Why CSI? Wayne Wheeler, PE, CSI, CDT www.CSIResources.org 800-689-2900
Who can tell me what I have in my hand?
Who can tell me what this young architect is doing?
Our History The Construction Specifications Institute (CSI) was founded in March 1948 by the specification writers of government agencies who came together to improve the quality of construction specifications.
Our Mission CSI's mission is to advance building information management and education of project teams to improve facility performance.
How We Do It CSI is a national association of more than 8,000 volunteers dedicated to improving the communication of construction information through: A diversified membership base of allied professionals involved in the creation and management of the built environment. Continuous development and transformation of standards and formats. Education and certification of professionals to improve project delivery processes. Creation of practice tools to assist users throughout the facility life-cycle.
Our Key Programs Local Chapters Certification Education Standards MasterFormat UniFormat GreenFormat CONSTRUCT & The CSI Annual Convention
What is MasterFormat? “MasterFormat is a master list of numbers and subject titles classified by work results or construction practices for organizing information about their requirements, products and activities into a standard sequence.” Engineers who design manufacturing processes for large companies organize their contract documents have developed standardized procedures to do so. Unfortunately, every firm does it differently. Engineers who change employers must learn a new system for organizing contract documents each time. And suppliers and contractors may have to follow a different system with each project they do. MasterFormat, on the other hand, is an organizational system for contract documents that was standardized throughout the building construction industry, resulting in: Fewer errors Work that is more efficient Everyone in the industry – owners, designers, contractors, and suppliers – work in concert Now MasterFormat has been expanded to make it applicable for organizing more types of information for more sectors of the construction industry. Alternatively telling a story can help you connect with the audience. If you are uncomfortable telling the story in first person, you can say, “A fellow member of CSI told me about a conversation he had with an engineer…” RECENTLY, I met an engineer who designs the manufacturing processes for a large company. I asked him how he organized his contract documents when he had to buy and install new equipment. He explained that his firm had developed a standardized procedure to do so. Then I asked him about other companies in his industry. He said every firm did it differently. In fact, he said he had changed employers several times during his career, and at each firm he had to learn a new system for organizing contract documents. When I explained how MasterFormat created a organizational system for contract document that was standardized throughout the building construction industry. He thought about that for a moment, and said, “It would be great if we had something like that in my industry. We would have fewer errors, work would be more efficient, and everyone in the industry – owners, designers, contractors, and suppliers – could work in concert.” Well, ladies and gentlemen, now my friend can take advantage of MasterFormat, because MasterFormat has been expanded to make it applicable for organizing more types of information for more sectors of the construction industry.
Groups, Subgroups, & Divisions Ready, Set, Go with MasterFormat 2004 February 28, 2007 Groups, Subgroups, & Divisions Procurement and Contracting Requirements Group Procurement and Contracting Requirements: Division 00 Specifications Group General Requirements Subgroup: Division 01 Facility Construction Subgroup: Divisions 02 - 19 Facility Services Subgroup: Divisions 20 - 29 Site and Infrastructure Subgroup: Divisions 30 - 39 Process Equipment Subgroup: Divisions 40 - 49 Groups are not numbered, but are divided into Subgroups. Subgroups are not numbered, but are divided into numbered Divisions. Divisions are the top Level (Level 1) in the hierarchy of the classification system. The Divisions include sets of numbered Titles (Levels 2-4). In a project manual application, the Titles are called Sections that specify "work results" (Levels 2-4). AIA Iowa / CSI - West Des Moines, Iowa 9
MasterFormat 2012 Structure Facility Construction Subgroup: Ready, Set, Go with MasterFormat 2004 February 28, 2007 MasterFormat 2012 Structure Facility Construction Subgroup: 02 Existing Conditions 03 Concrete 04 Masonry 05 Metals 06 Wood, Plastics, and Composites 07 Thermal and Moisture Protection 08 Openings 09 Finishes 10 Specialties 11 Equipment 12 Furnishings 13 Special Construction 14 Conveying Equipment 15-19 Reserved AIA Iowa / CSI - West Des Moines, Iowa 10
MasterFormat 2012 Structure Facility Services Subgroup: Ready, Set, Go with MasterFormat 2004 February 28, 2007 MasterFormat 2012 Structure Facility Services Subgroup: 20 Reserved 21 Fire Suppression 22 Plumbing 23 Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) 24 Reserved 25 Integrated Automation 26 Electrical 27 Communications 28 Electronic Safety and Security 29 Reserved AIA Iowa / CSI - West Des Moines, Iowa 11
MasterFormat 2012 Structure Site and Infrastructure Subgroup: Ready, Set, Go with MasterFormat 2004 February 28, 2007 MasterFormat 2012 Structure Site and Infrastructure Subgroup: 30 Reserved 31 Earthwork 32 Exterior Improvements 33 Utilities 34 Transportation 35 Waterway and Marine Construction 36-39 Reserved AIA Iowa / CSI - West Des Moines, Iowa 12
MasterFormat 2012 Structure Process Equipment Subgroup: Ready, Set, Go with MasterFormat 2004 February 28, 2007 MasterFormat 2012 Structure Process Equipment Subgroup: 40 Process Integration 41 Material Processing and Handling Equipment 42 Process Heating, Cooling, and Drying Equipment 43 Process Gas and Liquid Handling, Purification, and Storage Equipment 44 Pollution and Waste Control Equipment 45 Industry-Specific Manufacturing Equipment 46 Water and Wastewater Equipment 47 Reserved 48 Electrical Power Generation 49 Reserved AIA Iowa / CSI - West Des Moines, Iowa 13
