New Supplier Evaluation Foodstuffs North Island New Supplier Evaluation P 1 New Supplier Evaluation Company Name: (enter company name) Presented to: (enter name) Prepared by: (enter your name) September 14, 2019 Please refer to for further details
Company Overview Company Makeup Foodstuffs North Island New Supplier Evaluation P 2 Company Overview Company Makeup Please provide details about your Company Ownership, Structure and Trading History.
Range and Price Product Details Foodstuffs North Island New Supplier Evaluation P 3 Range and Price Product Details Provide details about the product(s) being offered, these include price, terms and range.
Supply Capacity to Supply Foodstuffs North Island New Supplier Evaluation P 4 Supply Capacity to Supply Provide details about your ability to supply product direct into any store in the Foodstuffs (North Island) Ltd group. We currently have 40 PAK’n SAVE stores, 98 New World stores and 205 Four Square stores in our region.
Service Instore Service and Merchandising Foodstuffs North Island New Supplier Evaluation P 5 Service Instore Service and Merchandising Provide details about your ability to provide Sales and Merchandising representation into any store in the Foodstuffs (North Island) Ltd group. Need to know how often you would call and who would call on each store (By Banner).
Marketing Above/Below the Line Support Foodstuffs North Island New Supplier Evaluation P 6 Marketing Above/Below the Line Support Provide details about your Marketing plan to support the product launch. This should consist of both “above the line” spend (e.g. media activity, instore activity) and “below the line” spend (instore promotional program).