Guided teaching practice in Rauman normaalikoulu 2016
Pedagogically minded teachers for the future needs The aims for students in teacher education are to become independent and responsible teachers and learn self-development, become increasingly proficient in their own subject and learn to develop their work community in cooperation with other members of teaching staff. The students should become research orientated in their work and be able to solve problems independently. They should have the capacity to utilize the most recent research in the fields of education and the subjects taught. (The Ministry of Education)
AO1 (4 ECTS): Welcome to school! First steps as a teacher Aims: Understand the role of the school as a learning environment providing basic education To become familiarized with the tasks and responsibilities related to various issues in the everyday life of schools Getting to know and use methods for observing the pupils’ skills and behavior Develop skills in planning learning activities for a particular age group
orientation portfolio tutorials group observations feedback seminar AO1 university school orientation 2h 10h portfolio tutorials 4h group observations feedback seminar
The trainees observe 26 lessons plan (20h) and teach 10 learning activities (a full lesson or an activity) keep a pedagogical diary and write a portfolio (15h) take part in other school activities (6h) give and get peer assessment
AO2 (8 ECTS): Basic skills and methods needed in teaching different school subjects Aims: Develop skills for planning a learning environment taking into account the curriculum, methods and pupils’ needs: making period plans and lesson plans with concrete aims Practice using different teaching methods and approaches Conduct pupil assessment Develop skills in giving and using given feedback for developing one’s own teaching skills and teacher identity Become aware of one’s own idea of teaching and learning pedagogy
tutorials in specific subjects and in the class AO2 university school orientation 6h tutorials in specific subjects and in the class 16h portfolio + feedback 2h
The trainees 97h of work in a group of three trainees observe 28 lessons plan 8 periods of 6 lessons in 8 subjects (Finnish, Math, Science, Religion/History, PE, Music, Visual Arts and Crafts) plan and teach 32 lessons assist 16 lessons keep a pedagogical diary and write a portfolio take part in other school activities (10h) give and get peer assessment 97h of work in a group of three trainees
SO1 (6 ECTS): Responsibilities of a full-time teacher in the class – teaching and upbringing Aims Learning about skills for taking the control of a pupils’ study week, acting as a colleague and being a member of a multi professional team at school Developing skills for mediating with homes and taking into account pupils’ individual needs Guiding the pupils in self-assessment and reflection Planning and executing pupil assessment
orientation tutorials portfolio lecture feedback SO1 university school 2h tutorials 5h portfolio lecture feedback 3h
The trainees observe and assist 20 lessons plan and teach 18 lessons keep a pedagogical diary and make a portfolio take part in other school work (10h) give and get peer assessment 100h of individual work
SO2 (8 ECTS): Teacher who has got a vision of the future and knows how to do research – a pedagogical professional who can also see the big picture in education Aims: Further developing the skills for planning a learning environment which also focuses on one key educational element besides the subject content aims Gain knowledge in understanding the importance of the role of a teacher in the classroom Gain knowledge in understanding the future needs of the pupils and ability to direct the teaching towards that way in accordance of the curricula Acknowledges the learning path for the pupil and supports that in the best possible way in cooperation with the multi professional team at school
orientation didactics seminar tutorials feedback + portfolio SO2 university school orientation 2h didactics seminar 6h tutorials 4-6h 5h feedback + portfolio
The trainees observe 20 lessons plan 2 separate period plans of 10 lessons or a combination of 20 lessons plan and teach 20 lessons keep a pedagogical diary and make a portfolio take part in other school work (10h) are assessed by the peer students 139-141h of individual work
Optional training Organized by the trainee in cooperation with the university SO3 (5 ECTS) Teaching/researching in diverse environments SO3a A teaching or research period at school SO3b Further knowledge of teaching either in kindergarten, on a camp, multicultural class, cultural institute or school/class in special learning approach SO3c Work experience as a teacher or a school assistant for 12-30 months