Study of the Tail Catcher Muon Tracker (TCMT) Scintillator Strips and Leakage with Simulated Coil Rick Salcido Northern Illinois University For CALICE Collaboration LCWS08 Nov 17, 2008 UIC, Chicago
Introduction CALICE Detector Basics Attenuation of Scintillator Strips Crosstalk of Scintillator The effect of TCMT and coil on leakage was studied Used a subset of TCMT layers, leaving a gap equivalent to 1.5 lambda to simulate magnetic coil CALICE Detector Basics -- CALICE Test Beam Setup (note that there is another CALICE speaker just ahead of you so may not need to go into great detail on this) --- Attenuation in Scintillator Strips --- Crosstalk between strips ------- Effect of ‘coil’ and TCMT on energy reconstruction ---- remove this point
Portions of this slide thanks to Erika Garutti and R. Pöschl CALICE @ CERN Test Beam Portions of this slide thanks to Erika Garutti and R. Pöschl H6 Beam Line TCMT HCAL ECAL
CALICE Configuration, Oct. 2006 AHCAL: Active layers in yellow, absorber in gray, missing layer in white 17 active layers with 2cm absorber 12 absorber layers with active layer every other absorber TCMT: Active layers in gray, absorber in blue First layer assigned last two 2cm absorber layers of AHCAL 8 layers with 2cm absorber 7 layers with 10cm absorber ECAL HCAL TCMT 1λ 4.5λ 10 λ
TCMT Cassettes Out of place
Crosstalk: Real Data Trigger Requirements Profile Plots 6 of 8 parallel strips have hits (hit = >0.5 mips) No double muons No pion showers For Crosstalk histograms, central strip has > 0.8 mips Profile Plots When muon track found, profile plots booked to show the energy deposited in neighboring strips during the same event 640 unique plots (in practice, exclude dead strips 582 plots) Total plots created by combining data for all strips Slope of profile plots taken to measure correlation Find slope of ‘total’ plots (data from all strips at once) It should be noted that there was no delta-ray subtraction Get rid of Real Data Get rid of ‘640 unique….’
Crosstalk Results Mean slope = 5.22% Mean intercept = 7.76x10^-3 Get rid of the intercept Mean slope = 5.22% Mean intercept = 7.76x10^-3
Strip Attenuation Strips are divided into 20 ‘regions’ Used adjacent cassette as trigger Applied proper cuts (no doubles, no pions, no electrons, only muons), similar to Crosstalk Analysis Gaussian fits applied and MPV used Plot MIP energy as a function of region Fig. Belongs here The ‘adjacent cassette as trigger’ needs to be explained better
Attenuation: MIP value vs Region
Coil Simulation and Leakage Analysis done by Kurt Francis for PhD Thesis Research remove
CALICE Configuration, Oct. 2006 ECAL HCAL TCMT 1λ 4.5λ 10 λ Slide repeated Would like to compare Energy Resolution of : ECAL + HCAL + n TCMT Layers With: ECAL + HCAL + n TCMT Layers + 1.5 λ gap + remaining layers of TCMT Note: Weight of first layer after gap is adjusted
Allocation of TCMT Layers Layers of TCMT added to calorimeter End of simulated coil/ first layer of tailcatcher TCMT layers used behind coil 10 7 1 2 11 6 3 4 5 12 8 9 13 14 15 16 1.5λ coil First Layer of TailCatcher (weight adjusted) (Layer 11 in this example. Seven remaining layers form tail catcher.) N layers added to ECAL+HCAL (two layers in this example)
Event Selection ECAL vs HCAL Region 1 - MIPs Region 2 - pions traverse ECAL without showering Region 3 - Anti-correlation region, pions shower in e-cal remove
Analog Energy Response – -20 Gev pion run CALICE preliminary
Effects of Full TCMT Residual Cut PRELIMINARY After all cuts the configuration with no TCMT - a low left side tail still remains this is due to leakage from the HCAL After including Full TCMT residual cut we have a Clean pion spectrum
20 GeV pi- PRELIMINARY RED: ECAL + HCAL + n TCMT Layers BLUE: ECAL + HCAL + n TCMT Layers + 1.5 λ coil + remaining layers of TCMT
Effects of Beam Momentum on Energy Resolution PRELIMINARY The title should just say ‘single particle resolution’
Effects of Beam Momentum on Energy Resolution (cont.) PRELIMINARY ditto
Summary Attenuation of the optical signal per 1m of fiber was found to be approximately 10-15% Strip Crosstalk approximately 5% Adding remaining TCMT layers after a simulated coil of 1.5λ improves energy resolution and contains leakage At a depth of 5.5 λ , the TCMT improves energy resolution by 2.2%, a relative improvement of 11%.
Special Thanks Kurt Francis Nina Scurti Steve Boona PhD Research and Detailed TCMT Coil Analysis Nina Scurti Attenuation Analysis Steve Boona Cross Talk Analysis Vishnu Zutshi, Guilherme Lima, Dave Hedin, Sasha Dyshkant remove