CDT is the prerequisite to CSI’s advanced certification exams Construction Documents Technologist CCS Certified Construction Specifier CCCA Contract Administrator CCPR Product Representative
Why Get Certified Learn what it takes to deliver projects on time and on budget Decrease change orders Understand the fundamentals of construction documentation Learn to write specifications Understand your authority and responsibility in a construction project Develop construction documentation that keep you out of courts (and stands up if you end up there) Be better prepared to deal with a LEED project or to take the Architect Registration Examination® (ARE®) Mention the different subject areas? Subject Matter Area No 1: Construction Project Fundamental 8% Subject Matter Area No 2: Project Planning and Delivery 20% Subject Matter Area No 3: Design 37% Subject Matter Area No 4: Procurement 10% Subject Matter Area No 5: Construction 20% Subject Matter Area No 6: Post-Construction 5%
Pop quiz! • Contractually, are shop drawings Contract Documents? (Ref AIA A201 Article 3.12.4.) • Contractually, do Specifications take precedence over Drawings? (Ref AIA A201 Article 1.2.1.) • If you answered yes to these questions, then you might need to take a CDT prep class. Engineers who design manufacturing processes for large companies organize their contract documents have developed standardized procedures to do so. Unfortunately, every firm does it differently. Engineers who change employers must learn a new system for organizing contract documents each time. And suppliers and contractors may have to follow a different system with each project they do. MasterFormat, on the other hand, is an organizational system for contract documents that was standardized throughout the building construction industry, resulting in: Fewer errors Work that is more efficient Everyone in the industry – owners, designers, contractors, and suppliers – work in concert Now MasterFormat has been expanded to make it applicable for organizing more types of information for more sectors of the construction industry. Alternatively telling a story can help you connect with the audience. If you are uncomfortable telling the story in first person, you can say, “A fellow member of CSI told me about a conversation he had with an engineer…” RECENTLY, I met an engineer who designs the manufacturing processes for a large company. I asked him how he organized his contract documents when he had to buy and install new equipment. He explained that his firm had developed a standardized procedure to do so. Then I asked him about other companies in his industry. He said every firm did it differently. In fact, he said he had changed employers several times during his career, and at each firm he had to learn a new system for organizing contract documents. When I explained how MasterFormat created a organizational system for contract document that was standardized throughout the building construction industry. He thought about that for a moment, and said, “It would be great if we had something like that in my industry. We would have fewer errors, work would be more efficient, and everyone in the industry – owners, designers, contractors, and suppliers – could work in concert.” Well, ladies and gentlemen, now my friend can take advantage of MasterFormat, because MasterFormat has been expanded to make it applicable for organizing more types of information for more sectors of the construction industry.
CDT Program Sample Exam Questions (CDT) The following sample questions do NOT necessarily represent those questions used in the examination. They are intended to familiarize you with the types of questions and formats that will be presented on the examination. Examination questions may not be limited to the types represented below. Engineers who design manufacturing processes for large companies organize their contract documents have developed standardized procedures to do so. Unfortunately, every firm does it differently. Engineers who change employers must learn a new system for organizing contract documents each time. And suppliers and contractors may have to follow a different system with each project they do. MasterFormat, on the other hand, is an organizational system for contract documents that was standardized throughout the building construction industry, resulting in: Fewer errors Work that is more efficient Everyone in the industry – owners, designers, contractors, and suppliers – work in concert Now MasterFormat has been expanded to make it applicable for organizing more types of information for more sectors of the construction industry. Alternatively telling a story can help you connect with the audience. If you are uncomfortable telling the story in first person, you can say, “A fellow member of CSI told me about a conversation he had with an engineer…” RECENTLY, I met an engineer who designs the manufacturing processes for a large company. I asked him how he organized his contract documents when he had to buy and install new equipment. He explained that his firm had developed a standardized procedure to do so. Then I asked him about other companies in his industry. He said every firm did it differently. In fact, he said he had changed employers several times during his career, and at each firm he had to learn a new system for organizing contract documents. When I explained how MasterFormat created a organizational system for contract document that was standardized throughout the building construction industry. He thought about that for a moment, and said, “It would be great if we had something like that in my industry. We would have fewer errors, work would be more efficient, and everyone in the industry – owners, designers, contractors, and suppliers – could work in concert.” Well, ladies and gentlemen, now my friend can take advantage of MasterFormat, because MasterFormat has been expanded to make it applicable for organizing more types of information for more sectors of the construction industry.
