Georgia Studies & Physical Science Lesson Plans March 19-23, 2012
Georgia Studies Lesson Plans March 19, 2012 OPENING: Take five minutes and look over the words that you have for your vocabulary quiz for today. EQ: How did Georgians contribute to World War I? What made the 1920s ‘roaring’? GPS:SS8H7-The student will evaluate key political, social, and economic changes that occurred in Georgia between 1877 and 1918. SS8H8- The student will analyze the important events that occurred after World War I and their impact on Georgia . WORK SESSION: Vocabulary Quiz, Copy words for the next unit, World War I (Why did Georgia enter the War?) Notes/Discussion, The Roaring Twenties- 380-386 Notes/Discussion Brainstorm events that you think might have resulted in the changing role s of women in the 1920’s Georgia Stories: “The Voice of the South” and “Singing the Blues” Activity Sheet: The Roaring Twenties. CLOSING: Who were the first female members of the Georgia General assembly? Who was the “Mother of the Blues”? HOMEWORK: Complete the Activity sheet on the Roaring Twenties Define terms for the next unit
Vocabulary : Flappers, Depression, and the Global War minimum wage collective bargaining rural electrification Integrate New Deal appeasement World War II Holocaust ration G.I. Bill subsidy the blues Jazz boll weevil Great Migration stock market Great Depression laissez-faire Segregate isolationism dictator
Physical Science Lesson Plans March 20, 2012 OPENING: In your Interactive Notebook: What do you end up with if you cut a magnet in half? EQ: What are the characteristics of electricity, magnetism, as major kinds of forces acting on nature? GPS:S8P5: Students will recognize characteristics of gravity, electricity, and magnetism as major kinds of forces acting in nature. S8P5c.Investigate and explain that electric current and magnets can exert force on each other WORK SESSION: Electricity and magnetism-Unit Review Activities and Discussion; Return Quiz on Electricity and Discuss CLOSING: In your Interactive Notebook answer the following question: Write five things that you can remember from the Unit on Electricity and magnetism HOMEWORK: Study for your unit test to be given on Thursday, March 22, 2012.
Georgia Studies Lesson Plans March 21, 2012 OPENING: Imagine that you suddenly lost everything that you have.; What would you do? How would you survive? Suppose your friends and family was in the same economic situation; Where would you go for help? EQ: How did the Great Depression affect Georgians? GPS:SS8H8- The student will analyze the important events that occurred after World War I and their impact on Georgia . WORK SESSION: Post- Assessment (Benchmark 3) The Great Depression (387-390) Read and take notes. Georgia Stories: “The Great Depression” and “Depression Era Hobo” CLOSING: What happened on “Black Tuesday”? Explain the laissez-faire attitude of the American government towards the economy. HOMEWORK: Complete the definitions for the words from the unit.
Physical Science Lesson Plans March 22, 2012 OPENING: Take five minutes to study for your unit test on Electricity and Magnetism. EQ: What are some of the different types of waves? ? GPS:S8P5: Students will recognize characteristics of gravity, electricity, and magnetism as major kinds of forces acting in nature. S8P5c.Investigate and explain that electric current and magnets can exert force on each other. S8P4 Student will explore the wave nature of sound and electromagnetic radiation. a. Identify the characteristics of electromagnetic and mechanical waves. WORK SESSION: Test on the Unit- Electricity and Magnetism Vocabulary Words: Properties of Waves Power Point Notes and Discussion: Properties of Waves CLOSING: In your Interactive Notebook answer the following question: Identify and describe four wave properties HOMEWORK: Complete the definitions for the words from this unit.
Georgia Studies Lesson Plans March 23, 2012 OPENING: Do you think that President Hoover should have done more to end “The Great Depression” Why or Why not? EQ: How did Georgians benefit from the New Deal? How did World War II affect Georgians? GPS:SS8H8- The student will analyze the important events that occurred after World War I and their impact on Georgia . SS8H9- The student will describe the impact of World war II on Georgia’s development economically, socially, and politically. WORK SESSION: The New Deal (391-401) Notes/Discussion Activity: The New Deal Alphabet Soup (Front/Back)-A Chapter Jumble- (Front/Back) World War II (402-415) Notes/Discussion-Georgia Stories “Atlanta Fire” and “The Rural Electrification”-Activity: Another War Arrives (Class) CLOSING: What were the four aims of the New Deal legislation? What event finally led the United States to enter World War II? HOMEWORK: Study for your vocabulary quiz. Complete any missing assignments.