Words by Oscar Hammerstein Music by Richard Rodgers This slide show was created by Ms. Hays
SONGS Bali Hai Happy Talk Some Enchanted Evening Younger than Springtime South Pacific won a Pulitzer Prize and nine Tony Awards. PERFORMANCE NOTES The first time “I’m Gonna Wash That Man Right Outa My Hair” was performed the audience was silent because they couldn’t handle both Nellie washing her hair on stage and the fun of the music! FAMOUS PERFORMERS Mary Martin who played Peter Pan in the original movie version played Nellie Forbush.
SYNOPSIS A nurse from the United States meets and falls in love with a wealthy French man on a Pacific island during World War II. She learns to overcome her prejudice. CHARACTERS Emile de Becque Nellie Forbush Bloody Mary Lieutenant Cable First performed April 7, 1949 and closed in January 1954 with a total of 1925 performances!