CDT Study Mod 1 - Fundamentals Green buildings are designed to reduce the overall impact of the built environment on human health and the natural environment by: Efficiently using manpower resources during construction. B. Protecting occupant health and improving employee productivity. Reducing waste, pollution and environmental degradation during construction. Increasing volatile organic compounds in construction materials. Engineers who design manufacturing processes for large companies organize their contract documents have developed standardized procedures to do so. Unfortunately, every firm does it differently. Engineers who change employers must learn a new system for organizing contract documents each time. And suppliers and contractors may have to follow a different system with each project they do. MasterFormat, on the other hand, is an organizational system for contract documents that was standardized throughout the building construction industry, resulting in: Fewer errors Work that is more efficient Everyone in the industry – owners, designers, contractors, and suppliers – work in concert Now MasterFormat has been expanded to make it applicable for organizing more types of information for more sectors of the construction industry. Alternatively telling a story can help you connect with the audience. If you are uncomfortable telling the story in first person, you can say, “A fellow member of CSI told me about a conversation he had with an engineer…” RECENTLY, I met an engineer who designs the manufacturing processes for a large company. I asked him how he organized his contract documents when he had to buy and install new equipment. He explained that his firm had developed a standardized procedure to do so. Then I asked him about other companies in his industry. He said every firm did it differently. In fact, he said he had changed employers several times during his career, and at each firm he had to learn a new system for organizing contract documents. When I explained how MasterFormat created a organizational system for contract document that was standardized throughout the building construction industry. He thought about that for a moment, and said, “It would be great if we had something like that in my industry. We would have fewer errors, work would be more efficient, and everyone in the industry – owners, designers, contractors, and suppliers – could work in concert.” Well, ladies and gentlemen, now my friend can take advantage of MasterFormat, because MasterFormat has been expanded to make it applicable for organizing more types of information for more sectors of the construction industry.
CDT Study Mod 1 - Fundamentals Green buildings are designed to reduce the overall impact of the built environment on human health and the natural environment by: Efficiently using manpower resources during construction. B. Protecting occupant health and improving employee productivity. [www.epa.gov/greenbuilding/pubs/about.htm] Reducing waste, pollution and environmental degradation during construction. Increasing volatile organic compounds in construction materials. Engineers who design manufacturing processes for large companies organize their contract documents have developed standardized procedures to do so. Unfortunately, every firm does it differently. Engineers who change employers must learn a new system for organizing contract documents each time. And suppliers and contractors may have to follow a different system with each project they do. MasterFormat, on the other hand, is an organizational system for contract documents that was standardized throughout the building construction industry, resulting in: Fewer errors Work that is more efficient Everyone in the industry – owners, designers, contractors, and suppliers – work in concert Now MasterFormat has been expanded to make it applicable for organizing more types of information for more sectors of the construction industry. Alternatively telling a story can help you connect with the audience. If you are uncomfortable telling the story in first person, you can say, “A fellow member of CSI told me about a conversation he had with an engineer…” RECENTLY, I met an engineer who designs the manufacturing processes for a large company. I asked him how he organized his contract documents when he had to buy and install new equipment. He explained that his firm had developed a standardized procedure to do so. Then I asked him about other companies in his industry. He said every firm did it differently. In fact, he said he had changed employers several times during his career, and at each firm he had to learn a new system for organizing contract documents. When I explained how MasterFormat created a organizational system for contract document that was standardized throughout the building construction industry. He thought about that for a moment, and said, “It would be great if we had something like that in my industry. We would have fewer errors, work would be more efficient, and everyone in the industry – owners, designers, contractors, and suppliers – could work in concert.” Well, ladies and gentlemen, now my friend can take advantage of MasterFormat, because MasterFormat has been expanded to make it applicable for organizing more types of information for more sectors of the construction industry.
