Dominique Osterrath and Steve Mihorean IF I HAD KNOWN THEN WHAT I KNOW NOW… / SI J’AVAIS SU CE QUE JE SAIS MAINTENANT… A gift from Cohort XI to Cohort XIII As food for thought for your own journey in the Odell Program Dominique Osterrath and Steve Mihorean Certificate Program in Public Sector Leadership and Governance Programme de certificat en leadership du secteur public et gouvernance November 13th, 2018 / le 13 novembre 2018
Outline / Aperçu 1 2 3 Advice to you as a Cohort / Des conseils pour vous en tant que cohorte 2 Advice to you as individuals / Des conseils pour vous en tant qu’individus 3 For what it’s worth – personal reflections from Dominique & Steve / Quoi qu’il en soit – réflexions personnelles de Dominique et Steve Objective is to offer some suggestions/observations/recommendations that can help them go forward As a group As an individual Our personal reflections
Cohorte XI Cohort XI
Our Journey / Notre cheminement Lots of readings, case studies & precious leadership lessons / Beaucoup de lectures, de cas d’études et de leçons précieuses en leadership 5 passionate program leaders & coordinators / 5 chefs de programme et coordinateurs passionnés A genuine life changing experience / Une véritable expérience de vie transformatrice 27 amazing participantssupporting each other as Cohort XI 4 unforgettable study tours & memorable outings 20 months & 34 sessions / 20 mois et 34 sessions Windsor & Wakefield group syndicates sessions Individual executive coaching offerings / Offre de coaching exécutif individuel Chatham House Rules with openness & trust 3 challenging leadership reflections and feedback Rich themes, phenomenal speakers & impactful discussions
It’s much more than a course C’est beaucoup plus qu’un cours Network for a lifetime / Un réseau pour toute une vie Learning on multiple levels – substantial topics, speakers, cohort colleagues, Jim and program coordinators, study tours, syndicates, coaching, leadership, individual growth Bolstering your toolkits and competencies – including how to ask good questions / Renforcer votre trousse à outils et compétences – y compris comment poser de bonnes questions To quote one of our cohort colleagues: “It’s an all you can eat buffet of leadership wisdom” Personal growth journey / Un parcours de croissance personnelle
Cohort to Cohort / Cohorte à Cohorte The government is making an investment in you and you should make an investment in the cohort – it has the strongest wealth in experience, leadership and humanity (and is the program’s most valuable asset). The cohort dynamic and relationships matter – seek to really know your cohort colleagues, especially those you may think you have less affinity with (they will surprise you). You are part of the cohort – you are there for a reason and it wouldn’t be the same without you. / Vous faites partie de la cohorte – vous êtes là pour une raison et ce ne serait pas la même chose sans votre presence. Create an atmosphere of inclusiveness, trust and openness, and trust your cohort. Take advantage of the power of the cohort’s diversity – there is always another angle for consideration, the differences are the richness. / Prenez avantage du pouvoir de la diversité de la cohorte – il y a toujours un autre angle à considérer, les différence deviennent la richesse.
Cohort to Cohort / Cohorte à Cohorte (continued) Ask the questions you genuinely wish you could (no need to impress) & share your points of view and experiences – they all build off each other. Dive in to the group coaching and syndicates – they are truly helpful both on the giving and receiving ends. N’hésitez pas à demandez des conseils et supportez vous les uns les autres – c’est un espace sécurisant, le succès de la cohorte est votre succès et vice-versa. Nourish the group bond and relationships throughout the program and beyond. Préserver ce temps précieux. Don’t take yourself too seriously – enjoy the experience together (including the food and times outside of the boardroom), and have fun with it! Reach out for advice and support each other – it’s a safe space, the cohort success is your success and vice-versa.
Le savoir faire et le savoir être Quo vadis (where am I going?) - Why am I here? You are unique… just like everyone else. / Tu es unique… comme tous les autres. The responsibility is all yours. / La responsabilité est à vous seul. Be honest with yourself first and then your cohort as quickly and as comfortably as you can. It will take some real courage. / Il faudra un réel courage. Behind almost all great performers / athletes / leaders is a coach. Feelings of self-doubt/questionning, confidence, has someone made a mistake why am I here are not unique to you! You will need to have the courage to trust and to believe in the value of your cohort. They too are here for a reason. What is my role int he collective? Formal coaching – take advantage Peer coaching – richness.
Le savoir faire et le savoir être (continued) You are not as smart or irreplaceable as you think you are. Vulnerability alone is very isolating / stressful. Vulnerability expressed / recognized is something you are working on. Assoyez-vous dans un fauteuil différent, physiquement, mentalement, spirituellement, intellectuellement. Une réelle croissance peut avoir lieu Be curious. Ask your questions while you have the chance. Work without a net. Sit in a different chair, physically, mentally, spiritually, intellectually. Real growth can happen. Trust those around you and « back at the office » and you will have more freedom if you do. Try placing more emphasis on the différences and not only similarities. The « savoir-être » is the magic key in leadership. Add to both toolkits (faire et être).
Reflections – Réflexions Dominique Mix it up – make a point of getting toknow everyone, and challenge yourself and your perspectives Personal perspective – timing of this program in my life and my career Take advantage of it all – sessions &speakers, study tours, syndicates, coaching, program leaders and the group Show up – presence, attitude, authenticity, and attentiveness to others The more you put in, the more you gain – not just as individuals but also as a cohort Be curious, open, brave, respectful, and ‘’opportunistic’’ Treasure the time – it goes by so quickly!
Steve taking a stance at the United Nations Dive In! / Profitez-en! Le chemin est plein d'amusement et de surprises - The journey is full of fun and surprises Steve taking a stance at the United Nations
Reflections – Réflexions Steve Leaders never resign from service / Les leaders ne résignent jamais du service Great people are some times chosen for the wrong reasons The wrong people can rise to extraordinary levels and accomplish great things Good health is not noticed when you have it – pay attention / Une bonne santé n’est pas remarquéequand vous l’avez - faite attention All leaders use judgement – they do not judge / Tous les leaders ont recours au jugement - ils ne jugent pas Tout est affaire de relations / You need good networks and relationships when things get tough It is all about relationships all of the time
Remember this, if nothing else Rappelez-vous ceci, si rien d'autre The most important observation, reflection and advice, based on the input and our conversations with our fellow cohort colleagues, above all else, is that this program and your time together is a GIFT. How you take advantage of this experience can be a life changing gift – you will meet the ‘’who’s who’’, you will gain a wealth of learning, and you will build bonds that will last a lifetime. You will be called upon to return this gift to others in other places and ways – be open and prepare for that. Leadership is on-going gifting – pay it forward. You will be proud of becoming part of the Odell alumni!
Merci / Thank you Questions & Discussion