Economic development revision - To revise the key words for this unit of study - To practice exam questions In 2 minutes write down as many key words as you can remember that are related to this unit...
1. What is this line referred to as? 2. What is its purpose? 3. Name one advantage and one disadvantage of it...
Measuring development 5. What is GDP and what does it measure? 6. What is HDI and what does it measure? 7. Which do you think is more suited to measuring development and why?
Stages of development 8. Give an example of a country in each category 9. What are the characteristics of each country? 10. Suggest why there is a development gap...
Aid... 11. Why is aid given? 12. Draw up a table and identify the advantages and disadvantages of receiving aid
Employment structures... 13. Describe the employment structure of the UK and suggest reasons for this. 14. Describe the employment structure of an LEDC and suggest reasons for this 15. How and why do employment structures change over time?
Industrial Location... 16. Name 5 factors that affect industrial location...
17. Explain why globalisation happens 18. Create a table and show as many positives and negatives to globalisation as possible Positives Negatives