CDT Study Mod 2 - Project Conception and Delivery 2. Limitations of the design-bid-build project delivery method include which of the following: A. Linear sequence shortens the project schedule B. Bids may exceed budget C. Partnering is a natural result D. Low bids may encourage owner changes Engineers who design manufacturing processes for large companies organize their contract documents have developed standardized procedures to do so. Unfortunately, every firm does it differently. Engineers who change employers must learn a new system for organizing contract documents each time. And suppliers and contractors may have to follow a different system with each project they do. MasterFormat, on the other hand, is an organizational system for contract documents that was standardized throughout the building construction industry, resulting in: Fewer errors Work that is more efficient Everyone in the industry – owners, designers, contractors, and suppliers – work in concert Now MasterFormat has been expanded to make it applicable for organizing more types of information for more sectors of the construction industry. Alternatively telling a story can help you connect with the audience. If you are uncomfortable telling the story in first person, you can say, “A fellow member of CSI told me about a conversation he had with an engineer…” RECENTLY, I met an engineer who designs the manufacturing processes for a large company. I asked him how he organized his contract documents when he had to buy and install new equipment. He explained that his firm had developed a standardized procedure to do so. Then I asked him about other companies in his industry. He said every firm did it differently. In fact, he said he had changed employers several times during his career, and at each firm he had to learn a new system for organizing contract documents. When I explained how MasterFormat created a organizational system for contract document that was standardized throughout the building construction industry. He thought about that for a moment, and said, “It would be great if we had something like that in my industry. We would have fewer errors, work would be more efficient, and everyone in the industry – owners, designers, contractors, and suppliers – could work in concert.” Well, ladies and gentlemen, now my friend can take advantage of MasterFormat, because MasterFormat has been expanded to make it applicable for organizing more types of information for more sectors of the construction industry.
CDT Study Mod 2 - Project Conception and Delivery 2. Limitations of the design-bid-build project delivery method include which of the following: A. Linear sequence shortens the project schedule B. Bids may exceed budget [PDPG] C. Partnering is a natural result D. Low bids may encourage owner changes Engineers who design manufacturing processes for large companies organize their contract documents have developed standardized procedures to do so. Unfortunately, every firm does it differently. Engineers who change employers must learn a new system for organizing contract documents each time. And suppliers and contractors may have to follow a different system with each project they do. MasterFormat, on the other hand, is an organizational system for contract documents that was standardized throughout the building construction industry, resulting in: Fewer errors Work that is more efficient Everyone in the industry – owners, designers, contractors, and suppliers – work in concert Now MasterFormat has been expanded to make it applicable for organizing more types of information for more sectors of the construction industry. Alternatively telling a story can help you connect with the audience. If you are uncomfortable telling the story in first person, you can say, “A fellow member of CSI told me about a conversation he had with an engineer…” RECENTLY, I met an engineer who designs the manufacturing processes for a large company. I asked him how he organized his contract documents when he had to buy and install new equipment. He explained that his firm had developed a standardized procedure to do so. Then I asked him about other companies in his industry. He said every firm did it differently. In fact, he said he had changed employers several times during his career, and at each firm he had to learn a new system for organizing contract documents. When I explained how MasterFormat created a organizational system for contract document that was standardized throughout the building construction industry. He thought about that for a moment, and said, “It would be great if we had something like that in my industry. We would have fewer errors, work would be more efficient, and everyone in the industry – owners, designers, contractors, and suppliers – could work in concert.” Well, ladies and gentlemen, now my friend can take advantage of MasterFormat, because MasterFormat has been expanded to make it applicable for organizing more types of information for more sectors of the construction industry.
CDT Study Mod 3 - Design Process 3. Prior to BIM the following drawings required specialized skill to produce and were used rarely in construction drawings: A. Non-scaled views and plans B. Plans and reflected ceiling plans C. Perspectives and isometrics D. Sections and perspectives Engineers who design manufacturing processes for large companies organize their contract documents have developed standardized procedures to do so. Unfortunately, every firm does it differently. Engineers who change employers must learn a new system for organizing contract documents each time. And suppliers and contractors may have to follow a different system with each project they do. MasterFormat, on the other hand, is an organizational system for contract documents that was standardized throughout the building construction industry, resulting in: Fewer errors Work that is more efficient Everyone in the industry – owners, designers, contractors, and suppliers – work in concert Now MasterFormat has been expanded to make it applicable for organizing more types of information for more sectors of the construction industry. Alternatively telling a story can help you connect with the audience. If you are uncomfortable telling the story in first person, you can say, “A fellow member of CSI told me about a conversation he had with an engineer…” RECENTLY, I met an engineer who designs the manufacturing processes for a large company. I asked him how he organized his contract documents when he had to buy and install new equipment. He explained that his firm had developed a standardized procedure to do so. Then I asked him about other companies in his industry. He said every firm did it differently. In fact, he said he had changed employers several times during his career, and at each firm he had to learn a new system for organizing contract documents. When I explained how MasterFormat created a organizational system for contract document that was standardized throughout the building construction industry. He thought about that for a moment, and said, “It would be great if we had something like that in my industry. We would have fewer errors, work would be more efficient, and everyone in the industry – owners, designers, contractors, and suppliers – could work in concert.” Well, ladies and gentlemen, now my friend can take advantage of MasterFormat, because MasterFormat has been expanded to make it applicable for organizing more types of information for more sectors of the construction industry.
