Headteacher: Mr Chamberlain Deputy: Mrs Gray
Welcome and Introductions Mrs Harris – joining us in September. Mrs Howes - full time TA. Additional support at the start of the year.
Parent Partnership Please help us by: Sending the children into school everyday in the correct school uniform Supporting with activities at home including homework tasks/activities Reading books to your child Attending parent workshops Attending parents’ evenings Communicating with us readily
Parent Partnership We will help you by: Sending home a whole school and class newsletter on a weekly basis Updating the website with whole school and class information Updating parents via Twitter Ensure you have access to appropriate support services Communicating with you readily Having an open door policy.
Attendance Whole school priority to improve our whole school percentage for attendance. National average is 96% Nursery attendance non-statutory but policies apply as the children are in a school setting Recognition of 100% attendance (termly) No term time holidays are authorised. 48 hour sickness policy Medical appointments outside of school hours Please be punctual to drop off and collect and the start and end of each session.
Before and After School Club ‘Orchards’ Morning sessions 7:45 – 8:45am Afternoon sessions (short) 3:15 – 4:30pm Afternoon sessions (long) 3:15 – 6:00pm Very popular – limited space and availability
Before and After School Club An overview of ‘Orchards’ is in the main prospectus but please register your interest in a club place if this is something you require for September with Mrs McCloskey before you leave. The point of contact in the infant office for ‘Orchards’ bookings is Mrs Chakmak who is based at the junior site. If you are looking at wraparound – please contact local providers as some drop off and collect from our school – some have provided information in your induction pack
Further Information Uniform list included in pack – display Prospectus available if you would like to take one You have a pack with a whole range of information in. New parents will need to register on Parent Pay (after they start in September). Sticker with name, AM/PM and group (for our reference) Parent Meeting preference form – please complete and hand in Please make sure you have handed in admission packs If you have handed in your child’s birth certificate or passport, please remember to collect this after the class teachers have completed their individual presentations. The class teacher is now going to explain a little more about the induction process. Any questions?