Azbayar.A 11th B grade student at the National laboratory Khan-uul complex school in Dornod Aimag 13.05.2019
Water is Life treasure Traditionally water is symbolized with three spherical shapes as one of the seven treasures of Mongolian empire. The three spherical shapes represent body, language and soul. In legend, water treasure is brought from ocean to fulfill good wishes of all. Water treasure- Water is source of life
Water is Life treasure
Mongolians have rich history and ritual way worshiping nature and environment throughout a year.
Our participation in saving water and rivers
Our participation in saving water and rivers Students of 9-12th grades have participated in the discussion called “Let’s save our Kherlen river from pollution” Students made the motto “ Protect Kherlen river” “The project club” and “Youth nature keeper” was created. The beautiful nature- Peaceful Island was approved The governor and Head of province made decision to support this project “The children of the same rivers” We organize the lessons in nature in every spring and autumn.
The Children of the same rivers Local representatives’ meeting hold in the 20th of October 2017 made a decision to worship Kherlen, Khalh, Ulz, Gal and Onon rivers in order to raise awareness of protecting and loving wild nature, mountain and water. Worshipping Kherlen river at the border of Dornod, Khentii and Sukhbaatar provinces become a regular event organized in last month of spring and 3rd day of the first of month of summer.
Save nature Melody of piccolo about kind Kherlen river Eco lesson Save nature “Wonderful nature “My free land” Melody of piccolo about kind Kherlen river
Eco lesson activity on the nature We are learning sustainable development of nature through classes under the topic of “My environment and Our participation.” The class activities and civil education were organized at the bank of the Kherlen river. As a result we are spreading and inheriting ways how to save and protect our nature, and worship them.