases of goods made by them, employment, contract activities) (3) question rewritten (ii) Give details of its current status (2)
Business Results (General) OFFICE USE ONLY Section 5 Business Results (General) Total Marks = 50 S.N . Sub topic Total Marks Actual Marks (for office use ) % 5.A Product Results 10 5.B Customer Focused Results 5.C Financial And Market Results 5.D Employee Focused Results 5.E Process Effectiveness Results TOTAL 50
5. BUSINESS RESULTS (5.A) Product Results Total = 10 ACMA Awards 2018-19 : Excellence in Supplier Development PM_44_F41, Rev No 00 5. BUSINESS RESULTS (5.A) Product Results Total = 10 What is the % of DOL (Direct Online) products? Show trend for last 3 years with target for each year (3 ) (ii) What is the status of customer complaints? Show trend for last 3 years with target for each year (5 )
5. BUSINESS RESULTS (5.A) Product Results Total = 10 ACMA Awards 2018-19 : Excellence in Supplier Development PM_44_F41, Rev No 00 5. BUSINESS RESULTS (5.A) Product Results Total = 10 (iii) What is the status of Warranty? Show trend for last 3 years with target for each year in PPM (2)
5. BUSINESS RESULTS (5.B) Customer Focused Results Total = 10 ACMA Awards 2018-19 : Excellence in Supplier Development PM_44_F41, Rev No 00 5. BUSINESS RESULTS (5.B) Customer Focused Results Total = 10 What is the Customer Audit score/ Rating? Show trend for last 3 years with target for each year (3) (ii) What is the Customer satisfaction score? Show trend for last 3 years with target for each year (3)
5. BUSINESS RESULTS (5.B) Customer Focused Results Total = 10 ACMA Awards 2018-19 : Excellence in Supplier Development PM_44_F41, Rev No 00 5. BUSINESS RESULTS (5.B) Customer Focused Results Total = 10 (iii) What is the status of Customer Awards and Recognitions? Show trend for last 3 years. Consider your top 3 business customers for this data. (4)
5. BUSINESS RESULTS (5.C) Financial And Market Results Total = 10 ACMA Awards 2018-19 : Excellence in Supplier Development PM_44_F41, Rev No 00 5. BUSINESS RESULTS (5.C) Financial And Market Results Total = 10 What is the sales turnover in INR Cr.? Show trend for last 3 years with target for each year (3) (ii) What is the % value addition to net sales? Show trend for last 3 years with target for each year (3)
5. BUSINESS RESULTS (5.C) Financial And Market Results Total = 10 ACMA Awards 2018-19 : Excellence in Supplier Development PM_44_F41, Rev No 00 5. BUSINESS RESULTS (5.C) Financial And Market Results Total = 10 (iii) What is the share of business for top 3 products. Show trend for last 3 years with target for each year. (4)
5. BUSINESS RESULTS (5.D) Employee Focused Results Total = 10 ACMA Awards 2018-19 : Excellence in Supplier Development PM_44_F41, Rev No 00 5. BUSINESS RESULTS (5.D) Employee Focused Results Total = 10 What is the Employee satisfaction score? Show trend for last 3 years with target for each year (3) (ii) What are the training man days per employee per year? Show trend for last 3 years with target for each year (3)
5. BUSINESS RESULTS (5.D) Employee Focused Results Total = 10 ACMA Awards 2018-19 : Excellence in Supplier Development PM_44_F41, Rev No 00 5. BUSINESS RESULTS (5.D) Employee Focused Results Total = 10 (iii) What are the Suggestions per employee per year. Show trend for last 3 years with target for each year. (4)
5. BUSINESS RESULTS (5.E) Process Effectiveness Results Total = 10 How much is In house Rejections? Show trend for last 3 years with target for each year (4) (iii) What is the Inventory turn Ratio ITR (Inventory Turn Ratio)? Show trend for last 3 years with target for each year (3)
5. BUSINESS RESULTS (5.E) Process Effectiveness Results Total = 10 (v ) What is the value added per employee cost (VAPCO). Show trend for last 3 years with target for each year. (3) Formula for VAPCO = (Sales – Variable cost)/ Employee Cost CTC