CDT Study Mod 3 - Design Process 3. Prior to BIM the following drawings required specialized skill to produce and were used rarely in construction drawings: A. Non-scaled views and plans B. Plans and reflected ceiling plans C. Perspectives and isometrics [PDPG] D. Sections and perspectives Engineers who design manufacturing processes for large companies organize their contract documents have developed standardized procedures to do so. Unfortunately, every firm does it differently. Engineers who change employers must learn a new system for organizing contract documents each time. And suppliers and contractors may have to follow a different system with each project they do. MasterFormat, on the other hand, is an organizational system for contract documents that was standardized throughout the building construction industry, resulting in: Fewer errors Work that is more efficient Everyone in the industry – owners, designers, contractors, and suppliers – work in concert Now MasterFormat has been expanded to make it applicable for organizing more types of information for more sectors of the construction industry. Alternatively telling a story can help you connect with the audience. If you are uncomfortable telling the story in first person, you can say, “A fellow member of CSI told me about a conversation he had with an engineer…” RECENTLY, I met an engineer who designs the manufacturing processes for a large company. I asked him how he organized his contract documents when he had to buy and install new equipment. He explained that his firm had developed a standardized procedure to do so. Then I asked him about other companies in his industry. He said every firm did it differently. In fact, he said he had changed employers several times during his career, and at each firm he had to learn a new system for organizing contract documents. When I explained how MasterFormat created a organizational system for contract document that was standardized throughout the building construction industry. He thought about that for a moment, and said, “It would be great if we had something like that in my industry. We would have fewer errors, work would be more efficient, and everyone in the industry – owners, designers, contractors, and suppliers – could work in concert.” Well, ladies and gentlemen, now my friend can take advantage of MasterFormat, because MasterFormat has been expanded to make it applicable for organizing more types of information for more sectors of the construction industry.
CDT Study Mod 4 - Construction Documents 4. To be effective in communicating, specifications should be: A. Complete, concise, and clear B. Concise, clear, and correct C. Clear, concise, correct, and complete D. Concise, correct, coordinated, and complete Engineers who design manufacturing processes for large companies organize their contract documents have developed standardized procedures to do so. Unfortunately, every firm does it differently. Engineers who change employers must learn a new system for organizing contract documents each time. And suppliers and contractors may have to follow a different system with each project they do. MasterFormat, on the other hand, is an organizational system for contract documents that was standardized throughout the building construction industry, resulting in: Fewer errors Work that is more efficient Everyone in the industry – owners, designers, contractors, and suppliers – work in concert Now MasterFormat has been expanded to make it applicable for organizing more types of information for more sectors of the construction industry. Alternatively telling a story can help you connect with the audience. If you are uncomfortable telling the story in first person, you can say, “A fellow member of CSI told me about a conversation he had with an engineer…” RECENTLY, I met an engineer who designs the manufacturing processes for a large company. I asked him how he organized his contract documents when he had to buy and install new equipment. He explained that his firm had developed a standardized procedure to do so. Then I asked him about other companies in his industry. He said every firm did it differently. In fact, he said he had changed employers several times during his career, and at each firm he had to learn a new system for organizing contract documents. When I explained how MasterFormat created a organizational system for contract document that was standardized throughout the building construction industry. He thought about that for a moment, and said, “It would be great if we had something like that in my industry. We would have fewer errors, work would be more efficient, and everyone in the industry – owners, designers, contractors, and suppliers – could work in concert.” Well, ladies and gentlemen, now my friend can take advantage of MasterFormat, because MasterFormat has been expanded to make it applicable for organizing more types of information for more sectors of the construction industry.
CDT Study Mod 4 - Construction Documents To be effective in communicating, specifications should be: A. Complete, concise, and clear B. Concise, clear, and correct C. Clear, concise, correct, and complete [PDPG] D. Concise, correct, coordinated, and complete Engineers who design manufacturing processes for large companies organize their contract documents have developed standardized procedures to do so. Unfortunately, every firm does it differently. Engineers who change employers must learn a new system for organizing contract documents each time. And suppliers and contractors may have to follow a different system with each project they do. MasterFormat, on the other hand, is an organizational system for contract documents that was standardized throughout the building construction industry, resulting in: Fewer errors Work that is more efficient Everyone in the industry – owners, designers, contractors, and suppliers – work in concert Now MasterFormat has been expanded to make it applicable for organizing more types of information for more sectors of the construction industry. Alternatively telling a story can help you connect with the audience. If you are uncomfortable telling the story in first person, you can say, “A fellow member of CSI told me about a conversation he had with an engineer…” RECENTLY, I met an engineer who designs the manufacturing processes for a large company. I asked him how he organized his contract documents when he had to buy and install new equipment. He explained that his firm had developed a standardized procedure to do so. Then I asked him about other companies in his industry. He said every firm did it differently. In fact, he said he had changed employers several times during his career, and at each firm he had to learn a new system for organizing contract documents. When I explained how MasterFormat created a organizational system for contract document that was standardized throughout the building construction industry. He thought about that for a moment, and said, “It would be great if we had something like that in my industry. We would have fewer errors, work would be more efficient, and everyone in the industry – owners, designers, contractors, and suppliers – could work in concert.” Well, ladies and gentlemen, now my friend can take advantage of MasterFormat, because MasterFormat has been expanded to make it applicable for organizing more types of information for more sectors of the construction industry.
