Neurons & Glia Lecture 5
Nature of the Nervous System Camillo Golgi The Synctium continuous network no gaps ~
Nature of the Nervous System Santiago Ramon y Cajal The Neuron Doctrine discrete cells communication across gaps synapses ~
Nature of the Nervous System Golgi won Proved himself wrong Golgi Stain - silver chromate Supported Neuron Doctrine Golgi & Cajal shared Nobel Prize (1906) ~
NEURONS Basic functional unit of N.S. Specialized cell All cells have same basic properties information processing Transmits Integrates Stores Regulation of behavior ~
Information Transmission
Integrates information~ Receives information Integrates information~ Stimuli
Axon carries information away from soma Electrical signal Axon terminal releases chemical message~
Neuron Classification Categories overlap ~
By function (connections) Sensory Motor Interneuron
By morphology (# of neurites) Multipolar Bipolar Unipolar
By Morphology By Dendrite Structure Pyramidal Stellate Dendritic Spines Spiny or Aspinous ~
By Axon Diameter Sensory afferents Size: large ---> small Aa, Ab, Ad, C C: small, unmyelinated pain & temperature Aa: not associated with skin receptors proprioceptors in muscle ~
Primary Afferents Speed of conduction larger is faster myelinated faster slowest: C fibers ~
Other Classification Schemes Axon length Golgi Type I - long Golgi Type II - short (local signaling) Chemistry neurotransmitter released ~
Neurons vs. Nerves Neurons - cells microscopic Nerves - bundles of axons seen with naked eye ~
Glia Neural Support Cells
Astrocytes Provide physical support Regulating chemical content of extracellular fluid localizes neurotransmitters K+ concentration Blood-brain Barrier ~
Blood-Brain Barrier astrocytes Typical Capillary Brain Capillary
BBB: Function Maintains stable brain environment large fluctuations in periphery Barrier to poisons Retains neurotransmtters & other chemicals Regulates nutrient supplies glucose levels active transport ~
Myelin Sheath
Myelin Wrap around axon Saltatory Conduction faster transmission CNS: oligodendroglia or oligodendrocytes PNS: Schwann cells ~
Other non-neuronal cells Microglia phagocytosis immune-like function Ependymal cells line walls of ventricles role in cell migration during development ~
Membrane Structure Barrier Compartmentalization Semipermeable selectively leaky Fluid Mosaic Model Phospholipids Proteins ~
<------- Phosphate head Phospholipids <------- Phosphate head hydrophilic <------- Lipid tails hydrophobic
Phospholipid Bilayer Hydrophilic heads -----> Hydrophobic tails ----->
Membrane H20 out & in Pores~ H2O H2O
Membrane Proteins Channels Pumps active transport Receptor protein sites bind messenger molecules Transducer proteins: 2d messenger systems Structural proteins form junctions with other neurons ~
Membrane Proteins: Ionophores Ions Channels Nongated always open Gated chemically-gated electrically-gated mechanically-gated ~
Chemically-Gated Channels ligand-gated Ionotropic receptor protein = channel direct control ---> fast Metabotropic second messenger system indirect ---> slow ~
Membrane Proteins OUTSIDE INSIDE
Membrane Proteins OUTSIDE INSIDE
Metabolic pumps Membrane proteins Pump ions require energy Na+ - K+ Ca++ (calcium) Also various molecules nutrients neurotransmitters ~