Transportation Exercises Joe Mathias Tunnel Safety Officer & Resilience Manager North & Mid Wales Trunk Road Agent
North & Mid Wales Trunk Road Agent NMWTRA works on behalf of WG to manage trunk roads in wales – in partnership with 8 Local Authorities in Mid and North Wales. Manage over; 575 Miles of Single Carriageways 105 Miles of Dual Carriageways 2000 Structures 3 RTSR Tunnels
Incident Objectives NMWTRA will give full support to Emergency Services in attaining all common incident objectives But will have particular focus on achieving the WG objectives of; Providing a safe journey Providing reliable journey time for all road users
Who Do We Achieve Objectives If a road is not safe we will; - Close or restrict road to effect repair - Divert Traffic where appropriate - Warn and Inform Drivers
CASE STUDY – ROAD TUNNEL CASE STUDY BACKGROUND A55 across North Wales is classified as a Trans European Road Network Linking Ireland and Russia. Due to Topography three Tunnels needed to be constructed to transverse difficult terrain. Pen-y-Clip Conwy Penmaenbach
CASE STUDY – ROAD TUNNEL CASE STUDY BACKGROUND II Generally speaking using the A55 Tunnels carries no more risk than using the rest of the A55. HOWEVER, the consequences of any incident that occur in a tunnel can be much higher, especially any incident involving FIRE.
CASE STUDY – ROAD TUNNEL CASE STUDY - MAJOR TUNNEL INCIDENTS 1999 – Mont Blanc Tunnel Fire - 37 1999 – Tauern Tunnel Fire - 12 2001 – St. Gotthard Alpine Road Tunnel - 11
CASE STUDY – ROAD TUNNEL CASE STUDY – TUNNEL SPECIFIC LEDGISLATION Following these major incidents the European Parliament passed Directive 2004/54/EC on “Minimum Safety Requirements For Tunnels In The Trans-European Road Network” Incorporated into UK Law through the “Road Tunnel Safety Regulations 2007” (Amended 2009) Established: - Legal functions of Admin Authority / Tunnel Manager / TSO and Inspection Entity - Outlines roles and responsibilities - Safety requirements - Risk Analysis and Reduction Measures - Reporting requirement - Classifies NMWTRA as an “Emergency Service” in regards to tunnels
CASE STUDY – ROAD TUNNEL CASE STUDY – TUNNEL SPECIFIC LEDGISLATION – IMPACT ON EXERCISES Both the European Directive and RTSR formally require me too; “verify that operational staff and emergency services are trained, and he shall take part in the organisation of exercises held at regular intervals” Require exercises to be “as realistic as possible and should correspond to the defined incident scenarios” “Full scale exercises under conditions that are realistic as possible shall be conducted in each tunnel every four years….Partial and/or simulation exercises shall be conducted every year in-between” Therefore; WHY DO WE EXERCISE = BECAUSE WE LEGALLY HAVE TOO HOW DO WE EXERCISE = WITH GREAT DIFFICULTY
Barriers To Exercise – Public View Point “A cunning plan….… keep drivers off the roads: Bus Lanes, out of date messages on the matrices, speed restrictions to deliberately slow the traffic-flow and the dreaded cone that still close miles of motorway lanes with no discernible activity on the other side”. Terry Wogan – The Little Book of Common Sense - 2014
Difficulty with working (exercising) on LIVE carriageways Live carriageways are dangerous places to work and exercise Restrictions or closures need to be implemented to mitigate risk Restrictions or closures cause delays and congestion Traffic Orders or approval need to be issued to close or restrict trunk roads Restrictions / Closures are limited to reduce impact to road users
Barriers To Exercise – Exercise Realism Typical Scene of Incident Typical Scene of Exercise
Barriers To Exercise – Exercise Realism During Closures Tunnels (Highways) Classified As Construction Site Must comply with requirements of CDM Regulations & Associated H&S requirements All delegates require H&S briefing before being allowed into tunnel
How Do We Exercise Formally requires a multi agency group called a Tunnel Design Safety Co-ordination Group TDSCG made up of representatives from Organisations that would respond to incidents in the tunnel. TDSCG has to formally approve aspects of Tunnel Design and Operation, including exercises
How Do We Exercise
How Do We Exercise
How Do We Exercise
CASE STUDY – BRIDGES CASE STUDY – Putting the Exercise to the test STORM DORIS – 23rd February 2017 94mph wind speed recorded at Capel Curig Britannia Bridge Closed for approx. 5 hours Bridge Closure implemented quickly and effectively – But unforeseen issues experienced around removal!!!
CASE STUDY – BRIDGES CASE STUDY BACKGROUND One of Two Bridges Connecting Ynys Mon to the Mainland Britannia Bridge susceptible to high winds Menai Bridge not suitable for all traffic High traffic volume quickly congest Menai Loop Restrictions need to be implemented to close bridge to certain traffic at different wind speeds.
CASE STUDY – BRIDGES CASE STUDY BACKGROUND – What were trying to prevent
CASE STUDY – BRIDGES CASE STUDY – How do we exercise Training Program for control room staff and tactical managers Regular review of Traffic Management Plans and Operational Procedures Regular liaison meetings with contractors and professional partners (i.e. severe weather group) Audit of traffic signage by contractors Maintenance programme for critical signage
THANKS FOR LISTENING CASE STUDY – BRIDGES CASE STUDY – Putting the Exercise to the test MAINLY Traffic Cones and signs won’t stay still in 80mph winds! THANKS FOR LISTENING