Heather Ballou July 2019
Rural Alaska Community Environmental Job Training Program -RACEJT HMTRI Capacity-builders who help communities develop successful job training programs Online Resources Professional Learning Community All-Grantee Meeting Webinars Newsletters Listserv Individual Technical Assistance Social Media Directory Employee Finder MentorLink Program Started in 1990s Cooperative agreement with the EPA to provide technical assistance for individuals seeking or who have obtained an Environmental Workforce Development and Job Training grant. The EPA Environmental Workforce Development and Job Training grant is $200,000 is awarded over the 3 yr period, YR 1 and 2 have ramp up, delivery of courses, Yr 3 ramp down and employment ~15 awarded each year depending on funding, look at last years RFP to get an overview of what you would have to submit in terms of the grant Class sizes variable but usually around 20, range from 12 – 100 depending on each grantee Placement rates had as high as 100%, have to have at least 75% Cannot reapply if you received a grant the prior year (yr 2 and 3 can reapply). You are strongly encouraged to reapply if you do not receive the grant the first time you try. HMTRI offers: Online resources – repository for all things workforce related Professional Learning Community All-Grantee Meeting Webinars Newsletters Listserv Individual Technical Assistance – when needed Social Media Directory Employee Finder – potential employees on national scale showing our grantees, contact information, when graduates are available, core curriculum People who participate in the HMTRI offerings have demonstrated a high success rate in receiving grants. -We focus on everything that in the RFP -We are not a grant prep organization, we show communities what is needed to develop a sustainable program- we do not review grants Rural Alaska Community Environmental Job Training Program -RACEJT Photo credit: RACEJT
Professional Learning Community (PLC) 30 min phone call every other week Wed, 2 p.m. ET 319.527.3513 Access code 550105 Upcoming dates for PLC Cycle 21 July 17,2019 July 31, 2019 August 14, 2019 August 28, 2019 September 11, 2019 September 25, 2019 October 9, 2019 October 23, 2019 November 6, 2019 November 20, 2019 Started PLC in 2009 Discuss everything an organization need to do to create a sustainable EWDJT program. Casual, we have done 191 of them, and they are archived on the toolbox Topics chosen – what’s relevant to where we are at in the grant cycle, things that present grantees are experiencing and things that prospective grantees are interested in. - mix of open discussion and presentations - Special situations / things of interest (ex. Resources in the BUILD Act – current event and how it relates to grantees). Help prospective grantees learn about what you need to do to create a great program Existing grantees showcase things they are doing well Topics of interest. We have a special PLC list, which lets you get notes from the meeting 2 days after the PLC. Contact me if you would like to get onto the PLC list.
Questions? Heather Ballou hkballou@eicc.edu 563.441.4093 Attendees at HMTRI’s 2018 All-Grantee Meeting Photo credit: Elvin Lang