Chapter 3 Colonial America US History Jeopardy Chapter 3 Colonial America
We missed James who 100 200 300 Religious Freedom? Southern boys What didn’t fit 100 200 300
Home The Pilgrim’s landed at Roanoke True or False
Home Because their journey had a religious purpose, the separatists called themselves Pilgrims New colonists puritans strangers
Home To what colony did the English send a fleet to attack and acquire in 1664? (think dutch)
New Hampshire would be considered one of the middle colonies. Home New Hampshire would be considered one of the middle colonies. TRUE or FALSE
Home The Jamestown settlers found a way to make a profit for their investors by planting A) maize B) cotton C) tobacco D) wheat
Home Being the first English colony it also had the highest population by 1790…
People who refuse to use force or fight in wars are called pacifists. Home People who refuse to use force or fight in wars are called pacifists. True or False
Which document covered land divisions and social ranking? Home Which document covered land divisions and social ranking? A) Georgia Agreement B) Delaware Declaration C) Pennsylvania Compact D) Carolina constitution
This is the colony that “disappeared” Home This is the colony that “disappeared”
Home The southern colonies included; Maryland, Virginia, the Carolinas, and Georgia True or False
A) Divided the Spanish and English territories Home The Mason-Dixon Line A) Divided the Spanish and English territories B) Divided the French and English territories C) Divided Pennsylvania and Maryland D)Divided the French and Spanish colonies.
The south had more slaves than the north because… Home The south had more slaves than the north because…
Metacomet was also known as King Phillip Home Metacomet was also known as King Phillip True or False
Home To keep other European powers from threatening its empire in America, Spain sent soldiers, settlers, and A) Merchants B) Fur Traders C) Missionaries D) Explorers.
Who were the “strangers” Home Who were the “strangers”
Essays How did the Jamestown settlers survive the first two years? How did the Mason-Dixon line come to be?