Microsoft® Office Outlook® 2003 Training PVAMU Academic Technology Presents: Microsoft® Office Outlook® 2003 Training [Note to trainer: For detailed help in customizing this template, see the very last slide. Also, look for additional lesson text in the notes pane of some slides.] Organize your Inbox
Course contents Overview: Tame the chaos of your Inbox Lesson 1: Color code with automatic formatting Lesson 2: Find it fast with arrangements Lesson 3: Use flags to follow up (Continued on next slide.) Organize your Inbox
Course contents (contd.) Lesson 4: Use folders Lesson 5: Play favorites Each lesson includes a list of suggested tasks and a set of test questions. Organize your Inbox
Overview: Tame the chaos of your Inbox What's your style in Outlook? Would you say that you organize your e-mail the same way you organize your office? Your style works for you: Outlook can accommodate you with features that complement your natural work style. To use the new features, you may need to learn a couple of new things. Organize your Inbox
Course goals Use colors to make specific messages stand out. Easily locate messages by changing the way they are arranged. Use flags to set your own priorities for how and when to follow up on messages. Organize messages into actual groups and virtual groups by using folders and Search Folders. Get easy access to the folders you use most often by adding them to the Favorite Folders pane. Organize your Inbox
Color code with automatic formatting Lesson 1 Color code with automatic formatting
Color code with automatic formatting Whether you keep a lot of e-mail around or only a few messages, you can use colors to help clarify what's there. You can use the Automatic Formatting feature to instantly organize your e-mail with color. See messages from your boss in one color and messages from your friend Bob in another. Organize your Inbox
Color code messages Use Automatic Formatting to make certain messages stand out with color. Even if you have thousands of messages in your Inbox, the green ones will catch your attention. Organize your Inbox
You do it with Organize Once you select a message and click the Organize command on the Tools menu, you're just a few quick steps away from color-coded messages. To color code messages, use the Organize pane. Click Using Colors. Set up the rule for color coding. Click Apply Color. [Note to trainer: Steps—given in either numbered or bulleted lists—are always shown in yellow text.] Organize your Inbox
It’s an Automatic Formatting rule Outlook creates an Automatic Formatting rule and shows you the details in the Automatic Formatting dialog box. To see the rule: Click Automatic Formatting in the Organize pane. See the details of your rule in the Automatic Formatting dialog box. To change or undo color coding, you would click Automatic Formatting in the Organize pane and then delete or modify the rule. Organize your Inbox
Suggestions for practice Color code messages from a specific person. Turn off color coding. Change the color used for automatic formatting. Delete the color coding rule. Online practice (requires Outlook 2003) Close the practice window to return to tutorial slide show. [Note to trainer: With Outlook 2003 installed on your computer, you can click the link in the slide to go to an online practice. In the practice, you can work through each of these tasks in Outlook, with instructions to guide you. Important: If you don’t have Outlook 2003, you won’t be able to access the practice instructions.] Organize your Inbox
Test 1, question 1 Organizing by color would help you: (Pick one answer.) Make your Inbox pretty. Quickly notice messages from the boss. Group similar messages. Organize your Inbox
Test 1, question 1: Answer Quickly notice messages from the boss. If you set up a rule to color messages from your boss, you'll be able to spot them right away. Organize your Inbox
Test 1, question 2 When you click Apply Color in the Organize pane, Outlook creates: (Pick one answer.) A custom font. A fashion statement. An Automatic Formatting rule. Organize your Inbox
Test 1, question 2: Answer An Automatic Formatting rule. Outlook creates a rule that it applies to the messages in your Inbox, or to the messages in whichever folder you were looking in when you created the rule. Organize your Inbox
Find it fast with arrangements Lesson 2 Find it fast with arrangements
Find it fast with arrangements You may be able to spot the message you're looking for more quickly by changing the way messages are arranged. In Outlook, changing your perspective can be as simple as arranging your messages in a different way. In this lesson, we'll show you how to arrange messages so that you can quickly find what you're looking for. Organize your Inbox
By date, by default By default, Outlook shows messages grouped and sorted by date. The type of arrangement. How messages are ordered. Here the newest messages are on top. Outlook displays only relevant date information. To see the full date, position the pointer over the displayed date. In messages grouped by date, one thing you’ll always be able to see is the sender’s name. Outlook displays only relevant date information depending on the age of the message. For example, messages received today show the time only. Messages from yesterday show the day and time, while messages that are older than a week show you dates only. Organize your Inbox
Quickly change arrangements You can also arrange messages other ways: by size, by who they're from, or by subject (to name just a few). To quickly change from one arrangement to another, you would click Arranged By and select the choice that suits you. The Arranged By shortcut menu Organize your Inbox
