Family – La Famille père father mère mother beau-père, belle-mère- stepfather/mother, in-law cousin(e) cousin frère -brother sœur -sister demi - half divorcé(e) divorced enfant (m./f.) child femme wife fille daughter fils son
grand-mère grandmother grand-père grandfather grands-parents (m.) grandparents mari husband neveu nephew nièce niece oncle uncle parents (m.) parents petite-fille granddaughter petit-fils grandson petits-enfants (m.) grandchildren tante aunt
Sentence Basics, Pronouns Je suis- I amJe- I Jai- I havetu- You (sing., inform.) Jaime- I likeil, elle, on- he, she, one Je naime pas- I dont likenous- we Il est- He is, Elle est- She isvous-you (plural, form) Cest- It is, this is ils, elles –they (m, f) Le, la, les, l – the Un, une, des- a, some Et- and, mais, but, ou- or Mon, ma, mes – my
Greetings and Introductions Bonjour. Good morning. Bonsoir. Good evening. Salut! Hi! À bientôt. See you soon. À demain. See you tomorrow. À plus tard. /À tout à lheure. See you later. Au revoir. Goodbye. Il/Elle sappelle comment? What is his/her name? Tu tappelles comment? What is your name? Il/Elle sappelle… His/Her name is... Je mappelle… My name is...
To ask how someone is Ça va? Are you doing OK?/ Comment ça va? Hows it going? Comment allez-vous? How are you doing? (formal) Et toi/vous? And you? Bien. Fine. Non, pas très bien. No, not too well. Oui, ça va. Yes, fine. Merci. Thank you. Pas mal. Not bad. Plus ou moins, comme ci comme ça. So-so. Très bien. Very well.
To introduce and respond to an introduction Cest un ami/une amie. He/Shes a friend. Ça, cest… This is... Enchanté(e)! Delighted!, Good to meet you Je vous présente… Id like to introduce you to... Je te présente… To ask and tell how old someone is Il/Elle a quel âge? How old is he/she? Il/Elle a… ans. He/She is... years old. Jai… ans. I am... years old. Tu as quel âge? How old are you?
Les Animaux- Animals l oiseau- birdlours- bear le serpent- snakele renard - fox la grenouille - frogle poisson- fish le cerf- deer, buckle porc-épic- porcupine la biche- doele papillon- butterfly la souris- mouse le dauphin - dolphin le lapin – rabbit la tortue- turtle le loup – wolfla dinde - turkey le raton-laveur- raccoon
le cheval- horsele chien- dog la vache- cowle chat- cat le poulet- chickenle lion- lion le mouton- sheeple tigre- tiger lane- donkeyle zèbre- zebra le cochon- pig la girafe- giraffe le canard- duckle singe- monkey le hippopotame- hippoléléphant- elephant