Numbers in the woods Objective: to recap numbers, singular and plural nouns
10 Touch the number on the screen when your teacher calls it out in French
10 Touch the number on the screen when your teacher calls it out in French
10 Touch the number on the screen when your teacher calls it out in French
10 Touch the number on the screen when your teacher calls it out in French
Knowledge about number - reinforcing numeracy through French The following slides are based on the numbers 0 – 9 and the operations + plus - moins divisé par X fois and = égale Ask the class to guess what number/sign is behind each blue rectangle, & then click on it to reveal if they guessed right or wrong. Encourage the class to consider carefully by not clicking on the rectangles in order & eliciting what they can deduce. For example in the next slide they should be able to deduce that the second reactangle MUST be + plus - moins divisé par X fois or = égale
9 – 7 = 2
8 + 1 = 9
3 + 4 = 7
1 x 6 = 6
3 x 3 = 9
8 - 5 = 3
4 2 = 2
7 - 7 = 0
2 x 4 = 8
9 3 = 3
Choose a square in French, click on it to find: 2 fromages, 2 souris, 1 fermier & 1 nourrice
orange vert jaune rouge bleu Choose a square in French, click on it to find: trois souris, un fromage, deux fermiers & un lapin
trois chats noirs
quatre chats rouges
deux souris rouges
Dessinez: trois chats bleus un éléphant vert cinq fromages jaunes