3B Information Evening
Year 3 Team Miss Boon– 3B (Year Group Lead) Mr Powell-3B Miss Jefferson– 3J Miss Pillinger- 3P Mr Mander- Year 3 Teaching Assistant Mrs Begum– Year 3 Teaching Assistant Mrs Whitcombe – Family Support Worker
Communication Home School Diaries- children bring in to school & take home everyday it is their responsibility to remember. Diaries signed for Monday (previous week) to be checked and signed by the teacher/ TA. Notes to teacher in diary- who is picking them up- tell child to show teacher in the morning. Notes about end of day procedures e.g. clubs. Newsletter every Friday- website. Email the office with any queries to be passed on: 45office@sharmans-cross.solihull.sch.uk Please tell if someone different is coming to collect.
Homework Approximately 90 minutes per week- variety of subjects. Set every Friday- available on the website. http://www.sharmans-cross.solihull.sch.uk/ Class pages/Year3/Homework Variety of activities- topic based research, comprehensions, spelling rules and lists, maths games and activities, times tables, reading. Mymaths- maths homework Homework books- handed in by Wednesday to be marked. Feedback is given in different ways.
My Maths www.mymaths.co.uk Username: scjs Password: division They will receive a personal log in for this.
Spellings & Times Tables Some children will be working on phonics, other will be working on spelling rules from the new curriculum. Spelling will be covered during our English lessons and spelling sessions & corrected in books. A spelling list will be sent home when needed for children to practise. Children should let their teacher know when they have learnt a whole list and they will be quizzed. Times tables challenge- tested once a week. Expectation- by end of Y4 chn can recite up to 12 x 12 and inverse operation.
Reading We have started ‘Accelerated Reader’- more about this later! We teach reading in reading groups and they read regularly across the curriculum.
Curriculum Autumn- Topics: Our Local Area/Stone Age English – We will be covering a number of literacy skills by composing different text types based around our topics. To include: story writing, persuasive writing, newspaper reports, debates. Maths- Split into their maths groups. We will be covering all areas of maths, with a focus on developing number skills. Science: Light & Shadow and Animals & Skeletons Trips/ Events: Lego workshop, Cycle Fun (18th October), Stone Age workshop, Christmas performances at Streetsbrook & Blossomfield schools.
Curriculum Spring- Topic- Ancient Greece English– Greek myths, information texts, poetry. Maths- Continues as before. Science – Forces & Magnets, Healthy Eating Trips/Events: Ancient Greek Day, Professor McGinty (Ancient Greece) & Farm to Fork trip (Tesco), Scootability.
Curriculum Summer- Topic: Volcanoes and Earthquakes Literacy –Poetry, non-fiction texts. Maths- Continue as before. Science – Plants, Rocks and Soils Trips: Clive's Fruit Farm. 1 Week intensive swimming course.
Wednesday Afternoons Spanish- Senora Martinez Music/Drama- Mrs Ashby. P.E- Fiona
PE Kits Year 3 have P.E. on a Wednesday and Friday, however they may do other days too! *No earrings (taken out or plasters) and hair needs to be tied up. Otherwise cannot participate.* Outdoor Learning dates will be written on the homework sheet and the newsletter the week before. The children can wear old clothes and bring wellies and waterproofs!
Playground Routines Gates open at 8.30am, children go in at 8.50am. Any accidents will be sent to the office or dealt with by a 1st aider on the playground and they will use their discretion about contacting parents.
Parent workshops This workshop will be based on reading and computing skills. 3B: Wednesday 15th February 9.30am- 11.00am 3P: Thursday 16th February 9.30am- 11.00am 3J: Friday 17th February 9.30am- 11.00am We would be very grateful if you would come and join us, as it is VERY beneficial!
Attendance Please make sure that your child is in school every day wherever possible!
School Uniform Winter uniform straight after October half term- tie. School shoes not trainers. Shirt tucked in.