CDT Study Mod 5 - Procurement Substitution requirements and procedures during bidding A. Are not allowed under most public bidding statutes B. Are modified by the supplementary conditions C. Are governed by the instructions to bidders D. Provide for requests by telephone Engineers who design manufacturing processes for large companies organize their contract documents have developed standardized procedures to do so. Unfortunately, every firm does it differently. Engineers who change employers must learn a new system for organizing contract documents each time. And suppliers and contractors may have to follow a different system with each project they do. MasterFormat, on the other hand, is an organizational system for contract documents that was standardized throughout the building construction industry, resulting in: Fewer errors Work that is more efficient Everyone in the industry – owners, designers, contractors, and suppliers – work in concert Now MasterFormat has been expanded to make it applicable for organizing more types of information for more sectors of the construction industry. Alternatively telling a story can help you connect with the audience. If you are uncomfortable telling the story in first person, you can say, “A fellow member of CSI told me about a conversation he had with an engineer…” RECENTLY, I met an engineer who designs the manufacturing processes for a large company. I asked him how he organized his contract documents when he had to buy and install new equipment. He explained that his firm had developed a standardized procedure to do so. Then I asked him about other companies in his industry. He said every firm did it differently. In fact, he said he had changed employers several times during his career, and at each firm he had to learn a new system for organizing contract documents. When I explained how MasterFormat created a organizational system for contract document that was standardized throughout the building construction industry. He thought about that for a moment, and said, “It would be great if we had something like that in my industry. We would have fewer errors, work would be more efficient, and everyone in the industry – owners, designers, contractors, and suppliers – could work in concert.” Well, ladies and gentlemen, now my friend can take advantage of MasterFormat, because MasterFormat has been expanded to make it applicable for organizing more types of information for more sectors of the construction industry.
CDT Study Mod 5 - Procurement Substitution requirements and procedures during bidding A. Are not allowed under most public bidding statutes B. Are modified by the supplementary conditions C. Are governed by the instructions to bidders [PDPG] D. Provide for requests by telephone Engineers who design manufacturing processes for large companies organize their contract documents have developed standardized procedures to do so. Unfortunately, every firm does it differently. Engineers who change employers must learn a new system for organizing contract documents each time. And suppliers and contractors may have to follow a different system with each project they do. MasterFormat, on the other hand, is an organizational system for contract documents that was standardized throughout the building construction industry, resulting in: Fewer errors Work that is more efficient Everyone in the industry – owners, designers, contractors, and suppliers – work in concert Now MasterFormat has been expanded to make it applicable for organizing more types of information for more sectors of the construction industry. Alternatively telling a story can help you connect with the audience. If you are uncomfortable telling the story in first person, you can say, “A fellow member of CSI told me about a conversation he had with an engineer…” RECENTLY, I met an engineer who designs the manufacturing processes for a large company. I asked him how he organized his contract documents when he had to buy and install new equipment. He explained that his firm had developed a standardized procedure to do so. Then I asked him about other companies in his industry. He said every firm did it differently. In fact, he said he had changed employers several times during his career, and at each firm he had to learn a new system for organizing contract documents. When I explained how MasterFormat created a organizational system for contract document that was standardized throughout the building construction industry. He thought about that for a moment, and said, “It would be great if we had something like that in my industry. We would have fewer errors, work would be more efficient, and everyone in the industry – owners, designers, contractors, and suppliers – could work in concert.” Well, ladies and gentlemen, now my friend can take advantage of MasterFormat, because MasterFormat has been expanded to make it applicable for organizing more types of information for more sectors of the construction industry.
CDT Study Mod 6 - Preconstruction The contractor should begin preparation and delivery of the preconstruction submittals after which event? A. Bid opening B. Intent to proceed C. Execution of agreement D. Preconstruction meeting Engineers who design manufacturing processes for large companies organize their contract documents have developed standardized procedures to do so. Unfortunately, every firm does it differently. Engineers who change employers must learn a new system for organizing contract documents each time. And suppliers and contractors may have to follow a different system with each project they do. MasterFormat, on the other hand, is an organizational system for contract documents that was standardized throughout the building construction industry, resulting in: Fewer errors Work that is more efficient Everyone in the industry – owners, designers, contractors, and suppliers – work in concert Now MasterFormat has been expanded to make it applicable for organizing more types of information for more sectors of the construction industry. Alternatively telling a story can help you connect with the audience. If you are uncomfortable telling the story in first person, you can say, “A fellow member of CSI told me about a conversation he had with an engineer…” RECENTLY, I met an engineer who designs the manufacturing processes for a large company. I asked him how he organized his contract documents when he had to buy and install new equipment. He explained that his firm had developed a standardized procedure to do so. Then I asked him about other companies in his industry. He said every firm did it differently. In fact, he said he had changed employers several times during his career, and at each firm he had to learn a new system for organizing contract documents. When I explained how MasterFormat created a organizational system for contract document that was standardized throughout the building construction industry. He thought about that for a moment, and said, “It would be great if we had something like that in my industry. We would have fewer errors, work would be more efficient, and everyone in the industry – owners, designers, contractors, and suppliers – could work in concert.” Well, ladies and gentlemen, now my friend can take advantage of MasterFormat, because MasterFormat has been expanded to make it applicable for organizing more types of information for more sectors of the construction industry.
