Who are US Citizens? Chapter 1, Section 2
Why do you think people choose to immigrate to America? Explain. Opening Question, 8/24
Americans are from EVERYWHERE! Immigrants: People who come to a country to settle as permanent residents. Melting pot vs. salad bowl Americans are from EVERYWHERE!
Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882: Halted Chinese immigration to the US. In the 1920’s, laws established a quota (specific number,) of immigrants from certain countries/regions who were allowed to enter the country each year. Immigration Reform and Control Act 1986: Legalized undocumented residents who met certain requirements to reduce flow of illegal immigration. Immigration Act 1990: Sets total annual quota of immigrants at 675,000 starting in 1995. Gives preference to husbands, wives, and children of US citizens, people who have valuable job skills, and aliens. (Permanent residents of the US who are still citizens of another country.) Immigration Policy
Types of Citizens Native-Born: Born in the US or its territories. 2000: 90% of citizens were native-born. Naturalization: Legal process by which an alien becomes a citizen. Cannot be President or Vice President. Legal Alien: Citizen of another country who has received permission to enter the US. Attend school or visit. Illegal Immigrants: Lacking legal immigration documents. Could be as high as 8 million people. Refugees: People who are trying to escape dangers in their home countries. Usually fleeing persecution, wars, political conflicts, and other crisis situations. Types of Citizens
What is the American Dream? Closing Question
Mini-Project: American Dream Choose one of the following, (or come up with your own to be approved by me,) to represent what the American Dream is. Draw a scene, portrait, symbol, or cartoon representing your vision of the American Dream. Please make sure there are a couple sentences describing what your drawing is about. Write a journal entry, song, poem, representing your vision of the American Dream. (Bonus points if you want to present your writing!) Mini-Project: American Dream