Parenthetical citation How to cite your resource information within the paper
After the quote, paraphrase, or summary of information, put the following in parenthesis: For websites: (author’s last name) (if there is one) OR, if there is no author: (“title of article”) *Please note that titles of articles are in quotation marks OR, if there is no author or article/page title: (title of Website) *titles of Websites are in italics For books, even books online: (author’s last name page#)
Examples If there is an author: (Smith). *Note: the period comes after the parenthesis OR if there is no author: (“The Life of Vermeer”). OR if there is no author or page title: ( OR if it is a book: (Smith 34). **there is no comma between the author and the page number inside the parenthesis
After a quote “end of quote” (Smith). There is no comma or period at the end of the quote—the period comes after the parenthesis.
Note how you use the first part of the Works Cited entry for that resource when you cite it parenthetically within the paper: When your works cited entry looks like this: Smith, John. “The Life of Vermeer.” Jan. 2014. Then you cite the source in your paper like this: (Smith) “The Life of Vermeer.” 4 Jan. 2014. Then you cite the source in your paper like this: (“The Life of Vermeer”) 4 Jan. 2014. Then you cite the source in your paper like this: (
Helpful Activity: Bring up your Research Notes and scroll down to the Works Cited page you put at the bottom of it Highlight in yellow what you would put in parenthesis every time you use that resource
Sample: Works Cited Dean, Cornelia. "Executive on a Mission: Saving the Planet." The New York Times, 22 May 2007, Accessed 12 May 2016. Ebert, Roger. Review of An Inconvenient Truth, directed by Davis Guggenheim., 1 June 2006, Accessed 15 June 2016. "Global Warming Economics." Science, vol. 294, no. 5545, 9 Nov. 2001, pp. 1283-84, DOI: 10.1126/science.1065007. Gowdy, John. "Avoiding Self-organized Extinction: Toward a Co-evolutionary Economics of Sustainability." International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology, vol. 14, no. 1, 2007, pp. 27-36. An Inconvenient Truth. Directed by Davis Guggenheim, performances by Al Gore and Billy West, Paramount, 2006.