Maths workshop for Year 3 and Year 4 2019
How we teach Mathematics in Year 3 and Year 4 Children are taught in a whole class session focused on a particular area of their learning. They are sat in mixed ability pairs and table groups. Children then have the opportunity to practise the skills that they have been taught in a variety of ways. We focus on 3 areas: Fluency Problem solving Reasoning All children are exposed to each of these areas at a level that suits them.
Fluency Factual and procedural fluency go hand in hand to allow children to work efficiently and fluently in maths. What is the method I am going to use and how does it work? What do I know already to help me with this? How would I calculate 102 – 99?
102-99 Many children are over reliant on formal written methods. Are children aware of the proximity of these numbers and the fact it can be calculated mentally? We call this factual fluency or number sense.
Reasoning Children apply their knowledge of a procedure and explain how they know an answer is correct or incorrect. This moves away from pages of arithmetic with a tick or a cross and allows teaching for depth to occur.
Problem solving Children are also given opportunities to apply their learning to problems where the method is not clear or straight forward. They have to apply their knowledge of factual and procedural fluency to tackle the problem.
What does this mean for children? A pupil really understands a mathematical concept, idea or technique if he or she can: • describe it in his or her own words; • represent it in a variety of ways (e.g. using concrete materials, pictures and symbols – the CPA approach) • explain it to someone else; • make up his or her own examples (and nonexamples) of it; • see connections between it and other facts or ideas; • recognise it in new situations and contexts; • make use of it in various ways, including in new situations.
Mathematical vocabulary 45 + 22 = 67 Addhend + addhend = sum 76 – 20 = 56 Minuend - subdrahend = difference 5 x 4 = 20 Multiplier x multiplicand = product Factor x factor = product 45 ÷ 9 = 5 Dividend ÷ divisor = quotient Knowledge of the technical vocabulary can help to embed the children’s understanding of the concept.
Year 4 times table check Age Related Expectations for times tables Year 1 – step counting in 2s, 5s and 10s Year 2- 10x, 5x and 2x ( in this order) Year 3: 10x, 5x, 2x, 4x, 8x, 3x (in this order) Year 4: All of them! 6x, 9x, 12x, 7x, 11x
What to expect To answer 25 questions To have only 6 seconds to answer each question More questions will be on the 6s,7s, 8s, 9s and 12s To answer the questions on a computer or tablet This becomes statutory for all Year 4 children in 2020.
How can we prepare for this? Practise using the keyboard to enter numbers (See this practise website with timed questions) Weekly times tables tests Using Times Table Rockstars at home for homework
Which materials can I use at home to help them? Bus numbers, bus timetables, cinema timetables, price lists in cafes and cinemas. Discuss the cost of things and what this means. Real money Their fingers! Encourage them to use their fingers, whenever it helps them. Story books- Look for the Maths!
Maths Lending Library A variety of Maths games for different areas of learning and at different levels. Every Friday at 9:00am in the Red Room. Come to the main office and somebody will show you the way. Parents are allowed to borrow 2 games per child. Games are available for all EYFS, KS1 and KS2 children.