Advanced Builder Intern Program Welcome to the Build-It-Yourself Laboratory. Mission: Inspire and guide the next generation of builders to use technology creatively.
Member Intern Teacher Developer Build-It-Yourself Intern Program Growth Path Member Intern Teacher Developer Grades 3-8 High School University University
Build-It-Yourself Intern Program Goal #1 Build a portfolio of projects that will help you get into the schools of your choice.
Build-It-Yourself Intern Program Goals #2 Work for Build-It-Yourself as a developer or mentor when in college.
Build-It-Yourself Intern Program Goal #3 Get a dream job.
Build-It-Yourself Intern Program Qualifications By invitation … Grade 6-12 students who - are willing to commit 2-4 hours per week during school year. have demonstrated a passion for computers, art and technology. have demonstrated strong teamwork and communication skills.
Build-It-Yourself Intern Program Strategy Develop projects that can be presented to customers and partners and at education conferences.
<HTML> Build-It-Yourself Intern Program Tools Basic: PowerPoint (Lab Book) HTML (Personal Website) Scratch (Invention Universe Trailer) Advanced: 3D Blender Audacity Photoshop / Gimp CSS MySQL PHP Unity / Javascript <HTML>
Build-It-Yourself Intern Program Overview Projects: Web applications Computer games Graphic design Robotics Content development Skills: Product development Project management User interface design Program architecture Testing Teamwork Product marketing
2 hours per week Build-It-Yourself Intern Program Time Commitment During the school year, developers and interns meet in our Webcast room for one hour on Saturdays and Sundays. During the summer, interns are invited to spend a week or more working with our developers at MIT or at our ‘lab’ in Cambridge. Our aim: Inspire interns to spend a significant number of hours completing a variety of projects. On average interns may like to plan on … 2 hours per week
Build-It-Yourself Intern Program Support Slides
Build-It-Yourself Intern Program Project Information Active Projects: Web site redesign Invention Universe Flex/Flash updates Skills measuring games Scratch modules Robots for < $30 modules Motor Controller Electronics Projects on the Drawing Board: Digital photography course Digital music course Car of the future course Build-It-Blocks port from MS SQL to MySQL Intern Team: Development Team: Development Project Management Sites:
Build-It-Yourself Intern Program Lessons Presented Technical: How the Internet works HTML coding that validates Architecture for database driven web sites Setting up Web and SQL servers PHP coding SQL Queries Scratch code guidelines Modular code File management Project Management: Defining target audiences Defining product goals Defining functionality Defining information architecture Creating a project management plan Measuring success Problem solving techniques Presenting Ideas and Graphics: Elevator pitches The art of public speaking Graphic design - pixel vs. vector drawing tools (PPT vs. Gimp/Photoshop) - color theory - layout theory - cartooning - animation - grafitti Content Development: Developing trailers Digital music Photography Electronics Templates
Build-It-Yourself Intern Program Alumni Bushra – MIT Max – Dartmouth Natasha – Phillips Andover and Harvard Naseem – Harvard Katy – Yale Emily - Yale Michael – Choate and McGill Herman – London School of Economics Liu Huan – MIT Valeria Staneva – MIT Jonathan Heckerman – Stanford Neena Dugar - MIT