My refuge and my fortress; my God in whom I trust.


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Presentation transcript:

My refuge and my fortress; my God in whom I trust. --Psalm 91:2

General Conference 2019 St. Louis, MO

Overview Saturday – Day of Prayer and Preparation Sunday – Getting things in order Monday – Legislative Committee Tuesday – General Conference Plenary Session

Decisions Wespath/Pensions Exiting churches must pay their fair share of unfunded future pension liability (Wespath supplies amount to be allocated by Conference) Exiting active clergy pension account maintained, but converted to self-managed account to limit future liability to church/conference (retired clergy not impacted) Amended to add “nothing prevents an AC from collecting other obligations” Effective immediately following close of GC 2019

Decisions The Definition of Homosexuality ¶304.3 footnote “Self-avowed practicing homosexual” is understood to mean that a person openly acknowledges to a bishop, district superintendent, district committee of ordained ministry, Board of Ordained Ministry, or clergy session that the person is a practicing homosexual; or is living in a same-sex marriage, domestic partnership or civil union, or is a person who publicly states she or he is a practicing homosexual. Constitutional Effective January 1, 2020

Decisions Episcopal Responsibilities Bishops are prohibited from consecrating bishops who are self- avowed “practicing” homosexuals Bishops are prohibited from commissioning candidates (elders or deacons) that a Board of Ordained Ministry has determined is a self-avowed “practicing” homosexual or has failed to certify through examination (even if approved by the BOM and clergy session) Bishops are prohibited from ordaining deacons or elders that a Board of Ordained Ministry has determined is a self-avowed “practicing” homosexual or has failed to be certified through BoOM examination (even if approved by the BOM and clergy session) Constitutional Effective January 1, 2020 Committee on Correlation and Editorial Revision brought all petitions passed by General Conference 2019 and ruled constitutional by Judicial Council “in harmony” by verifying the phrase “self-avowed practicing” was used in all legislation. It found, in its work, that the wording was inconsistent, sometimes omitted the wording “self-avowed”, sometimes omitting the wording “practicing”. It has been noted by Tom Lambrecht, the author and sponsor of the petitions, that these were indeed oversights due to the rushed nature of the petition creation, and not intended to be omitted.

Decisions Trial Court Penalties Addition of language… if conviction is for conducting ceremonies which celebrate homosexual unions or performing same-sex wedding ceremonies, the trial court does not have the power to and may not fix a penalty less than the following: First offense – one year of suspension without pay Second offense – not less than termination of conference membership and revocation of credentials Constitutional Effective January 1, 2020

Decisions Qualifications for Ministry – Minimum Requirements The dCOM and BOM shall not approve or recommend any person for candidacy, licensing, commissioning, or ordination who does not meet the qualifications for ¶304.1-3 based on full examination and inquiry into the person’s fitness The Bishop presiding in the clergy session shall rule any such unqualified candidate out of order and not eligible to be acted upon. Constitutional Effective January 1, 2020

Decisions Complaint Process against clergy or bishops Having received a complaint, the bishop shall, within 90 days, carry out the supervisory response process. If resolution is not achieved, the bishop shall either Dismiss the complaint as having no basis in law or fact, with consent of cabinet, copies in clergyperson’s file and shared with complainant. OR Refer to counsel for the church Constitutional Effective January 1, 2020

Decisions Just Resolution for clergy and bishops Shall state all identified harms and how they shall be addressed by the Church and other parties to the complaint. Constitutional Effective January 1, 2020

Decisions Just Resolution for clergy and bishops No matter where in the process a just resolution is achieved, the complainant(s) shall be a party to the resolution process and every effort shall be made to have the complainant(s) agree to the resolution before it may take effect. Constitutional Effective January 1, 2020

Decisions Appeal Procedures Constitutional Effective January 1, 2020 No appeal from findings “of fact” The Church shall have a right of appeal to the committee on appeals and then to the Judicial Council based on egregious errors of Church law or administration If errors found, it may remand the case for a new trial, providing a statement of the grounds for its actions Added appeal to Judicial Council when there is an investigation but no trial. Constitutional Effective January 1, 2020

Decisions Disaffiliation of Local Churches Over Issues Related to Human Sexuality Expires December 31, 2023 Approved by 2/3 of a church conference (doesn’t include ratification by the Annual Conference) and majority of the Annual Conference (see JC decision) Annual Conference Trustees determines terms and conditions in consultation with some others, consistent with these provisions: GCFA will develop a standard form. Annual Conferences may add to the terms. The church shall pay any unpaid apportionments for the previous 12 months and the additional 12 months of apportionments The church retains its real and personal, tangible and intangible property. Pension liabilities and church can continue as plan sponsor Church is responsible for debts, loans, and liabilities (payoff or transfer) Payment is by the date of departure Constitutional Effective immediately

Decisions Central Conference Implementation Timeline This amendment will allow every Central Conference to decide on the changes and adoptions for the respective areas and thus prevent a legal vacuum for Central Conferences. In addition, this amendment does not limit the extension of time to make changes and adoptions to Central Conferences that are not English-speaking. It is important to note that this amendment is only related to this called extra session of General Conference which is outside the timeline of regular Central Conferences and will not change the procedures given in the Book of Discipline for regular sessions of Central Conferences. Furthermore, it is important to know that this paragraph only applies to Central Conferences. Provides implementation by Central Conferences to be completed over twelve months beyond the date of closing GC 2020 (May 2020)

Reflections (Jennifer) Historic time in the life of the church Discovered the true global nature of the United Methodist Church and the passion of, especially, the African United Methodists for their church Mentally and physically exhausting, having seen the good and bad in those who call themselves Christian and United Methodist No one unaffected, no matter your perspective Our church has become comparable to the world around us, especially the US We provided a “way forward” for the UMC, but without change to our polity GC became a win/lose proposition, which ended in a lose/lose encounter In all circles, it seems that the realization may be that the UMC may work better to complete our mission through ministry by being in different rooms of the same house, through new expressions of Methodism Above all, God IS still in control, ALL are still welcome in the UMC, and, in each of our churches, we STILL are in mission and ministry to our communities, expressing the love of God to all who want and need it!

Observations (Kim) We are still at an impasse Distrust of bishops Inability for the jurisdictions to respond to their context or make decisions specific to their needs Authority of Scripture vs Interpretation of Scripture Theological Task and Quadrilateral aren’t very well espoused, understood, or utilized Regardless of the appearance of manipulation, the African delegates voted their conscience/beliefs Mirrors where we are in the country and world today

Implications for Churches and the Conference (Kim) Diversity of thought Diversity of membership Inclusion of LBTQ+ persons Future leaders Clergy Young People Campus Ministries BOM and conference leadership Finances and Apportionments (denomination, conference, and church) Marriage and Weddings Colleges, Universities, and Seminaries Regard for each other

Uniting Methodists/Mainstream Methodists/Centrist Methodists What’s Next? Uniting Methodists/Mainstream Methodists/Centrist Methodists WCA – Wesleyan Covenant Association Adam Hamilton and others Meetings in Dallas and Atlanta May 20-22 September 25-27 @ COR General Conference 2020 in Minneapolis May 20 – 22 Meeting: 10 persons from each of the 54 US annual conferences will be invited to participate (based on nominations, with an eye to diversity, recognized leadership in the AC, and the ability to help organize those in your AC). In addition, the active US bishops and general secretaries who are able to join in.

For in hope we were saved. Now hope that is seen is not hope For in hope we were saved. Now hope that is seen is not hope. For who hopes for what is seen?  But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience. --Romans 8:24-25