Index SR.NoTitleSlide No 1Introduction3 2Evolution of.Net4 31. Asp.NET MVC Knowledge Microsoft Certified Solutions Developer (MCSD) certification Database Application8 64. Client-side Web Development Technologies Understanding of OOP (Object Oriented Programming) 10 8Additional Skills11 9Conclusion12
I NTRODUCTION :- ASP.NET is a Microsoft development environment that supports several languages among which C# is a primary one and very familiar to Java. ASP.NET, an open-source web application framework, is developed by Microsoft and is based on the Common Language Runtime (CLR). ExlTech is a center for career guidance in DOT NET training. They provide practical training for Basic to Advance level C# training with live projects. Their Syllabus for the Dot Net training course is been designed by the qualified industry experts as per the layman industry needs. Trainers of ExlTech are immensely knowledgeable in technical concepts, committed to convey the best in that particular subject.ASP.NET developer helps to build dynamic web pages, mobile apps and other web services for one’s business. ASP.NET has three distinct web development frameworks- ASP.NET web forms, ASP.NET MVC and ASP.NET web pages.DOT NET training An ASP.NET developer is someone who creates the application, forms codes for connecting to the application, prepares a policy to run the applications, designs different application systems and manages the defect tracking system and settles all problems. ExlTech promises you to deliver the best Dot Net Training with all the interview preparation and placement guarantee and soft skills training.
E VOLUTION OF.N ET Microsoft launched C# language in 1999 and simply a few of years later the company launched.Net, and since then each are growing continuously. A few very popular languages even were additionally launched and disappeared throughout this time period, together with HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript and Windows Store Apps. Today Microsoft is specializing in.Net and Visual Studio apps. Since the evolution of the Microsoft.Net framework day by day, it is getting better.
1. A SP.NET MVC K NOWLEDGE ASP.NET developers must-have skills of ASP.NET MVC (Model View Controller) which helps developers to make beautiful, fast and secure web applications. It is simple and easy to use. That’s why ASP.NET MVC is progressing up ahead and spreading over the web market. While hiring ASP.NET developers, this skill can be considered as the first place.
2. M ICROSOFT C ERTIFIED S OLUTIONS D EVELOPER (MCSD) CERTIFICATION Having the Microsoft Certified Solutions Developer certification is one amongst the foremost necessary skills of associate degree ASP.NET developer as it is developed and maintained by Microsoft itself, which needs rectification after every two years. While hiring ASP.NET developers, managers will always lookups that developer having MCSD certification among two similar candidates. Join the Dot Net training institute in Pune and upscale your career in the IT world. You can choose the Dot Net Training certification program from the wide range of courses available. Either you're a freshman or a operating skilled, you both can take up the certification course.Dot Net training institute in Pune The Dot web educational program will definitely build your future bright and provide you with a lot of career opportunities.
3. D ATABASE A PPLICATION ASP.NET developer must be well-versed with not only Microsoft’s SQL databases but also emerging technology e.g. MySQL, which will make him a highly demanded employee in the.NET development industry. The a lot of you know regarding database application, the better you work closely with its administration, optimization, and analysis.
4. C LIENT - SIDE W EB D EVELOPMENT T ECHNOLOGIES Knowledge of client-side web development technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, JQuery and Bootstrap are necessary for an ASP.NET developer. This will facilitate a developer to be highly creative, catchy and interactive.
5. U NDERSTANDING OF OOP (O BJECT O RIENTED P ROGRAMMING ) Last but not least, the concept of OOP (object-oriented programming) is a basic skill for even a fresher. If the candidate does not have the knowledge of OOP, he is not ready for the project. OOP concepts include concepts of inheritance, generalization, composition, and dependency.
A DDITIONAL S KILLS Besides, ASP.NET developers must have extra skills like proficiency with C#, ability to read and write code in C#, a positive attitude, excellent communication skill, a knack for analytical thinking, the experience of 3-4 years, ability to immediately respond to the changes of the application, trustworthiness, etc..
C ONCLUSION Conclusion is that only theoretical knowledge is not enough for a candidate. There are a hell and heaven difference between theory and practice. So, you want to decide what proportion practical data they need by evaluating their works done before.