Universitatea Babeș-Bolyai Cluj-Napoca A Community-Based Prevention Program among Teenagers from Divers Communities Tobacco use among young adolescents in Mureș, Harghita, and Covasna Counties Preliminary findings Principal investigator: prof. dr. Albert-Lőrincz Enikő Coordinator of collecting and processing data : drd. Barna Gergő Research team: associate professor Albert-Lőrincz Márton, drd. Bernáth Krisztina, drd. Szabó Béla 10. June 2014. Cluj-Napoca
Research topic and aims Research topic: Active and passive tobacco consumption among young, 7th and 8th grade adolescents in Mureș, Harghita and Covasna Counties. Aims: Describing prevalence of active and passive smoking. Comparative analysis of tobacco use by teenagers belonging to particular social, cultural and ethnic communities. Identification of risk factors that raise the likelihood of tobacco use. Identifying highly vulnerable communities regarding tobacco use to design prevention programs adapted to the needs of the communities in question.
Methodology Quantitative, transversal research, survey based on supervised self-administered questionnaire Universe: 7th and 8th grade pupils in schools in Mureș, Harghita, and Covasna Counties where the language of instruction is Romanian or Hungarian. Sample size: 1200 persons. Sampling error ±2,9%, confidence interval 95%. Sampling method: random, stratified. Strata: county, settlement size, language of instruction. 1313 pupils filled in the questionnaires in 26 settlements, 36 schools, and 72 classes (36 7th grade and 36 8th grade classes). Database is weighted according to data on school-aged population in strata used in our sample. Data collection: self-administered supervised questionnaire. Questionnaires were applied in 10-31 March 2014.
Pupils in the population Pupils in the sample (N) Universe and sample Pupils in the population Pupils in the sample (N) % County Mureș 9 759 600 50,0 Harghita 5 972 367 30,6 Covasna 3 793 233 19,4 Settlement size Under 5 thousand inhabitants 7 142 439 36,6 From 5 to 30 thousand inhabitants 6 631 408 34,0 Above 30 thousand inhabitants 5 751 353 29,5 Grade 7th grade 10 050 618 51,5 8th grade 9 474 582 48,5 Language of instruction Romanian 8 445 519 43,3 Hungarian 11 079 681 56,7 Total 19 524 1 200 100,0
Active smoking 48% of respondents have tried smoking at least once. We observe a higher rate of smokers in Harghita County, large cities, among higher grade pupils, and pupils belonging to the Hungarian ethnic group. There is no significant difference between boys and girls. In the selected three counties, 11,7 represents the average age for trying and experimenting with smoking. 13% of respondents reported smoking at least once in the last 30 days, so we may say that the prevalence of smokers is of 13%. Counting for the whole life of the respondents we observe that 52% have never smoked, 31% smoked only once, 11% smoked or continues to smoke on occasions, and 6% smoked or smokes regularly.
Have you ever smoked (cigars, cigarettes, pipe), even if you just took a puff? (%)
Prevalence of pupils who tried/experimented with tobacco use (%) Comparative data: (1) Romania, 2009, 7th and 8th grades, sub-sample of pupils aged 14-15 (GYTS), (2) MS-HR-CV Counties, 7th and 8th sub-sample of pupils aged 14-15 .
Tobacco type pupils experimented with (%)
Rate of pupils who experimented with tobacco use according to basic variables (%). N Yes No County Mureș 600 46,4 53,6 Harghita 367 54,4 45,6 Covasna 233 41,6 58,4 Settlement size Under 5 thousand inhabitants 439 48,4 51,6 From 5 to 30 thousand inhabitants 408 42,6 57,4 Above 30 thousand inhabitants 353 Grade 7th grade 618 45,4 54,6 8th grade 582 50,7 49,3 Language of instruction Romanian 519 39,4 60,6 Hungarian 681 54,5 45,5 Sex Boy 594 49,0 51,0 Girl 606 46,9 53,1 Total 1200 47,9 52,1
How old were you when you tried smoking, took the first puff How old were you when you tried smoking, took the first puff? Average age according to basic variables. Average age (years) N County Mureș 12,0 260 Harghita 11,5 191 Covasna 11,6 88 Settlement size Under 5 thousand inhabitants 11,4 199 From 5 to 30 thousand inhabitants 11,7 159 Above 30 thousand inhabitants 181 Grade 7th grade 11,2 256 8th grade 12,2 283 Language of instruction Romanian 192 Hungarian 11,8 346 Sex Boy 273 Girl 266 Total 538
Do you smoke (have you smoked in the last 30 days)? (%)
Those who have smoked in the last 30 days Those who have smoked in the last 30 days. (%) Comparative data: (1) Romania, 2009, 7th and 8th grades, sub-sample of pupils aged 14-15 (GYTS), (2) MS-HR-CV Counties, 7th and 8th sub-sample of pupils aged 14-15 .
