Broken Bones A few common types
Is it broken? You may hear a snap or a grinding noise during the injury. There's swelling, bruising, or tenderness around the injured part. It's painful for to bear weight on the injury, touch it, press on it, or move it. The injured part looks deformed. In severe breaks, the broken bone may be poking through the skin
Common types in kids buckle or torus fracture: greenstick fracture: one side of the bone bends, raising a little buckle, without breaking the other side Also know as compacted greenstick fracture: a partial fracture in which one side of the bone is broken and the other side bends
How about mature bones? Typically the bone is broken completely through. Two basic types closed fracture: a fracture that doesn't break the skin open (or compound) fracture: a fracture in which the ends of the broken bone break through the skin
Mature types of fractures Spiral fracture happens when the break twists around the bone. These are more common in injuries where the bone was twisted under pressure. Transverse fracture: a fracture at a right angle to the bone's axis. Oblique fracture: a fracture in which the break has a curved or sloped pattern
A few more... Compacted: Compacted fractures are identified when the fragments of bone are driven into each other. Compression: A compression fracture happens when the bone is crushed and flattened. Hairline: A thin crack or break in the bone is a hairline fracture, generally associated with stress fractures.