Write N Cite Workshop Thursday, October 25 Elaine R Write N Cite Workshop Thursday, October 25 Elaine R. Hicks, MS/LIS, MPH, MCHES SPHTM liaison and Public Health Librarian SAS9.3 and .5, SPSS16.0, STATA/IC12.1, ARC-GIS10: Please do not try to update 2nd floor of medical school. This room in the 24/7 space has ARCGIS and SPSS . 9/27/2013
Objectives State the value of citation styles and two types Understand command-line searching Use RefWorks to format a paper This is the schedule for on-campus information skill workshops.
Questions Accessing articles at home/off campus Creating in-text citations Difference between citation styles Exporting from an EBSCO database Formatting the bibliography Transferring bibliographic information from a database to a citation manager Using citation managers Value of citation style What is a citation manager? Why does it matter to properly cite if we list a link? 9/12/2019
Answers Why does it matter to properly cite if we list a link? Citations Value Difference between style Bibliographic records Exporting from databases (PubMed/MEDLINE and EBSCO/MEDLINE Importing them to citation manager products Citation management products Features Importing bibliographic records to citation manager products Organizing by topic Formatting papers (creating in-text citations and bibliography) Why does it matter to properly cite if we list a link? 9/12/2019
Question: What is command line searching? Advanced searching Builds a precise search using a combination of different fields that target your search terms I don't know Search using keywords Searching by where the term is and whether you need that term and another one or a synonym. specific search criteria to find research Use "AND" and "OR" etc using key words related to the topic of interest to search for pertinent articles. the method of command line searching allows for more narrow search When you use a command to search for a word or phrase on Word A function in Pub med 9/12/2019
Location of term and advanced searching 9/12/2019
A specific search to find criteria for your research project by searching controlled vocabulary and keywords (natural language) 9/12/2019
What is your process for citing references? Manually Machine-processed Hybrid ? author name,date of publication,title,service published BibMe Put all my references in Word and let it do the work. I also consult EasyBib. APA Consult OwlPurdue EndNote, Zotero Find the article, use a citation manager to get the reference and then cite them into paragraphs. APA or ASA Insert the citation while I write and edit them at the end. EndNote ProQuest Citation Machine Read, summarize and cite in APA format EasyBib Use Google Scholar to find citation or by hand following OWLPurdue I prefer footnotes Whatever the professor states 9/12/2019
More answers Why does it matter to properly cite if we list a link? Citations Value Difference between style Bibliographic records Exporting from databases (PubMed/MEDLINE and EBSCO/MEDLINE Importing them to citation manager products Citation management products Features Importing bibliographic records to citation manager products Organizing by topic Formatting papers (creating in-text citations and bibliography) Why does it matter to properly cite if we list a link? 9/12/2019
Accessing articles at home/off campus When working off-campus, you must Log-in first for access to the resources.
Import citations from all of our databases Create bibliographies Cite your papers in any style Access your citations off-campus
PubMed: Create a MyNCBI account
Information skills and the 10 Essential Public Health Services 30% of the 70 services described as essential public health services are information skills (20 of 70) Crosswalk of the core competencies for public health professionals with the essential public health services. (7/23/2010). Retrieved 9/19/2010, 2010, from http://www.phf.org/link/CCs-1-ES.pdf
Information Competencies for Public Health Professionals Analytical/Assessment Skills Tier 1: Diploma or Bachelor Tier 2: MPH, etc. Tier 3:MD/MPH, DrPH, PhD 1A2. Identifies quantitative and qualitative data and information 1A3. Applies ethical principles in accessing, collecting, analyzing, using, maintaining, and disseminating data and information 1B3. Applies ethical principles in accessing, collecting, analyzing, using, maintaining, and disseminating data and information 1C3. Ensures ethical principles are applied in accessing, collecting, analyzing, using, maintaining, and disseminating data and information 1A4. Uses information technology in accessing, collecting, analyzing, using, maintaining, and disseminating data and information 1B4. Uses information technology in accessing, collecting, analyzing, using, maintaining, and disseminating data and information 1C4. Uses information technology in accessing, collecting, analyzing, using, maintaining, and disseminating data and information 1A14. Describes how evidence is used in decision making 1B14. Makes evidence-based decisions 1C14. Makes evidence-based decisions 1B15. Advocates fur the use of evidence in decision making that affects the health of a community 1C15. Advocates fur the use of evidence in decision making that affects the health of a community http://www.phf.org/resourcestools/pages/core_public_health_competencies.aspx
Workshops Noon – 1:00 pm | M207 Next: Friday, October 26 Why are citation styles important? APA style Using RefWorks to format a paper using APA AMA This is the schedule for on-campus information skill workshops.
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Contact Us Reference medref@tulane.edu | 988.5155 Circulation 988-5155 Circulation medcirc@tulane.edu | 988.2403 Interlibrary Loan medlib@tulane.edu | 988.2413 Elaine Hicks ehicks2@tulane.edu | 988-2785