Fig. 8. Magnetic resonance images of 55-year-old man with colon cancer and surgically confirmed eosinophilic abscesses in liver. A. Respiratory-triggered T2-weighted turbo spin-echo image shows single hyperintense nodular lesion (arrows) in right hepatic lobe. B. On T1-weighted gradient echo magnetic resonance imaging, lesion is almost isointense. C. On arterial phase, lesion appears as rim-enhancing nodule (arrows). D. On hepatobiliary phase image, lesion is clearly seen as relatively well-defined hypointense areas (arrows), and appears larger than that observed in (B). E. Ill-demarcated grayish white lesion is noted at subcapsular area of liver (arrowheads). F. Microscopically, lesion (indicated by arrowheads in E) is composed of mixed inflammatory cell infiltrates, predominantly with eosinophils (arrows), replacing normal hepatocytes (hematoxylin and eosin, × 200). Fig. 8. Magnetic resonance images of 55-year-old man with colon cancer and surgically confirmed eosinophilic abscesses in liver. A. Respiratory-triggered T2-weighted turbo spin-echo image shows single hyperintense nodular lesion (arrows) in right hepatic lobe. B. On T1-weighted gradient echo magnetic resonance imaging, lesion is almost isointense. C. On arterial phase, lesion… Korean J Radiol. 2017 May-Jun;18(3):413-426.