Arrange by conversation topic When you arrange messages by conversation topic, only unread messages are displayed. At first, you'll see only the bits of the conversation that you haven't yet read. To see all the messages, click the arrow next to the conversation title (circled in the picture). Organize your Inbox
See the whole conversation When you arrange messages by conversation, you see the "traffic flow" of a conversation. Click the arrow to show or hide read messages. Read messages appear as open envelopes. The indentation tells you that a conversation split. (This is a reply to Ted Bremer's message above.) Messages are indented to show you who replied to whom. The dates show you when they replied. You may be familiar with the term mail thread. This arrangement lets you keep track of the threads. The conversation in the picture shows a few mail threads in a single conversation. Want the details? The messages indented under Linda's response are one thread, while Chris's 12:40 PM response is another. The indenting lets you know right away who participated in which thread. For example, everyone else in the conversation added their thoughts to Linda's response, not Chris's (although Chris got back into that thread at 3:41 PM, and again at 5:50 PM). If you were trying to get caught up on the details of a conversation, you would read the thread under Linda Contreras's first, and then if you were curious, you could see what Chris Ashton had to say at 12:40 PM (but you'd know that his comments in that message weren't the most up to date, and that they didn't take into consideration everyone else's thoughts). Organize your Inbox
Suggestions for practice Arrange by message sender. Arrange by conversation. Use the shortcut menu to switch to a different arrangement. Online practice (requires Outlook 2003) Close the practice window to return to tutorial slide show. [Note to trainer: With Outlook 2003 installed on your computer, you can click the link in the slide to go to an online practice. In the practice, you can work through each of these tasks in Outlook, with instructions to guide you. Important: If you don’t have Outlook 2003, you won’t be able to access the practice instructions.] Organize your Inbox
Test 2, question 1 To see who replied to whom (and when they replied), you should arrange messages this way: (Pick one answer.) By subject. By conversation. By date. Organize your Inbox
Test 2, question 1: Answer By conversation. Arranging messages by conversation will indent related messages, giving you visual cues about who replied to whom and when they replied. Organize your Inbox
Test 2, question 2 When you arrange messages by date, Outlook hides certain unimportant message details. Which detail will you always see in this view? (Pick one answer.) The sender's name. The time the message was sent. The day of the week. Organize your Inbox
Test 2, question 2: Answer The sender's name. In the default arrangement, in which you see messages grouped by the date you received them, you'll always be able to see who sent the message. Depending on when you received the message, some details about when the message was sent will be hidden. Organize your Inbox
Lesson 3 Use flags to follow up
Use flags to follow up You can use flags to prioritize your messages and follow up. Suppose you have a collection of 300 messages in your Inbox. Or, perhaps you've neatly filed everything, only to wonder "do I need to act on one of those messages, and where did I put it?" You've saved many of those messages because you need to attend to things they discuss. Some might need your attention today, some next week, and others just need your attention…sometime. How do you keep track of all this—and how do you call attention to the messages you want to see today? Introducing: Flags. Organize your Inbox
Flag it! You can flag messages right from your Inbox. The Flag Status column. Right-click here to add a flag. You have six flag colors to choose from. The flags aren’t labeled, so you decide what significance to assign a particular color. Organize your Inbox
Flag it! You can flag messages right from your Inbox. When you've followed up, use the Flag Complete command to change the flag status. Use Add Reminder to set a date and time for a reminder. Organize your Inbox
Base a "To Do" list on flags To quickly get organized, a great trick is to use flags with Search Folders. After you flag a message, it automatically appears in the For Follow Up Search Folder. Once you get used to flags, you may want to prioritize certain messages as soon as you read them. Organize your Inbox
Suggestions for practice Add a flag by using the Flag Status column. Add a flag to an open message. Add a reminder. Sort messages according to their flags. Online practice (requires Outlook 2003) Close the practice window to return to tutorial slide show. [Note to trainer: With Outlook 2003 installed on your computer, you can click the link in the slide to go to an online practice. In the practice, you can work through each of these tasks in Outlook, with instructions to guide you. Important: If you don’t have Outlook 2003, you won’t be able to access the practice instructions.] Organize your Inbox
Test 3, question 1 A red message flag signifies which of the following: (Pick one answer.) Highest priority. Urgent. Whatever you want it to mean. Organize your Inbox
