Teacher ONLY slide Slide info Slides 4 – 5 Recap from the previous lesson regarding what analysis is Slide 6 – 10 Goes through the speech bubbles Slide 11 – Leave this slide on the board for the students to use as a reference The main aim of this PowerPoint is to give the students a guide about the speech bubbles which acts like a writing frame. It goes though each speech bubble (except 5 as they don't have a title / focus yet) Ideally they should have this lesson and the next lesson (week 5) and that will be it on secondary research. Their is a guide for the students (same as the slide 6) called “Writing your speech bubbles” in stresources – Welsh Bacc – Year 11 – Individual Project Homework: to complete 1 section of research area in their RURU booklet – including the speech bubble writing frame and the paragraph page. They can either upload their workbooklet to Dropbox / Hwb / USB or using the school library / L7 to complete the work.
Lesson 4: Skill Building- Writing up your secondary research
Reminder You must have completed your 10 hours of volunteering within the next 3 weeks. After half term you will be reviewing your 10 hours in your Welsh Bacc lessons so you must have finished by the time you come back to school. Speak to Miss Feathers or Mrs Hawke-Jones if you are worried you wont be finished in time.
Time to analyse By now, you should have some general reading to do – you have collected some information on the industry you are researching as a possible career. Now we have to understand what this information says and how it can support your project
What does analysis mean? “Being able to break knowledge down into parts and show how they fit together, so you can ‘analyse’, ’explain’ and ‘compare’…..” Kirton, “Brilliant Academic Writing” Pearson 2012 Investigating data, trends and information to make decisions What the information means to YOU and YOUR project
Completing the Speech Bubbles – Writing Frame This is just to reinforce the use of the RURU booklet and the speech bubbles. The speech bubbles is act like a writing frame. Just quickly go over what the student needs to do in each bubble. Bubbles 1 – 3 are quick and very simple Bubble 4 – Concentrate on this as this is a hard concept for the students to grasp.
Completing the Speech Bubbles – Writing Frame – just write a quick sentence on what your research is all about as your teacher will not know This is just to reinforce the use of the RURU booklet and the speech bubbles. The speech bubbles is act like a writing frame. Just quickly go over what the student needs to do in each bubble. Bubbles 1 – 3 are quick and very simple Bubble 4 – Concentrate on this as this is a hard concept for the students to grasp.
Completing the Speech Bubbles – Writing Frame – copy and paste the website link to source your information This is just to reinforce the use of the RURU booklet and the speech bubbles. The speech bubbles is act like a writing frame. Just quickly go over what the student needs to do in each bubble. Bubbles 1 – 3 are quick and very simple Bubble 4 – Concentrate on this as this is a hard concept for the students to grasp.
Completing the Speech Bubbles – Writing Frame – Summarise what the research tells you – try to aim for 4 main points This is just to reinforce the use of the RURU booklet and the speech bubbles. The speech bubbles is act like a writing frame. Just quickly go over what the student needs to do in each bubble. Bubbles 1 – 3 are quick and very simple Bubble 4 – Concentrate on this as this is a hard concept for the students to grasp.
Completing the Speech Bubbles – Writing Frame – Now you have read and taking note on what the research tells you, what does this mean for your research? What does it make you think of? What is the impact of this information? Positive and/or negative How is this information useful for your research area? This is just to reinforce the use of the RURU booklet and the speech bubbles. The speech bubbles is act like a writing frame. Just quickly go over what the student needs to do in each bubble. Bubbles 1 – 3 are quick and very simple Bubble 4 – Concentrate on this as this is a hard concept for the students to grasp.
Completing the Speech Bubbles – Writing Frame – copy and paste the website link to source your information Speech Bubble 1 – just write a quick sentence on what your research is all about as your teacher will not know Speech Bubble 4 – Now you have read and taking note on what the research tells you, what does this mean for your research? What does it make you think of? What is the impact of this information? Positive and/or negative How is this information useful for your research area? This is just to reinforce the use of the RURU booklet and the speech bubbles. The speech bubbles is act like a writing frame. Just quickly go over what the student needs to do in each bubble. Bubbles 1 – 3 are quick and very simple Bubble 4 – Concentrate on this as this is a hard concept for the students to grasp. Use phrases such as “therefore this means that…..” or “why is this information important to you and your research?” “what is this telling you” extra… Leave bubble 5 as they have not yet got a title though some students will be able to relate back to their research area. Speech Bubble 3 – Summarise what the research tells you – try to aim for 4 main points
Continue with the Secondary Research Activity For Lessons 4 – 5: Continue to complete your Skill Building- Secondary Research work booklets using your analysis skills you have developed. Don’t forget to complete the speech bubbles to help you write out your paragraph Explain to the students that once the speech bubble writing frame is completed, they need to retype their work into a paragraph using the bubbles as a guide. This will then hopefully get the students to be able write about their research into paragraphs.
Homework – FOR NEXT LESSON Complete 1 research area in your RURU booklet – including the speech bubble writing frame and the paragraph page. To complete your workbooklet, either upload to Dropbox / Hwb / USB or using the school library / L7 to complete your work.