Phyaical Quantity of Lost Output Taka Equivalent / yr (Million) Table 4. Estimation of land degradation in Bangladesh Nature of Degradation Phyaical Quantity of Lost Output Taka Equivalent / yr (Million) Water Erosion Cereal Production loss = 1.06 Mt/yr 6613.84 Nutrient Loss = 1.44 Mt/yr 25576.46 Fertility Decline Cereal Production Loss = 4.27 Mt/yr 26641.48 Addl Inputs= 1.22 Mt/yr 21668.88 Salinization Total Production Loss= 4.42 Mt/yr 27577.25 Acidification Total Production Loss= 0.09 Mt/yr 561.51 Source: BARC, 1999 [5]. Saif Uddin Ahammad et al. The Dynamics of Agricultural Land Management System in Bangladesh: The Challenges for Sustainable Development. American Journal of Rural Development, 2017, Vol. 5, No. 1, 5-18. doi:10.12691/ajrd-5-1-2 © The Author(s) 2015. Published by Science and Education Publishing.