CDT Study Mod 6 - Preconstruction The contractor should begin preparation and delivery of the preconstruction submittals after which event? A. Bid opening B. Intent to proceed C. Execution of agreement [PDPG] D. Preconstruction meeting Engineers who design manufacturing processes for large companies organize their contract documents have developed standardized procedures to do so. Unfortunately, every firm does it differently. Engineers who change employers must learn a new system for organizing contract documents each time. And suppliers and contractors may have to follow a different system with each project they do. MasterFormat, on the other hand, is an organizational system for contract documents that was standardized throughout the building construction industry, resulting in: Fewer errors Work that is more efficient Everyone in the industry – owners, designers, contractors, and suppliers – work in concert Now MasterFormat has been expanded to make it applicable for organizing more types of information for more sectors of the construction industry. Alternatively telling a story can help you connect with the audience. If you are uncomfortable telling the story in first person, you can say, “A fellow member of CSI told me about a conversation he had with an engineer…” RECENTLY, I met an engineer who designs the manufacturing processes for a large company. I asked him how he organized his contract documents when he had to buy and install new equipment. He explained that his firm had developed a standardized procedure to do so. Then I asked him about other companies in his industry. He said every firm did it differently. In fact, he said he had changed employers several times during his career, and at each firm he had to learn a new system for organizing contract documents. When I explained how MasterFormat created a organizational system for contract document that was standardized throughout the building construction industry. He thought about that for a moment, and said, “It would be great if we had something like that in my industry. We would have fewer errors, work would be more efficient, and everyone in the industry – owners, designers, contractors, and suppliers – could work in concert.” Well, ladies and gentlemen, now my friend can take advantage of MasterFormat, because MasterFormat has been expanded to make it applicable for organizing more types of information for more sectors of the construction industry.
CDT Study Mod 7 - Construction Under AIA A201, who has the authority to stop the work, if nonconforming work fails to be corrected? A. A/E B. Owner C. Contractor D. Varies - As stated in Division 01 General Requirements E. None of the above Engineers who design manufacturing processes for large companies organize their contract documents have developed standardized procedures to do so. Unfortunately, every firm does it differently. Engineers who change employers must learn a new system for organizing contract documents each time. And suppliers and contractors may have to follow a different system with each project they do. MasterFormat, on the other hand, is an organizational system for contract documents that was standardized throughout the building construction industry, resulting in: Fewer errors Work that is more efficient Everyone in the industry – owners, designers, contractors, and suppliers – work in concert Now MasterFormat has been expanded to make it applicable for organizing more types of information for more sectors of the construction industry. Alternatively telling a story can help you connect with the audience. If you are uncomfortable telling the story in first person, you can say, “A fellow member of CSI told me about a conversation he had with an engineer…” RECENTLY, I met an engineer who designs the manufacturing processes for a large company. I asked him how he organized his contract documents when he had to buy and install new equipment. He explained that his firm had developed a standardized procedure to do so. Then I asked him about other companies in his industry. He said every firm did it differently. In fact, he said he had changed employers several times during his career, and at each firm he had to learn a new system for organizing contract documents. When I explained how MasterFormat created a organizational system for contract document that was standardized throughout the building construction industry. He thought about that for a moment, and said, “It would be great if we had something like that in my industry. We would have fewer errors, work would be more efficient, and everyone in the industry – owners, designers, contractors, and suppliers – could work in concert.” Well, ladies and gentlemen, now my friend can take advantage of MasterFormat, because MasterFormat has been expanded to make it applicable for organizing more types of information for more sectors of the construction industry.
