This is Poppy’s story
I was diagnosed at age 3 with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) I started my first primary school at 4 and due to family issues had to move to another. Loved school and the school was amazing for my siblings but not suited for my needs. Paediatrician wasn’t very helpful and my parents fought against me having a statement and being medicated. Mum’s work background led her to believe the diagnosis was incorrect.
Became selective mute for 11 years from age 7 to 18. In High school I felt I slipped through the net. As I didn’t have a statement, I didn’t get any support for my needs. Left High School with 10 GCSE’s and because I was “high functioning”, I got no support when transitioning into College. Received no support in College as I had no statement.
My mental health deteriorated so I was referred to CAMHS My mental health deteriorated so I was referred to CAMHS. I waited 22 months for my first appointment, at the age of 17. I had a few appointments and then I was discharged due to my age. I had a lot of tests and they also disagreed with the ADHD diagnosis. MUMS KNOW BEST EH!! I was then diagnosed with Autism, social communication, developmental co-ordination (dyspraxia) and anxiety.
I went along to a professional meeting with my Mum’s job as I was too anxious to be home alone. I spoke about my experience and Seline Wakerley from Creative Youth Development (CYD) asked me to attend the small SEND dance group. I attended with my Mum for a couple sessions. I then built up my confidence and started going alone.
I was shown that my voice is important and my journey can help others I was shown that my voice is important and my journey can help others. I along with another SEND young person helped set up the SEND Youth Voice Group. This was to help other SEND young people have their views listened to and make changes so other young people can have a positive experience within services.
I have taken part in 2 youth parliaments and had the confidence to stand up and say what I think. I also helped to train the 1st year student nurses at Chester University about caring for patients with learning difficulties. Recently I was nominated for an inspirational young person of the year award. I came runner up but everyone deserved it! Within the Youth Voice group, I have been part of winning 2 awards for SEND participation and voice group.
In the sessions we had previously worked on making a template CV. The other SEND young people and I worked with Sally to arrange an employment event, as this was an issue for us all. We invited local businesses, Department of Working Pensions(DWP), The Hive, and a lot of different employers and training providers. In the sessions we had previously worked on making a template CV. On the day we were all a little nervous. Mine was the first interview! Sally guided me through the process and the professionals listened and offered their advice. As the day went on…
My dreams came true!!
I had an offer to complete an Institute of Leadership & Management (ILM) programme. Full time, PAID employment!! This was in the local community centre BEE Wirral doing childcare and admin. During my time at BEE Wirral I learnt to make sure that the room environment was safe and the children had lots of activities and could learn through play. I also made sure the parents felt comfortable in the sessions.
Now!!! I am working as Sally’s glamorous assistant, the Local Offer Apprentice. I’m the straw to her berry!! + =
I am already working with 3 Wirral schools and looking forward to meeting their young people. I am going to be working with other young people that have SEND needs to try and help them have a positive experience of different services, and to prevent a negative experience. I have already been asked to check and read through surveys and council policies to see if there is anything that I think should be changed or adapted to be young person friendly.
I am hoping that I can work with SENCOs and other professionals who work with young SEND people to be able to meet and speak with them to get their voices heard and try to get the support and services they need. If you’d like your pupils to have a voice then I’d love to help. Poppy Cain 0151 666 4488 (It’s a long story!)