Percent of those who smoke in the present according to basic variables (%). Yes No County Mureș 600 12,0 88,0 Harghita 367 17,2 82,8 Covasna 233 7,7 92,3 Settlement size Under 5 thousand inhabitants 439 15,3 84,7 From 5 to 30 thousand inhabitants 408 9,7 90,3 Above 30 thousand inhabitants 353 13,0 87,0 Grade 7th grade 618 12,2 87,8 8th grade 582 13,3 86,7 Language of instruction Romanian 519 9,3 90,7 Hungarian 681 15,4 84,6 Sex Boy 594 13,7 86,3 Girl 606 11,8 88,2 Total 1200 12,7 87,3
How frequently pupils smoke (now or in the past) (%)
Frequency of tobacco use according to basic variables Never smoked Tried smoking only once Smoked or smokes occasionally (less than 1 cigarette a day) Was or is regular smoker (more than 1 cigarette a day) County Mureș 600 53,6 29,4 10,8 6,3 Harghita 367 45,6 33,4 14,5 6,5 Covasna 233 58,4 30,5 7,1 4,0 Settlement size Under 5 thousand inhabitants 439 51,6 30,2 7,3 From 5 to 30 thousand inhabitants 408 57,4 27,9 10,6 4,1 Above 30 thousand inhabitants 353 46,4 35,0 12,5 6,1 Grade 7th grade 618 54,6 5,3 8th grade 582 49,3 32,3 11,9 Language of instruction Romanian 519 60,6 25,5 9,7 4,2 Hungarian 681 45,5 34,9 12,4 7,2 Sex Boy 594 51,0 30,3 11,3 7,5 Girl 606 53,1 31,4 11,1 4,4 Total 1200 52,1 30,8 11,2 5,9
Passive smokers 46% of pupils report that others smoke in their presence at home, in the dwelling. The situation is more prevalent in small settlements. Being exposed to cigarette smoke is more intense outside the home. 63% of respondents report that it happened that someone smoked in their presence in public places in the week prior to the research.
In how many days in the last 7 days it had happened that someone smoked in your presence at home, in the dwelling? (%)
Exposed to smoke at home, in the dwelling (%) Comparative: data (1) Romania, 2009, 7th and 8th grades, sub-sample of pupils aged 14-15 (GYTS), (2) MS-HR-CV Counties, 7th and 8th sub-sample of pupils aged 14-15.
Exposed to smoke at home, in the dwelling according to basic variables (%) Never 1-4 days 5-7 days County Mureș 550 54,6 14,2 31,2 Harghita 353 52,3 14,9 32,8 Covasna 228 51,4 19,2 29,4 Settlement size Under 5 thousand inhabitants 403 43,3 19,6 37,2 From 5 to 30 thousand inhabitants 384 55,0 16,6 28,4 Above 30 thousand inhabitants 344 63,0 9,2 27,8 Grade 7th grade 577 51,0 16,7 32,3 8th grade 553 55,5 14,1 30,4 Language of instruction Romanian 470 52,7 13,4 33,8 Hungarian 660 53,6 16,8 29,6 Sex Boy 545 57,2 15,4 27,4 Girl 586 49,5 35,0 Total 1131 53,2 31,3
In how many days in the last 7 days it had happened that someone smoked in your presence anywhere else apart from your home? (%)
Exposed to smoke apart form their dwelling (%) Comparative data : 1) Romania, 2009, 7th and 8th grades, sub-sample of pupils aged 14-15 (GYTS), (2) MS-HR-CV Counties, 7th and 8th sub-sample of pupils aged 14-15.
Exposed to smoke anywhere else apart from their home according to basic variables. (%) Never 1-4 days 5-7 days County Mureș 524 41,0 33,1 25,9 Harghita 349 30,1 38,5 31,4 Covasna 222 38,6 35,6 25,7 Settlement size Under 5 thousand inhabitants 390 32,9 32,4 34,7 From 5 to 30 thousand inhabitants 366 38,0 39,8 22,2 Above 30 thousand inhabitants 338 40,8 33,9 25,3 Grade 7th grade 554 38,9 33,3 27,8 8th grade 541 35,1 37,5 27,4 Language of instruction Romanian 441 49,0 29,4 21,6 Hungarian 654 29,0 39,4 31,7 Sex Boy 535 37,2 35,9 26,9 Girl 560 36,9 34,8 28,3 Total 1095 37,0 35,4 27,6