Test 3, question 1: Answer Whatever you want it to mean. With Outlook flags, you decide what the colors mean. You have six to choose from. Organize your Inbox
Test 3, question 2 Flags can be a great way to create a "To Do" list when you combine their use with this feature: (Pick one answer.) Search Folders. Reminders. Flag poles. Organize your Inbox
Test 3, question 2: Answer Search Folders. When you attach a flag to a message, it will automatically show up in the For Follow Up Search Folder. You can look in this folder to see your "To Do" list. (See the next lesson to find out more.) Organize your Inbox
Lesson 4 Use folders
Use folders Folders can help you sort your messages into intuitive groups. Folders can reflect your personal needs and interests. You may not think that folders are your style… but really, they can work for anyone. Why? Because how you use them is up to you. Organize your Inbox
How to create a folder in your Inbox Right-click Inbox. Click New Folder. Then, you would type the name of the new folder and click OK. Organize your Inbox
Use Search Folders A Search Folder is a virtual folder that lets you see a particular group of messages without having to physically move or copy them anywhere. It displays messages based on the results of the search criteria you specify when you create the folder. With Search Folders, a message can be in two or more places at once. Search Folders appear along with the rest of your mail folders in the Navigation Pane. Organize your Inbox
Use Search Folders Outlook creates three Search Folders by default: For Follow Up Large Mail Unread Mail Search Folders appear along with the rest of your mail folders in the Navigation Pane. Remember the flags we talked about in the last lesson? This For Follow Up folder allows you to quickly see all of the messages you have flagged for follow up. When you use flags, this folder becomes your virtual "To Do" list. Organize your Inbox
Suggestions for practice Create a folder by right-clicking. Create a folder from the File menu. File messages. Use one of the default Search Folders. Create your own Search Folder. Online practice (requires Outlook 2003) Close the practice window to return to tutorial slide show. [Note to trainer: With Outlook 2003 installed on your computer, you can click the link in the slide to go to an online practice. In the practice, you can work through each of these tasks in Outlook, with instructions to guide you. Important: If you don’t have Outlook 2003, you won’t be able to access the practice instructions.] Organize your Inbox
Test 4, question 1 To display messages in a Search Folder, you would: (Pick one answer.) Move the messages into the folder by dragging them. Specify the appropriate criteria when you create the folder. Move the messages into the folder by right-clicking them, and then clicking Move. Organize your Inbox
Test 4, question 1: Answer Specify the appropriate criteria when you create the folder. A Search Folder displays messages based on the results of the search criteria you specify when you create the folder. Organize your Inbox
Test 4, question 2 The For Follow Up folder, a default Search Folder, will display flagged messages from which of the following folders: (Pick one answer.) All folders in your mailbox. The Inbox only. Only those folders that you specify. Organize your Inbox
Test 4, question 2: Answer All folders in your mailbox. If you want to narrow the scope, you can create customized Search Folders. Organize your Inbox
Lesson 5 Play favorites
Play favorites Adding a folder to Favorite Folders makes it easy to access. Organize your Inbox
See favorites You see mail folders when you look at e-mail in the Navigation Pane. Mail folders are visible in two places: Favorite Folders All Mail Folders Because you can change what appears in Favorite Folders, you’re not stuck with any one way to look at folders. Organize your Inbox
Make a folder a favorite Once you’ve set up folders, you may want to add them to the Favorite Folders section of the Navigation Pane. To do this, simply drag the folder that you want to make a favorite into that pane. To remove it, right-click the folder in Favorite Folders, and then click Remove from Favorite Folders. Putting folders in the Favorite Folders pane means you’ll have easy access to them whenever you’re looking at e-mail. Organize your Inbox
Suggestions for practice Add a folder to Favorite Folders by dragging. Add a folder to Favorite Folders by right-clicking. Remove a folder from Favorite Folders. Online practice (requires Outlook 2003) Close the practice window to return to tutorial slide show. [Note to trainer: With Outlook 2003 installed on your computer, you can click the link in the slide to go to an online practice. In the practice, you can work through each of these tasks in Outlook, with instructions to guide you. Important: If you don’t have Outlook 2003, you won’t be able to access the practice instructions.] Organize your Inbox
Test 5, question 1 To place a folder in Favorite Folders, you would: (Pick one answer.) Drag it. Cut and paste it. Move it by using Microsoft Windows® Explorer. Organize your Inbox
Test 5, question 1: Answer Drag it. Organize your Inbox
Test 5, question 2 To remove a folder from the Favorite Folders list only, you would: (Pick one answer.) Delete it. Use the Remove from Favorite Folders command. Drag it. Organize your Inbox
Test 5, question 2: Answer Use the Remove from Favorite Folders command. Right-click the folder in Favorite Folders, and then click Remove from Favorite Folders. What could be more simple? Organize your Inbox