Our Mission Our mission is to advocate for a quality system of child care, to advance early childhood education as a profession and to provide services to our members.
In the beginning… Founded in 1974, in response to the creation of the provinces Child Day Care Program. The purpose was to lobby for a child care system for children and parents It was totally volunteer based and membership funded. The early board included parents and caregivers.
Milestones along the way…. Group Benefit Plan introduced in 1979 First Executive Director hired in 1981 Liability insurance program introduced in 1983 Provincial government terminated funding support to MCCA in the early 1990’s Amalgamated with the Family Day Care Association in 1998
MCCA’s Strengths… Entirely self funded through membership dues and funds raised through member services Work of the Association is done by 5 employees and over 100 volunteers MCCA is the largest provincial child care association in Canada Respected as the “voice” of child care in Manitoba and recognized throughout Canada for leadership and expertise
Our Vision To promote and support an exceptional early learning and child care system fueling our members to be proud and excited to belong to a progressive, respected profession!
Our Values Professionalism: respect, ethical practice, integrity, quality, high standards, best practice Influence: government & other stakeholders and use it to advance child care as a profession and an inclusive, high quality, affordable, & publicly funded system Inspiration: we are committed to innovation, learning, and the growth and development of ECE
Values…… Connection: we are informed & informative, provide opportunities to network & collaborate, and a trusted source of mentorship, education, knowledge Inclusion: we respect & value all people, are committed to diversity, and respect the ideas & opinions of others
Membership Benefits Advocacy Child Care Bridges Conferences Professional Development Resource Library Awards Resource Development Belonging Every MCCA member is automatically enrolled as a joint member with the Canadian Child Care Federation (CCCF) at affiliate member rates (excluding $10.00 student memberships)
Why Be An MCCA Member? An MCCA membership demonstrates your credibility, commitment, and professionalism to early learning and child care. MCCA is your link to information, advocacy, professional development, member services, and networking. An MCCA membership enables us to advocate on your behalf for: increased wages and benefits the pension plan and retirement supports workplace training and tuition support enhancement to child care as a service and as a profession
Insurance Programs for Licensed Child Care Facilities Liability insurance for licensed family child care homes and licensed child care centres Directors & Officers Liability Insurance for licensed child care centres HealthSource Plus group benefits plan for child care centres and licensed family child care providers
Group Benefits Plan Health Source Plus For Professional and Child Care Assistant members whose employer contributes to the cost, and for licensed Family Child Care Providers. The MCCA plan includes life insurance, short and long term disability, extended health, vision, dental, Ceridian employee assistance plan PLUS travel health insurance & retiree plan. Cost containment strategies and 1000+ plan members help keep premium rates stable.
MCCA/CCCF Annual Membership Dues for Individuals Early Childhood Educators: Full Time $208.00 Part Time $124.00/year Child Care Assistants: Full Time $112.00 Part Time $76.00/year Students: $10.00/year (MCCA membership only) $35.00/year (MCCA & CCCF) Associates: $116.00/year
MCCA/CCCF Annual Membership Dues for Licensed Facilities Family Child Care Provider: $150.00/year Full Time Child Care Centre: $210.00.00/year Part Time Child Care Centre: $122.50/year Includes $25.00 CCCF Affiliate fees
MCCA Members 2018 Full & Part Centres 522 Family Child Care Providers 368 Professionals (ECEs) 1733 Child Care Assistants 1243 Associates 111 Students 22 Total 3999
Regional Branches Active Branches South Central Parklands Thompson Interlake Inactive Branches Eastman Westman Norman MCCA provides a membership fee rebate to active branches to help fund local workshops and activities.
MCCA Provincial Board of Directors President President Elect Past President Secretary/Treasurer Director of Board Operations Director of Public Policy Director of Branch Services 4 Directors at Large 3 Members at Large
MCCA’s Revenue Membership Fees 58% Professional Development 36% Advertising/Resource Sales 4% Administration fees 2% Interest/Other 1% Thanks to our members, we are able to be self-funded!
Finances: Expenses Membership Services 79% Operational Expenses 20% Funds (Capital, Project, Building) 1%
MCCA Committees Board Operations (Personnel & Nominating) Finance Conference Ethics School Age Family Child Care Public Policy & Professionalism Child Care Benefits Editorial Regional Branch Committee Retirement Plan Advisory
MCCA Staff Executive Director Professional Development Administrator Professional Development Manager Membership & Registration Administator Administrative Assistant Other: Accountant; Workshop Hostesses IT Support, Design and layout
MCCA promotes early learning and child care through our work with other groups and agencies: Child Care Qualifications & Training Committee Canadian Child Care Federation ECE Training Institutions Nutrition for ELCC Advisory Committee Manitoba Education and Training Manitoba Early Learning and Child Care
Advocacy MCCA promote child care as a service and as a profession to senior government and elected officials at all levels, opposition parties, stakeholders, and the general public. We play an important role in shaping legislation, regulations, and influencing policy.
How to learn more Join MCCA! Read every issue of Child Care Bridges. Participate in member events. Visit our website often www.mccahouse.org Follow us on Twitter @MCCAHOUSE, on Facebook (The Manitoba Child Care Association), on Instagram (@manitobachildcare) Call if you have comments or questions 1-888-323-4676 or 204-586-8687
Thank you for your support!