Conceptual Physics JEOPARDY Mechanics
Units Velocity & Acceleration Newton’s Laws Misc Mr. Kelly 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500
Units 100 The units for mass. A: What is a kg? Back
Units 200 The units for distance. A: What is m? Back
Units 300 The units for velocity. A: What is a m/s? Back
Units 400 The units for force. A: What is N? Back
Units 500 The units for acceleration. A: What is m/s2? Back
Velocity & Acceleration 100 What you are doing if your velocity is negative. A: What is going backwards? Back
Velocity & Acceleration 200 What you are doing if your acceleration is negative. A: What is slowing down? Back
Velocity & Acceleration 300 Your velocity if you swim 100 m in 10.54 s A: What is 9.49 m/s? Back
Velocity & Acceleration 400 How far you go if you are traveling 36 m/s for 45 s. A: What is 1620 m? Back
Velocity & Acceleration 500 The acceleration of a car if the velocity goes from 4.0 m/s to 36 m/s in 4.0 s. A: What is 8.0 m/s2? Back
Newton's Laws 100 A: What is reaction? For every action there is an equal and opposite ________. A: What is reaction? Back
Newton's Laws 200 The term for why an object at rest remains at rest and an object in motion remains in motion. A: What is inertia? Back
Newton's Laws 300 The net force that is required to accelerate a 1500 kg race car at 3.0 m/s2. A: What is 4500 N? Back
Newton's Laws 400 A: What is 7.4 kg? The mass of a shot put if a force of 140 N gives the shot an acceleration of 19 m/s2. A: What is 7.4 kg? Back
Newton's Laws 500 A: What is 1.7 m/s2? The acceleration of a 7.0 x 10-5 kg spider if the net force on the spider web is 1.2 x 10-4 N. A: What is 1.7 m/s2? Back
A: What is magnitude and direction? Misc 100 The two things that define a Vector. A: What is magnitude and direction? Back
Misc 200 The number of the most laps completed during the boat project. A: What is 37? Back
Misc 300 The amount force needed to keep a 30 kg object in motion in the vacuum of space. A: What is 0 N? Back
Misc 400 A: What is Buoyancy? The force caused by the weight of fluid that is displaced. A: What is Buoyancy? Back
Misc 500 A: What is 2000 lbs or 1 ton? The approximate amount of weight a 1 m3 volume of water can hold up. A: What is 2000 lbs or 1 ton? Back
Mr. Kelly 100 The name of the state where Mr. Kelly used to live. A: What is NY? Back
Mr. Kelly 200 A: What is Notre Dame? The name of the school where Mr. Kelly got his teaching degree. A: What is Notre Dame? Back
Mr. Kelly 300 The number of brothers & sisters Mr. Kelly has. A: What is 6? Back
Mr. Kelly 400 A: What are Football and Track? The name of the two sports Mr. Kelly played in high School. A: What are Football and Track? Back
A: What is Aerospace Engineering? Mr. Kelly 500 This was Mr. Kelly’s major in undergrad. A: What is Aerospace Engineering? Back