SPENCER COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL A N O U C E M T S May 21st, 2019 Home of the Bears 8/28/2015
Summer Break!!! See You In August!!! 9/17/2019
Graduation May 25th at Broadbent Arena 6 pm Seniors, Band, and Choir Students need to be at the high school at 2 pm. Eat a good lunch before you come. 9/17/2019
Senior Calendar 5/21 Senior Breakfast @ 7:45 “Senior Walk” @ 9:10AM (Anyone under 18 must have a note to leave early) 5/23 Senior Award Night @ 6:30 PM High School Gym 5/25 Graduation @ 6PM (Meet at High School @ 2PM)
Today Is: National Strawberries and Cream Day
Civics Facts You do not promise to vote in every election when you become a United States citizen.
On This Day In Kentucky 2011 – Founders Day was celebrated at McConnell Springs to reflect the heritage of pioneers settling Lexington in 1775.
LIBRARY BOOKS The Mobile Book Drop will be outside the library so that books can easily be returned.
AGENDAS Agendas are issued on Day 1 and serve as your Hall Pass. You need to have it to go anywhere in the school building and it must be signed by your teachers because they will be checked throughout the day! If you lose your agenda, a new one can be purchased in the front office.
10/10 Rule Students are not to be out of class the first 10 minutes or the last 10 minutes of class!!
The Library Follows the 10/10 Rule! If you need to return to class, do so prior to the last 10 minutes of the class period. If you are in the library during the last 10 minutes of class please wait for the bell to leave.
Please help the library purchase a picnic table and park benches by saving your plastic lids and caps! ACCEPTABLE CAPS medicine bottle caps, drink bottle caps, milk jug caps, flip-top caps (ketchup, mustard), detergent caps, spout caps (mustard), hair spray caps, spray paint caps, toothpaste cube caps, ointment tube caps, deodorant caps, caps w/ RECYCLE NUMBERS of (2) ( 4) (5) ACCEPTABLE LIDS cottage cheese container lids, cool whip container lids, mayonnaise jar lids, coffee can lids, yogurt lids, cream cheese container lids, peanut butter jar lids, butter container lids, ice cream bucket lids under 8“, Prescription bottles (labels removed).
Library Giveaway Come to the library any day next week (May 13th – May 17th) to select a book from our weeded and discarded books. Each student will be allowed to take one book for your own. 9/17/2019
ACT EXAM The next testing date is June 8th, 2019.
No outside food or drinks are allowed to be brought into the building. REMINDER!!! No outside food or drinks are allowed to be brought into the building.
Lunch Menu Burrito – 33 Queso Blanco w/ Tostito’s – 33 Black Beans – 23 Salsa – 6 Steamed Broccoli – 4 Oranges – 22
Starbooks Coffee Den Come to the library before school or after 1:00 p.m. for Hot Chocolate or a French Vanilla Cappuccino. Only $1 for a nice steamy cup!
CALLING ALL LIBRARY MATERIALS… Don’t forget to turn in your Library Materials!
We can help with careers, jobs, colleges, life issues. Guidance Counselors Grade Levels Ms. MILLER Grades 10 & 12 Mrs. DUNAWAY Grades 9 & 11 We can help with careers, jobs, colleges, life issues.
Social Media Remember to regularly check the Facebook and Twitter pages for Scholarships and other announcements. Facebook: “SCHS College and Career Guidance” Twitter: “@SCCollegeCareer”