Definition…? Because of its large scope, there is no agreed-upon definition of Romanticism. However, Romantic writers all shared the following values: Imagination, feeling, individualism, freedom, human goodness, equality, self-government, and the importance of nature. There are 3 major ideas of American Romanticism.
Optimism and Individualism Optimism is the belief that the world around us is always improving. Individualism is staying true to one’s innermost self. Some Romantics believed that being an optimistic individual could lead to great accomplishments.
Kinship with Nature America was largely unsettled at this time, leaving much natural land. Many American Romantics believed in the benefit of a close link between humanity and nature. Nature reminds us that we can never outrun its powerful forces.
The Power of Darkness This period also saw a fascination with disease, madness, death, evil, the supernatural, and the destructive aspects of nature. This dark side balanced out the optimism believed by other writers.