CDT Study Mod 7 - Construction Under AIA A201, who has the authority to stop the work, if nonconforming work fails to be corrected? A. A/E B. Owner [AIA A 201, 2.3] C. Contractor D. Varies - As stated in Division 01 General Requirements E. None of the above Engineers who design manufacturing processes for large companies organize their contract documents have developed standardized procedures to do so. Unfortunately, every firm does it differently. Engineers who change employers must learn a new system for organizing contract documents each time. And suppliers and contractors may have to follow a different system with each project they do. MasterFormat, on the other hand, is an organizational system for contract documents that was standardized throughout the building construction industry, resulting in: Fewer errors Work that is more efficient Everyone in the industry – owners, designers, contractors, and suppliers – work in concert Now MasterFormat has been expanded to make it applicable for organizing more types of information for more sectors of the construction industry. Alternatively telling a story can help you connect with the audience. If you are uncomfortable telling the story in first person, you can say, “A fellow member of CSI told me about a conversation he had with an engineer…” RECENTLY, I met an engineer who designs the manufacturing processes for a large company. I asked him how he organized his contract documents when he had to buy and install new equipment. He explained that his firm had developed a standardized procedure to do so. Then I asked him about other companies in his industry. He said every firm did it differently. In fact, he said he had changed employers several times during his career, and at each firm he had to learn a new system for organizing contract documents. When I explained how MasterFormat created a organizational system for contract document that was standardized throughout the building construction industry. He thought about that for a moment, and said, “It would be great if we had something like that in my industry. We would have fewer errors, work would be more efficient, and everyone in the industry – owners, designers, contractors, and suppliers – could work in concert.” Well, ladies and gentlemen, now my friend can take advantage of MasterFormat, because MasterFormat has been expanded to make it applicable for organizing more types of information for more sectors of the construction industry.
CDT Study Mod 8 - Life Cycle Activities A punch list is generated by which of the following? A. A/E just prior to substantial completion. B. The subcontractors after substantial completion. C. The owner prior to substantial completion D. The contractor prior to substantial completion Engineers who design manufacturing processes for large companies organize their contract documents have developed standardized procedures to do so. Unfortunately, every firm does it differently. Engineers who change employers must learn a new system for organizing contract documents each time. And suppliers and contractors may have to follow a different system with each project they do. MasterFormat, on the other hand, is an organizational system for contract documents that was standardized throughout the building construction industry, resulting in: Fewer errors Work that is more efficient Everyone in the industry – owners, designers, contractors, and suppliers – work in concert Now MasterFormat has been expanded to make it applicable for organizing more types of information for more sectors of the construction industry. Alternatively telling a story can help you connect with the audience. If you are uncomfortable telling the story in first person, you can say, “A fellow member of CSI told me about a conversation he had with an engineer…” RECENTLY, I met an engineer who designs the manufacturing processes for a large company. I asked him how he organized his contract documents when he had to buy and install new equipment. He explained that his firm had developed a standardized procedure to do so. Then I asked him about other companies in his industry. He said every firm did it differently. In fact, he said he had changed employers several times during his career, and at each firm he had to learn a new system for organizing contract documents. When I explained how MasterFormat created a organizational system for contract document that was standardized throughout the building construction industry. He thought about that for a moment, and said, “It would be great if we had something like that in my industry. We would have fewer errors, work would be more efficient, and everyone in the industry – owners, designers, contractors, and suppliers – could work in concert.” Well, ladies and gentlemen, now my friend can take advantage of MasterFormat, because MasterFormat has been expanded to make it applicable for organizing more types of information for more sectors of the construction industry.
CDT Study Mod 8 - Life Cycle Activities A punch list is generated by which of the following? A. A/E just prior to substantial completion. B. The subcontractors after substantial completion. C. The owner prior to substantial completion D. The contractor prior to substantial completion [PDPG] Engineers who design manufacturing processes for large companies organize their contract documents have developed standardized procedures to do so. Unfortunately, every firm does it differently. Engineers who change employers must learn a new system for organizing contract documents each time. And suppliers and contractors may have to follow a different system with each project they do. MasterFormat, on the other hand, is an organizational system for contract documents that was standardized throughout the building construction industry, resulting in: Fewer errors Work that is more efficient Everyone in the industry – owners, designers, contractors, and suppliers – work in concert Now MasterFormat has been expanded to make it applicable for organizing more types of information for more sectors of the construction industry. Alternatively telling a story can help you connect with the audience. If you are uncomfortable telling the story in first person, you can say, “A fellow member of CSI told me about a conversation he had with an engineer…” RECENTLY, I met an engineer who designs the manufacturing processes for a large company. I asked him how he organized his contract documents when he had to buy and install new equipment. He explained that his firm had developed a standardized procedure to do so. Then I asked him about other companies in his industry. He said every firm did it differently. In fact, he said he had changed employers several times during his career, and at each firm he had to learn a new system for organizing contract documents. When I explained how MasterFormat created a organizational system for contract document that was standardized throughout the building construction industry. He thought about that for a moment, and said, “It would be great if we had something like that in my industry. We would have fewer errors, work would be more efficient, and everyone in the industry – owners, designers, contractors, and suppliers – could work in concert.” Well, ladies and gentlemen, now my friend can take advantage of MasterFormat, because MasterFormat has been expanded to make it applicable for organizing more types of information for more sectors of the construction industry.
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