HOW TO THINK, PAIR, SHARE Please follow these steps: Think quietly for one or two minutes about the question / prompt After, turn to your partner and ask them the same question Take turns Involve others around you Report back to teacher and whole class Finally, record your thoughts on the paper provided
THINK, PAIR, SHARE How does the novel portray its African-American characters? Are there elements of racism in these portrayals?
THINK, PAIR, SHARE How important are facts when it comes to telling the truth? What is the relationship between morality, behavior and justice? How does one know when justice has been achieved?
THINK, PAIR, SHARE What's the novel's take on the American legal system? What are its strengths, and what are its weakness?
THINK, PAIR, SHARE How does the novel think of children as different from adults? Are there any adults who have child-like perspectives? How about children with adult outlooks?
THINK, PAIR, SHARE What do individual characters in the novel base their ideas of right and wrong on?
THINK, PAIR, SHARE What does the novel say about what things should be considered scary, and what shouldn't?
THINK, PAIR, SHARE Why does being a lady require different skills than being a gentleman? Is there any overlap?
THINK, PAIR, SHARE What's the effect of having the Finch children call their father by his first name? What does that suggest about their characters? About his? Their relationship? Do you know anyone who calls their parents by their first name? (Do you?)
THINK, PAIR, SHARE Why does being a lady require different skills than being a gentleman? Is there any overlap?
THINK, PAIR, SHARE Why does being a lady require different skills than being a gentleman? Is there any overlap?
THINK, PAIR, SHARE The events of To Kill a Mockingbird are set in the 1930s, but racism is still with us. Can you think of examples of racism today, whether from the news or from your own life?
THINK, PAIR, SHARE What can the novel tell us about facing racism today?
THINK, PAIR, SHARE Is To Kill a Mockingbird a racist novel? Why does it portray African-Americans the way it does?
THINK, PAIR, SHARE Is Scout the hero of the novel? Is Atticus? Are there any heroes?
THINK, PAIR, SHARE How do gender and race intersect in the novel? In other words, how much of Mayella's treatment is due not just to her being a white person accusing an African-American of a crime, but a white woman accusing an African-American man of rape? Would the novel sound different if Scout were
THINK, PAIR, SHARE What is Einstein’s Theory of Relativity? is a first order knowledge question. Is imagination a key way of knowing in providing us with knowledge about the universe?
THINK, PAIR, SHARE Should speculation be a part of the scientific process? Why, or why not?
THINK, PAIR, SHARE To what extent can we act individually in creating new knowledge? Explain.
THINK, PAIR, SHARE Does knowledge come from inside or outside? Do we construct reality or do we recognize it?
THINK, PAIR, SHARE THINK, PAIR, SHARE Does labeling and stereotyping influence how we look at and understand the world?
THINK, PAIR, SHARE What are the consequences of prejudice and injustice, and how does an individual’s response to them reveal his/hers true character?
THINK, PAIR, SHARE How can we break through barriers of prejudice to promote tolerance?
THINK, PAIR, SHARE THINK, PAIR, SHARE When is it appropriate to challenge the beliefs or values of society?
THINK, PAIR, SHARE THINK, PAIR, SHARE How do beliefs, ethics and values influence different people’s behaviors?
THINK, PAIR, SHARE “Reason is itself a matter of faith. It is an act of faith to assert that our thoughts have any relation to reality at all.” (G.K. Chesterton)
THINK, PAIR, SHARE “As for me, all I know is that I know nothing” (Socrates)
THINK, PAIR, SHARE “Man is an animal suspended in webs of significance he himself has spun” (Clifford Geertz)
THINK, PAIR, SHARE “What men really want is not knowledge but certainty.” (Bertrand Russell)
THINK, PAIR, SHARE “The greatest obstacle to progress is not the absence of knowledge but the illusion of knowledge.” (Daniel Boorstein)
THINK, PAIR, SHARE Grade 11 What characteristic does a tragic hero always have? Tell what might be a tragic flaw in your own character.
THINK, PAIR, SHARE What will we never be able to program a computer to do? Explain.
THINK, PAIR, SHARE Grade 11 Tell about someone you consider heroic. Explain.
ELA - Function & Form PLOT Since the main idea is a supporting event might be . CHARACTER Both and could be classified as . SETTING I have a connection here. I imagine . Even though I’ve never visited ,I think it might be similar to. THEME I think the author wants us to understand . I want to find out and how might it be shown.
BLUE - # 1 GREEN # 2 YELLOW # 3 RED # 4 Sentence strip # 1 – Identify new ideas / make new plans Function and forms I learned that , so now I think . I still need to know–find out . Sentence strip # 2 – Compare and Contrast Function and forms They both have , but has . (A) is -er than a . is , but is . They are both . Sentence strip # 3 – Distinguish fact & opinion Function and forms My idea is that is going to . I think because . Sentence strip # 4 – Form Ideas Function and forms I think because . This is a(n) because we can/cannot prove .
sentence strip # 1 – Identify new ideas / make new plans Function and forms I learned that , so now I think . I still need to know–find out .
Sentence strip # 2 – Compare and Contrast Function and forms They both have but has . A is -er than . is , but Is They are both .
sentence strip # 3 – Distinguish fact & opinion Function and forms My idea is that is going to . I think because .
sentence strip # 4 – Form Ideas Function and forms I think because This is a(n) because we can/cannot prove .