Music Lessons: Your Biggest Questions Answered
Gayle Beacock Menzie Pittman Beacock Music & Education Center Contemporary Music Center
Education Programs Offered What Type of Education Classes Do You Offer? Education Programs Offered
Are they profitable for you? Group Lessons How do they run? Home School Programs Are they profitable for you?
Programs for Student Engagement What Metric Do You Use to Ensure that Teachers are Relating to Student Needs? Programs for Student Engagement
Recruiting and Maintaining Teachers How Do You Ensure Quality of Instruction? Recruiting and Maintaining Teachers
How Do You Deal with Teachers when they “push back?” Who Does the Hiring? What “key traits” do you look for in the interview? How Do You Deal with Teachers when they “push back?” How do you protect the customer, teacher & your store?
Keeping Studios Full Over Summer Break What Are Your Tips and Best Practices? Keeping Studios Full Over Summer Break
Administrative Details Running Your Educational Sessions Efficiently & Profitably Administrative Details
Student Cancellations Teacher Absences Make Up Lessons Is this cleanly stated in you your policy? Teacher Absences Do you have a back up plan? Make Up Lessons How do you implement this?
What Are your Tips & Best Practices? Billing for Lessons
What is your Cyclone Model & Your Boutique Style? QUESTION FOR menzie
How Do You Sell Your Products to Ed Center Students? QUESTION FOR Gayle
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