ANSP Business Innovations in present environment Aviation Seminar in Tartu


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Presentation transcript:

ANSP Business Innovations in present environment Aviation Seminar in Tartu 14-15.11.2013 Matts-Anders Nyberg Head of Business Innovations, Finavia ANS 15.11.2013

Content European level – SES Finavia ANS – Strategy Finavia ANS Business Solutions & Innovations

European ANSP Challenges - The need for Innovations EC is increasing its role in formulating the European-wide Air Traffic Management strategy by legislative actions –> SES I / II / II+? The next five-year period will show directions for states/authorities/ANSPs in Europe Mandate to states to form functional airspace blocks across national borders to facilitate free routings etc. The Performance Scheme includes stringent goals for ANSP providers Main objective of this exercise to get cost-effective services by ANSPs, but Not to forget Safety, Environment and Quality goals Competition and unbundling of both core ATM service provision and support services across borders will increase Already happening as the tower services in some countries are provided by someone else than the ‘national’ ANSP. In order to continue as players in the market, ANSPs has to adapt to the changing operating environment and conditions

SES REQUIREMENTS- ANSP VIEW SES requirements and performance: necessary within EU area to unify requirements, service principles and joint working arrangements, but regulation should promote end results (what to achieve) and let the solution management (how to achieve) to ANSPs, challenge to integrate functions with neighboring states/service providers and at the same time not to violate competition regulation, Examples. An ANSP cannot buy services from a selected partner without public procurement if the value exceeds 400.000,- over the next 4 years An ANSP should not liaise with another too close as it can be interpreted as a cartel/trust

SES REQUIREMENTS- ANSP VIEW What need to happen in order for States and ANSPs to do real cooperation States and ANSPs need to give and take; ANSPs need to let partner to provide some services on behalf of each other. Every ANSP cannot sustain all pieces of services within own organization We need to build thrust! Service provision is very seldom connected to geographical location. Most services can be provided from remote locations as modern technological solutions are available States (incl. military stakeholders) must acknowledge that in order for ANSPs to cut costs, cross boarder solutions (en route sectorisation, Free Route Airspace) must be accepted

Finavia ANS - Mission and Vision 2017 The mission of Finavia ANS is to: Provide Air Traffic Services with relevant infrastructure at airports owned by Finavia Oyj Manage Airspace in Finland The services shall Be safe Be environment-friendly Be cost-efficient Add value to customers’ operations Vision The vision of Finavia ANS is to become a profitable business unit To operate in a cost-efficient manner, while providing added value to our customers. Finavia ANS will be regarded as a preferred business partner in ATM community, especially in Finland and Northern Europe.

Finavia ANS strategic objectives and key performance indicators 2013-2017 Cost-efficiency Improvement of turnover Customer value and quality International co-operation Most of the targets are derived from the SES Performance Scheme Reference Period 1 (2012-2014) Finavia to decrease Unit Rate by 1,7% /year Overall decrease in EU area 3,5% /year The values for Reference Period 2 (2015-2019) expected to be more tough Owner and Finavia internally has set own targets to assess the processes of the organization

Finavia strategies to achieve objectives To improve cost-efficiency, the focus is on the service provision Possible ways of achieving the objective include outsourcing, using of subcontractors or service provision together with other Air navigation service providers To improve turnover requires expansion in customer base; the market within Finland is saturated A big opportunity is the initiation of cooperation between service providers in NEFAB and Borealis Adding value to customers can be achieved in several ways To deliver enhanced services while maintaining the price at same level To provide more direct routing from A to B with as little as possible restrictions during climb or descent ANS prepared to dynamically respond to customers’ requirements E.g. the level of Air Traffic Service at any given airport is matched with the demand The EU-legislation and the globalization-effect in the ATM-provision industry will force ANSPs to join forces in order to stay ahead of competition The co-operation at different levels is expected to bring benefits in the form of cost-saving and regulatory compliance

Finavia, results so far - en route delays at minimum but actions needed to keep level

Finavia, results so far - Personnel productivity, 2/3 of cost structure

WHAT´s NEXT - BUSINESS SOLUTIONS & INNOVATIONS Air Traffic Services/Airspace Managment En route center at Tampere to be relocated to Helsinki ATCC > TWR / APP / ACC services Airspace Management Cell – the coordination of daily airspace use (routes, reserved areas, military areas etc.) in cooperation with Finnish Airforce Support services Briefing/Flight Plan Services; all functions to be centralized to one service center Cooperation with neighboring ANSPs through joint ventures/jointly run business unit Aeronautical Information Services > Management; A potential new production model for publications, charts, procedures and data management Joint tools and production with neighboring ANSPs, sharing capacity ANS Technical services Less investments/more leasing and sharing of capacities/-costs, Implement new technologies (WAM, Remote monitoring/maintenance) Joint Training Joint Basic and competens training programmes (sharing facilities, course material, simulators/tools, instructors)

CONCLUSIONS We = ANSPs must acknowledge that conservative approach is not acceptable any more Think out of the box Give and Take Find out what Customers really need Find business solutions with partners Start at bilateral level > Expand when concept proven Build trust along the journey Act before regulation comes

Thank you! 19/9/19 External For Smooth Travelling