Ideas for actualizing your goals in 2008 Presented by: Jodee Bock December 6, 2007
©2007 Bocks Office
Motivation is something we do to someone (or ourselves). ©2007 Bocks Office
Inspiration doesnt get others to do something. Inspiration is a way of being. ©2007 Bocks Office
Transformation comes more from pursuing profound questions than seeking practical answers. Transformation comes more from pursuing profound questions than seeking practical answers. – Peter Block
©2007 Bocks Office
YOU ARE HERE ©2007 Bocks Office
The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them.
What got you HERE Wont get you THERE © 2007 Bocks Office
MIND ©2007 Bocks Office BODY
Thinking Mind Thinking Mind Action Feelings Results SeeSee HearHear SmellSmell TasteTaste TouchTouch ©2007 Bocks Office React Respond
See Hear Smell Taste Touch ©2007 Bocks Office React
Reason Memory Perception Will Intuition Imagination ©2007 Bocks Office Respond
CONSCIOUS MIND Accept, Reject or Neglect Choose The Intellectual Mind can … THINK ©2007 Bocks Office
SUB-CONSCIOUS MIND EMOTIONAL MIND Cannot Choose Cannot Reject Must Accept ©2007 Bocks Office
The SUB-CONSCIOUS MIND Cannot differentiate between that which is real or just imagined ©2007 Bocks Office
Thoughts Feelings Action + + = Attitude ©2007 Bocks Office
Often Other Peoples Habits! ©2007 Bocks Office
Old Ideas New Ideas NewParadigms ©2007 Bocks Office
Its difficult to create a compelling Vision without first knowing the Purpose © 2007 Bocks Office
YOU ARE HERE GOING HERE ©2007 Bocks Office
What if I screw it up? Did I do that project well enough? Who do I think I am to apply for that position? My boss really doesnt like me. Why did she just yell at me? ©2007 Bocks Office
1. What do you want / intend / commit to? (Thats the WHY) 2. What are you doing (or willing to do) to get it? 3. How is it working? 4. What might you do differently? ©2007 Bocks Office
Transformation = Awareness + Artful Action Challenge your paradigms – and your story Remember the m-Curve If the WHY is big enough, the HOW will take care of itself Visualize your future – and then live into it ©2007 Bocks Office
Join a Master Mind group Create time in your day to visualize Consider bringing the Master Mind concept or Goal Achiever to your organization Check out my blog Check out our website ©2007 Bocks Office
The Radical Leap by Steve Farber Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill The Answer to How is Yes by Peter Block Working With the Law by Raymond Holliwell Psycho-Cybernetics by Maxwell Maltz The 100% Factor by Jodee Bock ©2007 Bocks Office