Pentecostal Lam Hon Kwong School Design and Technology S2 IT Project Guideline
Title :Hydraulic System Target:To enrich the students’ knowledge about the system and its applications Group: 3 or 4 members
Presentation:PowerPoint presentation i) Give Class, Group members’ names and Class numbers ii) Suggested Content a) History of hydraulic system
Suggested Content b) The principle of the system c) The functions and the advantages of the system d) Daily life application with photos (at least 5 photos with brief descriptions )
iii) List the source or websites for information obtained and reference quoted. Submission way:Via eclass to submit Teacher:Mr. Kwan Wai Keung
Subject-class-no-no-no-no Filename Subject-class-no-no-no-no e.g. “DT2C-01-04-07-16”
Submission deadline:Before DT lesson in cycle 6 (18/10-29/10) Reference provided: