sixth grade is the best! 08/24/2016 Write these important dates in your agenda: Thurs. (08/25) – Spirit Night @ Chick-fil-A Fri. (08/26) – Cookie Forms/Money Due Be sure to turn in your PBIS T-shirt form and money to the safe ASAP! Turn in any signed documents to the 1st period bin. Homeroom and breakfast are over at 9:15. First period will begin immediately after announcements. If you are not eating, you must read something of your choice. HOMEROOM = SILENCE
Subject: Unit 1 Pre-Test Language Arts – Warm Up 08/24/16 Your final draft is two days past due! You will need your I.A.N. and Reading and Literature Portfolio today. Subject: Unit 1 Pre-Test Put your name, the date from your paper, the class period, and subject on your Scantron. Bubble in your answers on the Scantron. SCANTRONS CAN ONLY READ PENCIL! NO PEN!
Language Arts – Work Session 08/24/16 Essential Question: How can I determine an author’s purpose? Standard: ELACC6W4 - Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.
Language Arts – Work Session 08/24/16 “Determining Author’s Purpose” Add this item to your Table of Contents in your Reading and Literature Portfolio for page 2. Complete this sheet using p. 97 of your I.A.N. for help.
Language Arts – Work Session 08/24/16 “Determining Author’s Purpose” P = Persuade I = Inform E = Entertain
Language Arts – Closing Session 08/24/16 “Determining Author’s Purpose” Staple this item to your other “Determining Author’s Purpose” sheet. You do not need another entry for your Table of Contents. Complete this sheet using p. 97 of your I.A.N. for help. Patterns of Organization: Chronological Order (time) Sequential Comparison/Contrast Description Cause/Effect Problem/Solution
Be Sure to Get Your STEAM Folder & I.A.N. Language Arts – E.L.T. 08/24/16 Be Sure to Get Your STEAM Folder & I.A.N. “The Biomechanics of Usain Bolt” E.Q.: What role does STEM play in the Olympic Games? STEM Olympic Track & Field Challenge– Identify the problem and brainstorm. Use COMPLETE SENTENCES! Journal Reflection (in your STEAM I.A.N.)